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Posts posted by Cosmo3

  1. [quote name='Stanig' timestamp='1355436624' post='68999']
    I think i crossed over two things here. I saw two questions in the OP. Should the jobs be toned down? Yes I believe so. Why? Because new stuff has been added in place of where it used to be only jobs.

    Im not saying one over the other, but realistically jobs in and of themselves have been needing balanced for a long time, and I gave one example of how theres stuff to replace any loss that may come with the loss of the one method everyone grew to use.

    I dunno, alternatives are good I guess? I dont know the plans exactly for the jobs system. I do know that for the live purists out there, they would recognize that this version here in the EMU is giving both far too much experience, and far too many jobs per cycle compared to 10 years ago.

    The only thing I would question is why compare anything to 10 years ago. The Devs have decided to change many things from live, some I think for the good, IMO some not for the good.

    As far as nerfing the Jobs I don't understand why, if you nerf the jobs to the point no one does them, they will just go to the next thing where they can level the quickest. Do we nerf everything to the point the game is work and not fun? I believe anything that is done needs to be looked at long and hard.
    • Upvote 1
  2. [quote name='Stanig' timestamp='1355261416' post='68785']
    Server maintenance happens every Tuesday at this time. It is scheduled. Server should be restarting shortly.

    Also the issue with the login credentials is known and being worked on. Its a permissions issue. Just hit cancel on that popup box and log in normally once the server is back up.

    Thats all well and good logging in but this issue is also keeping us from using the data base.
  3. [quote name='Zackman' timestamp='1354834111' post='68203']
    All you get from this kind of postings directed to the ones making this game happening for you is alienating them from the forums - and you guys complaining about staff not very talktive anymore?

    From now on i wont post here anymore - since i can live with it (can you?).
    Have a nice day.

    I was waiting on this, there are many posts saying the same things and giving ideas and some that thank the Devs for the hard work. One of those by myself, but when you disagree you get an attitude and a threat. Yes, you guys work hard as all of us has acknowledged many, many times. Just because some here disagree with the direction the game is going doesn't mean you are being personally attacked. WE, have asked in this thread for some of this to be looked at in a nice way. The response we get is, no response, nothing has changed. I spend many hours on this game, and yes some of the mobs have changed. You have a nice day also.
  4. [quote name='Zackman' timestamp='1354822179' post='68194']
    This thread has nothing to do with mob linkage (like said, code has not changed) but with [b]mob scan.[/b]

    We are all not used anymore to have high sigs again because we all had our sig reducers from our uber gear before live (my PW was 1.2K, now i am 3.6K) - plus before live we didnt care since we simply killed all and everything bothering us.

    We check mob scan ranges soon™.

    Very sad when the Devs are completely out of touch with whats going on in the game. This was also an issue discussed before this so called live we are in.
  5. I have to say, I have loved this game since Westwood Beta and quit WOW to come back. This is the most fun game by a long way I have ever played. I acknowledge the wonderful job the Devs have done bringing it back and their hard work. This being said I have never been as flustered with the game as I am now. What has been done with the mobs is crazy, JS healers want last long because of their Lv8 shields. Warriors can't hold aggro on some mobs, never ending shield inversion for some mobs that doesn't affect their shields like it does ours, overwhelmed by mobs 4 Lvs below you even with a healer. Sig means nothing, kiting is gone because mobs are faster and tethered, PWs get swamped.

    It makes me wonder how much the Dev over these decisions played the game in original live at a high Lv and if he played all the classes and understands why something like sig and all mobs calling for help wasn't like that in original live. I am addicted to this game and love it but am very discussed at this point. All I ask is the Devs try some of these mobs themselves and listen to your player base. I am not asking for easy mode, but I am asking for common sense mode.

    Keep in mind some players for real life reason either can't alway group or just plain don't like to, everyone does not like to group.
    • Upvote 2
  6. [quote name='Terrell' timestamp='1354337717' post='67583']
    I agree somewhat. If in future equipment, more manufacturable A,B,C parts are required, that will increase the demand for ores. I like that there's an NPC according to the Net-7 reporter, that takes valuable ores as turn ins. That's good IMO, in the future more of such things will be good too, for miners to have work, and be rewarded for doing so. Looking forward to the MCP when it becomes needed. That was a nice thing for miners, though some new MCP rewards will need to be made, so Terran Scouts can get rewards designed for them, the way the other 2 explorers do.

    A NPC that takes ores similar to the quartermaster may be helpful too, especially if the NPC gives explorers more than they'd get for vendoring the ores. The Traders could then buy from whatever this new NPC has in stock. Warriors might take advantage of this too, if they think it can save them a few credits, relative to paying the trader for ores the trader purched from an explorer.

    I remember from original live that there was talk of the Devs adding an ore vendor where miners could sell ores. Then the builders or warriors could buy only what was in stock from the miners selling to the vendor. IMO this would be a great addition to the game and add to the game in a good way.
    • Upvote 1
  7. [quote name='Stanig' timestamp='1353597670' post='66865']
    Eh its an old claim someone made related to this issue, i remember another thread about it. Basically people were saying that if you had a zero sig mobs didnt even aggro you unless you shot them. Gonna be honest thats what it sounds like people are calling for, and I think its a bit off.

    The thing that gets me, is that i played progen all through live, and i dont remember there NOT being a time I didnt get swarmed, even with zekes installed. It was just a way of life. You ended up being a kite progen with a deadly breeze or something, and backing up while the whole bloody spawn chased you across the sector, killing them one at a time, until finally they would close the gap. By then though, you usually had enough killed to sit and tank out the rest.

    My main concern, and this is straight up, because i KNOW this is all about jenquai here, is that terrans and progen are going to end up exploiting the same mechanic, multibox buffing themselves into zero point nothing sig range and sitting just off a spawn point, shooting mobs one at a time, farming.

    Thats just the reality of what will happen. I wonder how anyone can deny that is exactly what people will do, figure out the perfect range to sit on a te or pw and just pow pow because the mobs cant see them and dont get help.

    You are wrong about the 0 sig and not being seen, you are forgetting the mechanics of signature. All, have base scan ranges, lets say 3.5K. Anything with a 0 sig can be seen within the base scan range, If you lower your sig to - which could be done by jens you could take away from the mobs base scan and instead of him seeing you at 3,5 K at 0 sig maybe it would be 2.6 K he could see you with -.9 sig. This is the way the Jens fought, you have low sig where you didnt get overwhelmed by other mobs in the area.

    Also it is my understanding that sound cannot travel in Outer Space, just how are Organic mobs communicating, their built in Radios? Guns make no noise in space so it has to be sight. I understand not making the game too easy, I dont think anyone is calling for that. Myself I just want game mechanics to work properly. There is a reason in EnB live sig meant something, you take away low sigs and cloak from Jens you kill the class. You take away kite form Terrans you kill the class. You overwhelm Progens with never ending mobs you may as well kill that class also.

    Make the mobs harder to kill and do more damage but dont just swamp the players with never ending mobs. As long as we are evolving give the races credit for developing tactics to kill these mobs. Lowering Sig and kiting away from the group is one of these tactics. All players play different, for those that just warp in and have a high sig let them pay the price. For those that want to take advantage of game tactics while flying solo, they should be rewarded.
    • Upvote 1
  8. [quote name='Stanig' timestamp='1353526193' post='66760']
    Alright im going to be very frank and honest here.

    1. If you cant solo a spawn, get help from another player. Doesnt matter your profession, perception of what you should be able to do for yourself, or any other factor.

    2. This is going to make even the most intendedly difficult mobs in the game (voltoi, tengu, etc) essentially weaklings because they will always be able to be isolated. THIS SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE WITH LEVEL 50+ MOBS. These are intelligent thinking beings that are not just roving drones able to be tricked into ambush time after time. Maybe we should shut their weapons off while we are at it?

    3. When the game is too easy and you complain later that theres nothing challenging, I will refer to this thread.

    I didn't realize this was a pissing match. As far as the mobs reactions, we have been told we want it like EnB LIve, the question is do you want it that way or not. AS I have pointed out the mobs being linked to the point they are now takes away an important game strategy as well as equipment. If this is your intent you have seceded.
  9. [quote name='Stanig' timestamp='1353467252' post='66689']
    My personal perspective would be that the mobs are acting as if they were grouped, in other words the mobs got smart and run as a group. Shoot one member of their group, and just like a player group they all target the one guy shooting them. Which to me makes logical sense.

    It never made logical sense for one mob being pulled away and not screaming for help from his buddies 10k away while being slaughtered. But thats just my take.

    My take on that behavior is that you kill Sig in a combat situation, may as well do away with many of the items in the game that lowers sig. Also may as well throw away the Coma as the other mobs are going to kill you anyway. A low sig means the other mobs cant see you, thus they don't know where you are to attack you. This is just my view.
  10. I understand the concept of linked mobs and it is true some were linked in original live. It was also a tactic in original live to lower your sig, pick out a mob member and kite him away from the mobs so you don't get overwhelmed. I see what I think is way too many of the normal mobs linked and when you shoot one you agro the bunch. To me that takes away from the importance of your sig which is a game tactic. It makes a low sig all but unless in a combat situation.

    If mobs were very close to each other in live you sometimes got 2 but getting the whole bunch was rare. Of course there were a few exceptions to this. While on the subject of mobs, I see way more common mobs now than in original live with special abilities. Is this the intent of the DEVs to do this to make the game harder and not so much like original live? I only asked this because of the often expressed view of the DEVs, "We are going to make the game like live". If they don't want to follow live that is ok, in some instances I understand it may make the game better or may not be able to make just like live.

    Thanks for any input and others views on these topics.
  11. There is an upside to building for free. I will use myself as an example knowing others do the same thing. I feed maps, ores, and comps to the builders plus tips on builds. The builders also get stuff given to them when they ask because they are good dudes and people don't mind helping them. People like Vaden also provide a great service to the game. Not many people are content hanging around a base and building for people. That is what he enjoys doing in the game. I see nothing wrong with it and would rather it be that way as some of the builders in live.

    I knew a couple of builders in live that would keep any high end builds like archos at 200% and give these to guildies only giving the lower ones to those other people. Greed was bad in live, we have a small, helpful community. I would hate to see that change.
  12. [quote name='Iacobus' timestamp='1340896334' post='59737']
    Are you sure you ran enbconfig.exe in administrator mode?

    You da man, that was it. Thats why I posted it so someone smarter than myself could help. TYVM for the input.
  13. Something strange happened, I logged off a couple of nights ago to start game in windowed mode to make a trade with an alt. I could not log back on and kept getting an error message. After trying all I knew to try I completely wiped the game off my computer and following directions did another install. Now, even though I have the net7 config set for 1920x1080 (I have a 24 in monitor), the biggest play screen I can get is appox 5 in by 7 in. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
  14. [quote name='Terrell' timestamp='1325652658' post='50884']
    Coma device is a Jenquai only device that blinds the scanners of the enemy reducing his scan range. This effectively reduces the mob's weapon range as well, since mobs cannot shoot what they cannot see.

    By getting our sig as low as possible, and debuffing the mob's scan range, we can be closer to the mob before he can fire back. This is why any high sig engines for Jenquai are not used by experienced players of the race for combat or mining, it's counterproductive to a strategy based on stealth to use high sig engines. It's why the Solar Sail engines are popular and why even the JT can be happy with an SS8.

    The Coma is used in combat to make it harder for the mob to return fire. The debuff will aggro the mob, so one will use the device against a mob that you intend to fight. Of course you could also use it to escape, if you're not a JE with instawarp,

    You are correct in your description and the need for the Coma device for Jens. It was an important device in live. Until they quit linking so many Mobs the sig of ships mean nothing. In live with a low sig you could attack and kill Mobs in a group without agroing everyone of them. The need for a low sig is reduced to almost no meaning with these linked mobs.
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