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Posts posted by alurra

  1. What are you talking about Uban? We did the Troller, and got interfered with when we were killing the Troller by VGE and BI both, then we triggered gobb and both bi and vge showed up again. We gave up when we could no longer keep steady connections as we all got multiple server connection losses. How did we become the griefers here exactly? And I am talking this specific instance.


    I am not crying, nor am I complaining. Simply asking you to state for me the reasons for your particular conclusion that somehow, Static and it's leadership is at fault for the incidents today?

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  2. I don’t usually have too much to post about on these forums, so very rarely will you see my input on various game mechanics. I am a member of Static, and quite proud to be included with them.


    Today, May 6th, my guild put together two groups for the Controller spawn. We sat at the activator for roughly 15 minutes while getting the proper mix of toons in the groups. In that entire time, nobody, save a small unguilded J’nai were within 50k of the spawn point.


    We began our raid, and completed the first two spawns and were working on the Troller himself when a mass of BI and VGE players showed up and began to summon away the Troller as well as fire and interfere with our raid. Now, I am not going to name names, you all know who you are, but I must say that I was very disappointed to see such blatant breaking of the rules. Not only did you folks interfere on a raid, you blatantly greifed those of us who were participating in a raid that we activated.


    I know most of you are terribly upset by the fact that we left the rotation, however, we also stated that if we see that someone else has massed and activated a raid, we will NOT interfere with said raid and we will wait until it spawns again. I am quite sad to note that the other players on this server don’t follow the same basic rules of etiquette. 


    I don’t know what will happen to these players who were involved. I do however believe that something should be done about this. Our disagreement about how the raids should be done, ie FFA or rotational days should not be a catalyst for other players to put on their “Ass” hats and proceed to prove how truly low they can skulk.


    I am really very disappointed with the player base of these two guilds right now. Healthy competition is one thing, outright trying to steal something from someone else makes you look low and dirty. Sadly, I see a lot of you through very dirty lenses now. That is all I have to say about the situation.



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  3. We are reading a posting about mining a level 8/9 field with a pretty unbalanced toon (CL 16) and the complaint about too high mobs in that field, is that right?

    I can understand putting field guardians in. I am a miner, and I do understand the reasoning, however, what I don't like is Zack implying that in order to play the game 'properly' your mining toon MUST be balanced or it will suffer the consequences. I like to mine my tail end off and gain my experience that way. If I happen to end up lvl 100+ with EL/TL of 50 each, isn't that MY choice?


    I guess my point is, the unbalanced remark is not a good way to helping the community at large understand why/what you are trying to achieve here. It just sounds snarky and 'holier than thou'.


    That is all I have to say about it.

  4. I have been trying to do this flippin mission from Menorb for 4 days now with NO answers. I killed the mob to aquire the crystalline schematic. I took said loot to Cobus the Clown, who is situated in the lounge in Andorazi. He got very excited about it and told me that I should take it 'near' the warder. I know the warder is in Arduinne, so I took this item to Arduinne planet and went directly to the warder nav and spoke with the temple interface who promptly set me up with "Speak with the Warder" mission. That would all be fantastic if it would ALSO get me started on the mission I went there for. There is no mission log, I have travelled back and forth and around and around and there is NOTHING. I sent in a petition. I was answered with "Speak with Stephanie Baird with object in your hold and it will fix your problem, have a nice day" and ticket closed. Only problem is, that did NOT fix the problem and I've asked in guild/new players chat and every other channel in game. 484 players online and I'm the only special person to even attempt this mission since live, or so it would seem by the lack of responses. SO has ANYONE ANYONE AT ALL done this freakin mission since the onset of live. IF YOU HAVE what am I missing here?


    On another note, does ANYONE know what the name of this mission actually is? Since keyword searches for "menorb" "crystalline schematic" "cobus" "clown" and several other choice search words bring up 1 post about how someone once completed the mission in beta (just like I did) and was upset they couldn't do anything with the beam. Not helpful.

  5. The Leap Year corrects a slight inaccuracy in the Gregorian Calendar. (There is NO need for the concept of a Leap Year in the Mayan Calendrical System so do not ask if the Mayan Calendar takes into account Leap Years - the question is not valid but YES is pretty close to being right.). The Mayan Calendar is slightly more accurate than our Gregorian Calendar. The accepted definition of a solar tropical year is approximately 365.2422 days. The Gregorian Calendar year has an average length of approximately 365.2425 days. The Mayan Calendar year has an average length of approximately 365.2420 days.The variation for the Gregorian calendar is .0003. The variation for the Mayan Calendar is .0002. Small numbers until you start working with periods of time greater than 100,000 years or so, which is what the long count (Mayan) is doing.


    All of this information is at the fingertips of anyone who wishes to look for it. :ph34r:  As far as apocolyptic behaviours from individuals, I sure hope they've peeked out of their caves long enough to realize that we are all still here. :D

  6. Does anyone know how much longer Mary will be around? Is she due to be 'phased' out before New Years? Does anyone know? I still have 3 lvl0 chars to get to lvl 10 so I can get the mission done. I have had to do 5 others very quickly (wasn't planning on playing them until I had the one to 150) and completed the mission. I worry I will start only to find out she is gone before I complete. Anyone?

  7. I guess I should let everyone know what is going on at this point. So I tried all the above steps, and NOTHING worked. So I did a fresh install of all the software, including the OS. It needed it anyhow, so no loss there. I started immediately having issues with getting the launcher updated. If I turned off my virus protection, it went through a 'mock' update, but didn't actaully update anything based on what the logs said, and I was unable to log in, kept getting the INV-300 error.  This is where It gets interesting ...


    I decided to try one of the fixes that CDel has pinned to fix this issue, only this time, I deleted the certificate via Karus instructions above, then I manually went into the Net7/bin folder and deleted any certificates that were present there. I d/l the certificate from the link that CDel provides in his instructions and open and install per instructions then click to open Net7 launcher again.


    Well, that apparently did SOMETHING because it immediately launched into an update, with no hash error messages (antivirus and all protection programs up and protecting), went through just fine and then allowed me to log into the game with no INV-300 error.


    If anyone else is having these same difficulties, go ahead and give what I did a shot. :D

  8. I am trying to install the game on my older xp machine. I was having a lot of trouble getting the N7 client to update, but after getting around that, i can not log in. Every time I try with this machine I get the INV- 300 error. I tried the fixes listed here, neither worked. I can get into the game just fine on any of my accounts via my Win7 machines. I know it has to be something simple that I am overlooking, but after 2 days of trying, i'm simply exhausted from trying so I will hope to get an answer here.


    PLEASE, what the heck am I missing here? No, there is no UAC on a Win XP machine.

  9. I am just curious, I don't do PvP, it's not my style. But why would you not get quality loss or XP debt from PvP? What would be the 'danger' of playing that or even the 'fun factor' in that if you know that even if you loose, it won't affect you adversely? I would think if you were going to take the chance of going toe to toe with another player it should affect you the same way it would affect you if you go toe to toe with something in the environment. If I take my JE into the fishbowl or into BBW, I know I run the risk of dying and loosing quality as well as gaining debt, shouldn't it be the same if I take the risk to go PvP?

    Again, I'm just curious why all the statements about no losses no debts.
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