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Former Advocates [Fmr. ADV]
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Posts posted by Brnai50

  1. Glitch, the server has been offline most of the day, the dev's/gm's are doing what they can to get it back up & running. If you go here: [url="http://Net-7.org"]http://Net-7.org[/url] there is a status icon on the top right to let us know the status of the server. & welcome to Enb, (at least when they get the gerbils woke up, lol)
  2. Wb Lann, good to see ya :) I agree, it would be great to see who has the most recipes, & who has built the most stuff. I'd prob be way down on the list, but would be cool to see how I compare to the uber builders :)
  3. It is my understanding that our player advocate has not attended any Dev meetings to date. If that is the case, our advocate is severely lacking in their responsibilites to us, as players. There is only so much that can be hashed out in forum posts; & there needs to be closer communication between all concerned.

    If this is the case, that our advocate wont/cant attend dev meetings, I beleive a recall is in order, & a re-election to get someone in the position that can/will attend & represent us, the players and our concerns/problems/suggestions, etc.
  4. I've noticed that our player advocate Traint, seems to be mia; havent seen him on at all for a while, or if he is; he hasnt been very vocal in the chat channels. I certainly hope he's ok, & all is well.

    But, the point of having an advocate, I believe, is having someone that can be on, so the players can communicate directly their concerns, problems, issues, suggestions, etc. If Traint is able to be on; then I feel he should be more outgoing in his contact with the player community.

    If for whatever reason Traint is unable to fulfil the duties assigned to him; then maybe its time to consider replacing him.
    We need someone who will be there for us.
  5. This happens to me quite frequently; usually if I've logged out accts & logged in other accts frequently to change characters. The only workaround I know of that works reliably is to (uggh) uninstall the Net-7 launcher completely & re-install (without patching the game client itself). Yes, it takes a few mins to patch, but gets me back in the game. Thats the only way I've been able to do it. Some have reccommended changing to another acct, but that doesnt work for me. That account ctd's as well. Only uninstall/reinstall works for me.

    I hope we can find another fix :)
  6. Quote Incidious/Cabot: "Looks to me like Incidious seems to be the best candidate. one wants power and the rest are unemployed. How can they support E n B if they can't support themselves ? LOL "

    I have to say this is one of the most insensitive, apalling, <insert expletive here> stupidest remarks I have ever had the misfortune to ever read in ANY forum in ANY game. Dude... what WERE you thinking??
    And, attempting to rig the election to boot.

    Unbelievable, to put it mildly.
    Go crawl back under your rock.
  7. [quote name='teal' timestamp='1322184173' post='48880']
    my game will not load a character after i log from that character for the first time

    Ok, to try to clarify what is happening, let me recap & see if this is what's going on.

    1) You can log in just fine, it accepts your username/password.
    2) You can get to the character selection screen, where you can choose a character, and log into the game normally.
    3) You can play that character just fine.
    4) You log that character out, & go to the character selection screen.
    5) You choose another character to play, or try to use the same character & try to enter the game; & this is where things go haywire?

    If so, what exactly happens? Does the game hang up & not do anything for an extended period of time? Does the game exit & crash to desktop?

    Please give us any and all information on exactly what is happening, when does it happen, & what you were doing when it happened.

    The more detail you can give, the easier it will be to help find a solution.

  8. Hello Teal,

    Welcome to Earth And Beyond :)
    I as well as a lot of other people in game will help you with any questions you might have, my name in game is some variations of Peakahboo, please contact me if I can be of any help at all, no question too big or too small. Send me a private message if you like, or ask for me in New Player channel.
    Also, you will find this is one of the best communties of any MMO out there, everyone will help you to the best of their abilites, please dont hesitate to ask anything about Enb :)

  9. I started a new JE, went thru creation, took all the default selections (was in a hurry for a test char).
    I didnt notice it didnt choose any decals at all. When I entered a name, got a message I had chosen a restricted decal; & kicked to desktop.

    This happpened 3 times in a row until I chose a decal(at random) & buisness as usual.

  10. These are a couple overview maps of the EnB galaxy I found somwhere. They aren't exactly up to date, but will give a general idea on where to go from what sector to reach another sector and orient you.

    Hope they help :D
  11. Not sure if its working correctly or not, but here goes. When I dock with afterburner on then undock, afterburner isnt on. But when I trigger it, it says its turning afterburner off, then I have to wait 30 seconds to turn it back on. After that, it seems to work correctly until I dock again.
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