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Posts posted by Suricata79

  1. We kind of have this internally with the ticket system (which you can access ingame). I'm not sure if it would work on the forums though, as it is just adding more workload onto the dev team. Just my initial thoughts on it :-)

  2. I know Tienbau mentioned a possable issue with the 'nearest nav' code which is used for interacting with navs (the same code that causes issues with the JE cloak mission). Perhaps that could be causing issues with interacting with this mission NPC as well?

    On the bright side, that bug is been looked into right now :-)

  3. VT jobs take you to Muspelhiem, Margesi jobs take you to Freya, both are easy to do in 5 minutes (assuming you use a Breton and Krakon). Like I said, the numbers are in an ideal situation where no one else is on the terminal you are using, which does happen at certain times of the day.

    At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how far away jobs take you, or how many you can take, or how often you can take them, its all about the rate at which you gain XP, some of thoes things still need tweaking and some of them been tweaked have more desirable effects than others, for example, players been able to take less jobs means more jobs at the terminals for other players, thus less terminal camping. (Not saying anything is getting changed, this is just my opinion on the matter and I don't pretend to represent the other developers on this matter).

  4. Okie Dokie, lets take the lvl 75 jobs, I can do them in about 5 minutes, they give 3750 Explore and 2250 Trade. So thats 6000 per job, of which you can currently take 10, So each run is 60,000xp. with each run taking 5 minutes (and 5 back) thats 360000xp per hour, and for JE's doing the VT jobs, 720000xp an hour. You can do these from lvl 60 all the way upto lvl 150 (with the lvl 105 and 135 jobs giving even more XP). This assumes ideal conditions in regards to their been jobs at the terminal, which you can get if the server is quiet. The original design documents assumed players would earn XP at an average of about 32000XP an hour, thus why I said players are lvling about 10x faster.

    Combat XP is still very similar to live, so this is actually slowing people down a little bit, although with spillover at 50% now (it was incorrectly set to 80% before) players can still level combat up faster by doing jobs and trade runs. Lets say we have an OL 100 (TL 50, EL50) doinglvl 75 TL and EL jobs, they would earn 60000 every 10 minutes (2 times that if they have a JE WH'ing them doing VT jobs), with only 30000 of that spilling over into CL. This would equte to a player killing 1 mob of its own CL every 10 seconds, which is a pretty insane killing speed. Which is why so many players currently level up thier combat from trade runs and jobs.

    This is why the jobs were going to get capped at 6, because even then, you'd be getting 216000XP an hour on lvl 75 jobs, which is still way more than live (6 times as fast), but people complained saying that it would be too slow....

  5. Those numbers are acurate, they are from the games original design documents. To get to level 150 is meant to take about 600 hours with the games original documentation. Right now players are leveling about 10 times faster, mainly due to being able to take so many jobs at once and from trade runs giving huge ammounts of XP compared to what they did in live.

  6. Just to add, Mordana debuffed you for EMP and used EMP beams, meaning if your healer didn't keep your shield up, you were going to have nasty power issues. This will mean that EMP damage will need fixing before the raid comes in (it drains your reactor even if you have shields at the moment). The JE Phoenix, and other group energy buffs will all need to be working properly when this raid comes in, otherwise it will be quite tough.

  7. Odd, I noticed in Luna I couldn't find Scuttle Larva a few days ago, only Scuttle nymphs, wonder if there is an issue with some of the spawns. ,

    Corral drones should spawn to the north of the nav where the Achilles drones are.

  8. Well, all I can do is echo what I said previously, that mobs are starting to get skills now, and some high level mobs have skills that will make it harder for people to fight them whilst multiboxing, like menace and summon, but these skills are been added as thats what the mobs had, any changes that hurt multi-boxing is purely co-incidental. As for the high level mobs, you wil find that once you get to the mid 50's, groups will be better for farming, and ideally, you'd want groups where all the players are there. I'm certainly not going to tone down mobs to be multi-box friendly though :-)

  9. Is this really needed though? I mean for the most part, if you are giving credits to another player it is because you are buying something from them, so you'd need to be opening a trade window anyway. (And most multibox chars are next to each other anyway)

  10. You can still PL combat, the reason the stigma is there is probably from the days in live where the XP spillover didn't take level difference into account, meaning you could PL someone to CL 50 in an insane ammoutn of time, more of a concern was that the players been CL power leveled would just be AFK as well, sometimes parked a safe distance away from the combat too. Eitherway, you could still Power Level combat in live (after the fix), I suppose the reason some also probably hate it is because with trade, all in the group benefit, with trade, the person doing combat doesn't have to worry about looting which saves them time, but with combat, the person power leveling actually gets nothing from the person tagging along except for less XP per kill.

  11. It sounds all good and proper, until some players decide to kite these high level mobs into low level players, since they are low level zones.

    I think adding some more higher level content to some mid level sectors could be ok, but I think it's probably best to avoid the sectors in Sol, since these are actually pretty busy sectors with new players already.

    I'll also note that there is still a few high level spawns from the mid level sectors that are missing still, like the CL 50+ Red Dragons at the base near the RD gate in Inverness, althoguh I'm sure people would go mad if that missing spawn was re-added, lol

    • Upvote 2
  12. This is actually quite an odd situation. Basically raid mobs have been soloable, so many solo players have got their hands on endgame raid weapons (via solo play), now these mobs have been fixed (so some now fire back!), so we now have players with weapons you need groups to obtain, requiring the comps that were introduced to keep players coming back and helping others that still need drops.

    This is actually one of the main reasons loot tables are been looked at, since some items have been to easy to get, leaving players with nothing to farm for. Basically players have bypassed all the solo content because the raid content has been soloable.

  13. Non of the solo play is been removed, just more group play is been added, thus accomodating 'both' types of player. Some mobs that should of been group mobs now are, it was never intended that some of these raid bosses should of been soloablr like they were.

  14. Generaly speaking, on live, the weapons from the fishbowl were made for players that supplied the componants for them (which you also get in the fishbowl), so anyone with the bile weapons generally would be going into the Fishbowl already and would thus have access to the ammo comps. If a player has managed to buy the weapons from someone with access to the weapon comps, then they should also be able to go onto the market channel and buy them. Afterall, if people need them, then it opens up a market for someone to sell them (supply and demand).

    Eitherway, most of the people with the weapons from the fishbowl should already have the contacts in thier guild/friends to go in and get ammo comps. They drop very generously as well, so it's not like you have to actualy farm in there all the time, you could probably get enough componants to last a week or so (depending on how much you play) from one session in there.

  15. As Tienbau has pointed out in another thread (and myself is yet another), the code for equipment damage and building/analising was written quite a while ago and does need revising. and when the time permits, these will be looked into again.

    As per my responce in another thread:-

    Item damage is somthing I'm looking into right now. Basically, when you got a crit on your hull there was a chance your item durability would go down as well as a small (as in very very small) chance your item quality would go down, although restricting it to KO only would be fine. The % was usually 1% and having equipment damage control reduced the chance of item durabilty or item quality loss significantly. I remember ensuring I had items with the equipment damage control bufffs for this very reason, even if it meant lowering my DPS!

    As for Build qualities (and printing), Factors that should be taken into account:-

    Build skill lvl, which is helped out with build increase devices (Items 2-3 lvl's below your build skill lvl should start getting 200% everytime, prints 4.5 below should have high chances of getting)

    Players faction at the station should increase/decrease quality (so got stations where you have good faction)

    Number of recipes player has (This would be a tiny ammount per item, that would slowly add up, which obviously helps Traders be better overall builders)

    Being grouped with players (and thier faction been good at that station)

    If you are using high quality componants (player made), I'd guess taking all the componant's % and finding the average would be the best way to do this, since some items vary in number of comps)

    If you are standing on one leg, patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time

    I'm pretty sure Teinbau already has some ideas on how to code all of this in :-)

  16. This same issue came up in live too, they did move the comps to the fish in cooper because not everyone could or wanted to raid. Since full blown gate raids are not in, it sounds like you have a solution.

    I don't recall this, I do remember them increasing the chance and ammount of them dropping in the Fishbowl (which is confirmed in the last patch notes for the game), but I don't recall them ever adding them to the Cooper loot tables, if that had been the case people would of stopped going to Fishbowl raids to get ammo afterall. Besides, the comps should be dropping in quantities that mean there is more than enoguh to go around, if there isn't, then the number dropping can easily be buffed up :-)

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