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Everything posted by rbtmatrix

  1. minor change needed, speak to administrator Luzzinni at level 10 to begin hull upgrade mission. he is in the lounge on guiana spaceport, equatorial earth
  2. I had asked this question way back when I was on the EnB Beta for Westwood and it was explained to me as follows from the Beta Support staff: "You Vault is a section of your ships hold that is not readily available, that is why it is only accessible in station, and is not unique to each station. Your Hold is your easy access storage, and as such anything you want to work with must be there. We want it to feel as though the station equipment cannot move items from your vault easy enough for you to be able to work from your vault."
  3. I was returning to the game after a long hiatus, and decided to start my TE over. In doing so, I noticed a problem with the mobs in Luna... have not left there yet so IDK about other zones, I am posting this here because its not really a bug. I searched as well as I could without actually reading every thread to try to find a similar topic and failed, so here it is. I just think that there should be some defining details about mobs. I am pretty sure that any target-able object can be given various target icons, either Grey for set location (like nav beacons and quest npc ships, etc.) Green for friendly, yellow for non-hostile, and red for hostile. Any mob that will attack you on detection should have a red icon, and any mob that will wait for you to attack before it will attack you should be yellow. I am pretty sure I recall there being yellow icon mobs back in them good ol' days, and that is also the standard with almost every MMO I have played (there are a few that color code off of difficulty to kill). pretty simple, don't shoot at green, red is aggressive and will try to kill you, and yellow won't attack unless provoked (neutral)
  4. you may want to re-download and re-install the net-7 launcher. There is no longer support for the single player mode. I just got it working on my netbook-mini, all I did was Install EnB, run the manual patcher, and install net-7 in that order. I had to wait about 2 hours for net-7 to patch up to current, after that it works great.
  5. Honestly, it would not be that hard... It would be less work to say make all characters on an account share the same vault, than it would be to create an "account vault". Size would not matter as to the difficulty of creating an account vault, just how much space on the server each account vault holds. A mail system wouldn't really be that complicated, re-purpose the net7 news terminals in game to serve as a mailbox, a few dozen lines of code for the mailing system, most of that can be copied from the trading system. Create an "inbox" area that is part of each characters server-side data. The server overhead would be minimal, no more than if there were the same number of trades taking place. Depending on the limit to the number items per mail, and the limit (if any) of mail that can be held in each players inbox however, it could cause a noticeable increase of space used on the server to store character data... I doubt that adding either OR both systems would effect the community aspect of the game, just decrease the amount of time needed to get something made. Honestly its more about the convenience than the self reliance.
  6. By evening out the cargo space to be "more equal" it would lessen the advantage that a tradesman has over non-tradesman classes when it comes to running trade routes. I do agree that the Terran Tradesman should have a bigger cargo hold than the Jenquai Seeker and the Progen Privateer, since they are a pure tradesman class not a hybrid class. I don't think that that the seeker or privateer holds should be shrunk, it would be less work to just add a few more slots to the TT hold.
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