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Everything posted by vampirebat

  1. most bosses in live were first come first serve. that's true however toward the end they were moving away from the open boss free for all. that intention on their part is made apparent with the fishbowl and the zeke's machine events. i don't think all bosses/events should be privatized cause wheres the fun in that but the fishbowl for example was instance based only those at the entrance when the person with the device talked to ole booney were teleported into the instance (thus giving the raid leader some control over who gets in and who doesn't)and you could have multiple fishbowls going on in different instances at the same time. granted this is an emulator and it has limitations. not all raid encounters added late in the game were privatized but clearly they did try to give guilds/raids a chance to have some fun without outsider interference. from my own personal perspective as someone who helped lead countless public raids on peggy(we used an open auction/public raid system for for gate/controller/general and occasionally fishbowls...RD base was generally rotated among the larger guilds on the server)it just worked...some guilds may have whined that they didn't get to do these raids as a guild but they were all welcome to join and bid same as everyone else and if you got outbid so what you got paid to be there helping and the next time you came back with more credits and bid for it again and again til you won. everyone was welcome and we all got something out of it be it loot or credits and more importantly we had fun but im straying away from my point my point being that numerous guilds on peggy at least wanted to do some raids alone...just as a guild and they were giving that opportunity once the fishbowl came along and tho the servers probably cant handle that at this point in live it was instanced so because it isn't possible to make it how it was in live some form of informal queuing system between guilds would be a good idea imo to save on drama. no one likes to feel left out so share...who knows next time you may be the one feeling left out huh?
  2. you add that line to the end of the description in the starship creator then make your char in the starship creator program and save it then the next time you login to the actual emulator it should load your newly created char from the starship creator program at no point will you see the new classes in the char creation screen in the emu it has to be done through the creator program. also ...this may or may not still be true but slot 1 on your character select in the game used to have to be opened cause that was where it loaded your created char at. that may or may not still be the case i have not tried it.
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