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Posts posted by bondct

  1. while I know the forums hate afk macro miners... there was one good part about them during live... cheap as hell ores :rolleyes: real miners always wanted top credits for their ores (rather they wanted to gouge the hell outta you)... while the macro people were just happy to unload it without having to vendor... would usually get a lot of free ores tossed in with the ones I bought ...

  2. The devs can fix this, however. All asteroids have 3 states: full (looks normal), partially emptied (ore will look weakened in some way; crystals get thinner and smaller, gas gets thinner, hydrocarbons have less color, etc.), and depleted ('roid explodes and despawns). If 'roids are set so that it goes from the "full" to the "partially emptied" state as soon as ANY of its contents are removed, no matter which or how few are taken, then this would provide following miners with a first-glance indicator that a cherrypicker's already been through, and he could either move on or wait for respawns.

    I dont recall ever reading this idea or if its possible... but I really like it :D

  3. as previously posted... in live there were more mobs and you had to clear the edges of the fields to get to the good mobs or sneak in very carefully (and terrans are not known for the lowest sig either)... and try and pluck out mobs one at a time and since there were more mobs... they called for help more often...

    actually, a good example of what kiting was like in live exsists in earth sector at the infiniti corp or getco campus... try solo kiting those at L6 and pull the L10's when they pop... and that is what is was like say in antares or other high level spots were like at cl50...

    plus mobs had more health, your weapons were less powerful and theirs more powerful... so it was critical not to start getting hit... where now its not so much an issue...

    that is why I say leave the terrans and kiting alone... cuz the player end of that equation is not where the problem is... its the npc part and that will get fixed in time.... mobs will get smarter, become more powerful and plentiful as the devs can get them in game...

  4. I find it amusing that almost all of the responses are from non terrans... kiting is the terrans bread and butter it was fun and it was the style of combat that you chose as the one you liked over the other 2... not saying better or worse... but the one you liked...

    now it is nerfed and needs to go back to the way it was in live imho... and dont think that kiting was a walk in the park either like any other skill (beams, projectiles) there was a method to it and if you broke from that or were not careful you were dead...

    imho from what I can see, the reason kiting was nerfed here and the cause of concern over it is due to the fact that the devs are not finished with the game... mob ai is not what it should be, players are op, and world physics are still a little off... so this makes kiting seem op and has the jenpies and progpies screaming for the nerf bat... where in actuality if people would just relax... you would see that over time kiting will become less effective as the game comes into its own...

    so puhlez give us terrans a break...

  5. so in other words you are asking if there is a way that you can get the launcher to haxor your companies firewall so you can play at work B)

    I feel your pain... but alas most of us working at large companies have to live with the sad fact that corporate america has no sense of humor when it comes to farming L9 ores on their time

  6. I propose that if it IS possible, it be made impossible, simply because a PW is the most warrior of the warrior classes and JE is the most explorer of the explorer classes. They only situation where a JE should beat PW is if JE is more skilled/better informed about gear, in which case it should be an easy win for anybody.

    And I agree about the PS comment; the see cloak + 11-12 k scan range makes it impossible for most jenquai to beat a competent PS as well. Now this is all one on one.

    I propose this match instead:

    A group of JD/JE/JS versus a group of PW/PS/PP, equally skilled, and assuming they have access to all the best gear. Might be more interest . and lets say that compulsory contemplation is working as well, though i think its a decent match up even without.

    if I am not mistaken this ability you ask for is coming out in the same patch that the TS gets build reactor B)

  7. I tried playing your emulator a few months back or more and this same thing happened. Every time I turn on my computer I get missing c:\users\(user)\AppData\Local\KBuinv.dll

    This time i went to the folder and right clicked to delete and my virus warning reported it as a trojan.

    On a side note I am also having trouble with the launcher i follow the fixes and when i right click run as administrator the program starts normal but then hangs and says not responding for a few minutes, then it will load after a bit. Then i force updates and it will hang after the last update with just a bit left for a min or two then i can hit play.

    Thank you for the work you guys are doing its great to see the world.

    this is a long shot... but tryt this...


    in any event... it cant hurt your system...

  8. Problem solved, windows firewall causes the problem. Net7 properly updated, and I logged into the game for the first time. It looks good. You can lock the thread. Thanks again for the assists.


    hi... just an fyi... the only way that windows firewall could cause you not to get into enb is if you have it configured wrong... either on accident or on purpose... my suggestion is to go into windows firewall and reset it back to the default settings (there is a button for that) and see if you can get into enb...

    if you cant then you have a computer problem that goes deeper than windows firewall that you should research :D just some friendly advice

  9. when the TS can build reactors we can apply your logic... well i mean... there are 3 other classes in the game that build reactors... so why not let the TS build reactors too...

    this solves a bunch of problems... cuz now we dont have to worry about the TS needing to use the PitMechBox for one... and one less class building useless engines... its actually very exciting... I say lets do it :)

  10. Saw this on a thread:

    I'm probably missing the joke or something, or reading out of context? I'm blonde, so please don't be too hard. =)

    It runs on iPad? How?

    Cuz..that would be freaking awesome. =)

    sorry that was me... and I was kinda kidding being sarcastic... when people bitch about their system, I remind them that from a processor memory perspective that things like cell phones have more processing power, memory, storage, and video than the average pc used when enb was live :D

    the on the box specs call for something like 500mhz proc with 128mb ram and 32mb of video ram... if u c what I mean...

    as for ipad if you wanted to void your warranty you could run it... but only plugged in... enb would crush your battery...

  11. in thew net7 folder which should be in your root directory there is a file called Net7-Version.txt check what version it shows before you login and then after you finally get in game check it again when you logout... I would be curious to see what that says...

  12. just a suggestion... but win7 keeps char creator files in a different spot... goto your program data/westwood/charactercreator folder and delete any avatar files that have a file size of 0. You may have to remake the toons in char creator though...

    then once you make your toons in char creator the avatar files should have a file size of around 1... back those up... cuz each time you want to resuse them you may need to copy a fresh one back into that folder

  13. you dont have to run msconfig to turn off aero

    on win7 just right click on the desktop and left click onpersonalize

    all available themes will show up grouped by type... the first type is aero themes... it even says aero... just select a them from a lower group...

    its been awhile since I had vista... but I dont remember having to goto msconfig to turn off aero there either... so I give ehow a F-ail on that one

    here is how you do it on a per game basis


    here is the vista way to do it


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