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Posts posted by Willbonney

  1. I recognise a lot of the names from live ..... brings back good memories :D

    HawkJE f.n.a. Anakhahawk a.k.a. ElbePW, ImarJD, AvanaTE
    f.n.a. Elbegast a.k.a. HawkJE, ImarJD, AvanaTE

    Thanks a bunch for using above format.  Made it a lot easier doing a copy/paste, heh.

  2. First point, No kidding. I remember how it was in live, but there are other things that need more attention than this. With a roll of the dice on the amount of damage delivered per shot, per beam, this isn't a good idea.


    Your second point, Mobs take off in a given direction at high speed when hit by a coma. Try it and see. Go hit the RD base, GoBB, etc with it and see.


    On Matt's discussion... We are talking about short distances for concentrated focused light and particle weapons. A few kilometers is no where near enough to disperse that much focused energy. Lasers today can maintain a cohesive beam for thousands of miles. All I am going to say about it. Yes, I have had a few physics classes, and I have other first hand (personal) sources on technology like this. Its not too difficult to understand.

    You contradict yourself here in your statement of "focused beams at long range."  There is no focused beams that are capable of maintaining energy to even burn paper over the distances you are speaking of.  You are thinking of Guidance Lasers, and those are not focused.  If you believe me wrong, Google is your friend.

  3. After some thought, I'm wrong.  The modifier I'm thinking of is purely for being over the mob's level, and was 5% per level, so that you had a max 50% increase in chance to crit on mobs 10 levels below you.  Not for same level mobs as I originally posted.  I was mixing my old accuracy testings with crit (which was affected a lot by weapon skill usage, weapon accuracy, and mob level compared to yours;  you saw a lot more misses against the bosses in the combat log).  There did however exist the bonus to crit chance based on levels, in both directions.  So that you received less crit against high level mobs  (many less reds against the 66's, however I do not believe it was ever an 80% reduction).


    The modifier for weapon skill level was purely for accuracy, which then effected your rates of crits by a pretty good amount.


    Trying to pull a lot of my old testing data and files off these old hard drives again and will get it sent in to the dev's this week.

  4. Um, gotta ask, why in the hell are you in formation at all for a beam user?  On occasion I might put a JE in a form with the group, but with my JD I was never formed, as when JD pulled agro it was a pain in the rear to get it off, so a quick warp out and back was often needed in the bigger battles, as it was rough for a TT to catch it before your shield was gone.


    Except maybe leveling, I honestly can't remember a time I would leave my JD within the formation.  Just kept an eye on my distance to the group to try to remain in range for the TT's shield recharge.


    The range thing, eh, it's kind of obvious that needs a fixing.  Beams are supposed to do the most damage (thus JD's are glass cannons), and the shortest range.  PL's were the most consistent damage over time, and mid-ranged.  and ML's the least damage but furthest range.  If folks are saying they are getting beam ranges greater than missile ranges, that's a problem.


    As for the closer you are the more powerful the beam hit, that makes sense.  If there needs to be some tweaking in the amount of damage the actual weapons do, I'm sure that will be looked at to keep things balanced.  I understand the lore is "in the vaccum of space" however if you understand the physics implications of beams and lasers, the energy spreads out over distance and so on impact has less of an intensity.  Thus why Val Kilmer's super laser from Real Genius doesn't exist yet, where you get a huge hole based on the output size of the beam.  Sure, we have high intensity lasers, but their efficiency across distance is similar to what is being discussed.  It has to do with the focusing of the energy so that you are pointing all the particles to as small a point as possible.  So beyond that point, you lose the focus.  And focusing the energy is key.  But on that note, would also mean being too close would be just as bad, but that would be a terrible thing to do within the scope of the game.


    Could be an idea though, put a 100m "sweet" spot that if you remain within that range, you get 2x damage or something.  Ranges up to it's half max 100%, and then beyond would drop so that max range would be 50%.


    An idea maybe, I kind of like the idea of a "sweet" spot where the focus is ideal for the beam.

  5. no, actually an anti-cherry picking device.


    I originally came up with the idea  back when asteroids didn't despawn after a time period after someone had cherry picked.


    If the device allowed to select for a specific mineral type, you would be able to find the specific ore type you were looking for even if someone had cherry picked the roid already.  If there wasn't the ore you were looking for, it wouldn't show shiny or whatever.

  6. Ya' should, there were plenty of those "You know you've played too much EnB" topics, and more often than not, was tops in the list, "pull into your driveway and you think "arrived at destination."


    Believe there was a way to turn off the voice over, but the system chat (in orange) would still say the same.

  7. Cloaking still worked to de agro the mob off the Jenpie.  And the sig deal still reduced the range at which they could see you prior to agression.  The fix of being able to fight a mob that wouldn't fight back was due to the Gate.  Can't say it is all my fault, but used to sit outside their site range at ~8km and just loose my 77% turbo (pre-nerf) and a JE Laurimus would loot for me.  Solo'd the first two bosses that way, though needed an ammo hauler going back and forth from OMP.


    After that, once you shot or used an aggressive skill on them, they would agro.  And their sight range even increased.  As in, if their normal agro site was 8k, you agro'd, you'd have to be a good deal further away, 2 to 3 times it's normal range, before it would drop agro.  I remember some mobs would follow you across the entire map and not deagro at one point in the game (and yeah, pissed off a raid when someone took off with a big boss and we couldn't find him, heh).  That later got fixed so that at some range, any and all mob would drop.


    Edited to add:  The point behind not being able to do damage, without taking damage, was the fact that they didn't want to have any one player to have that "IWIN button."


    Also:  I remember using the JD tactic on mine as well, and after the fix, it no longer worked, at least on the mobs I was popping

  8. As someone who does a lot of trade runs, WW Live and EMU Live, I remember that the in game female voice would say "Arrived at Destination" or something similar, on any trip that involved "fixed warping" when you didn't hit warp a second time to manually stop warp.


    I liked this feature, because I could select destination across a big sector, and then go afk to the bathroom or to make a sandwich, and hear over my speakers when I needed to come back to either gate or dock.


    I miss it.

  9. The beam thing is supposed to work as follows.  Beams do maximum damage at ranges 50% and less, 1/2 damage at maximum range, and the damage is supposed to fall off gradually from 50% range to maximum range. 


    It was possible in EnB Origins to kill mobs that couldn't see us, it usually involved using a Coma device and having a very low signature.  It should generally require patience, the right choices in equipment, and good tactics.   Mobs that had their scan ranges reduced couldn't shoot what they couldn't see.   Coma is one of the things that Jenquai get as a work around our poor shields.

    The ability to kill a mob that couldn't see you even if damage was done was fixed due to the "fishing at Tada-0 Gate."  As soon as you took any agressive actions against a mob, they could "see" you.


    As for missiles losing damage at range, can't say I'm too happy about that...  Beams are instant damage, where as projectile and missile damage timing is based upon the speed of the ammo.  Fairly certain that was a key feature when it came to weapons and making your choice.


    That is the answer to the question of why beams do less damage across their ranges and not pl's and ml's.  Instant damage > delayed damage in many circumstances.

  10. I was on as Shea and Riz in Galileo. BTW you should take that list out of the yellow font. Those of us using the default forum skin can barely read it.

    Is that coloring better?  Don't remember what the original skin was like, I modified that the second I registerred to this forum, heh.

  11. Check it now, skill crit targeting should be functioning correctly in conjunction with equipped and activated buff crit.  Additionally as per patch notes, character professions without the crit skill should see expected percentages of crits when using equipped crit in their equipment. 


    In other words, a PW with level 7 crit and a 200 percent CFB should see a near 95 percent crit rate on par mobs (i do not know personally if level differences actually matter in the formula)


    A JE without crit target skill using a MTL @ 200 percent should see somewhere in the area of 30 percent crit rates. (was previously not working)



    Aye, that's sort of my point though Stanig, as for same level mobs (i.e. you are cl 50, and mob is OL 50) you always had a 50% chance to crit on that mob even without any critical chance modifications.  As you were over the mob level, it was either a 5% or 10% increase in chance, and if you were under the mob level, the "innate" crit chance went down 5 or 10% (exact numbers elude me at the moment, but was either 5 or 10, not anywhere in between).


    And this worked for the success rates of an activated skill as well.  As of right now, I'm seeing the same crit rates against a level 4, as I have against a level 20, and at cl 17 with level 4 Rally, it "feels" a hell of a lot different than the many TE's I leveled in WW Live.


    Edited to add:  You would never see more than a ~95% crit rate (think that was max) and never less than a 5% crit rate even on bosses.


    Edited to also add:  something I just remembered, this depended on weapon skill usage.  As in, a level 9 beam against a level 50 mob, crit more often than a level 8 beam against the same mob, both players at CL 50.  So it was more than likely due to a modifier based on the level of weapon, compared to mob level as well.

  12. Aye, it wasn't just with crit this worked for, but many of the activated skills as well.  There was always the 50% chance to succeed, skill or crit, against a mob your level.  And scaled similar to my crit explanation above, 10 levels above, 1% chance that it failed/didn't crit.  If the mob was 5 or it might have been 10 levels above, it seems to negate the innate crit rate all together, so that  your crit rate was very similar to your equipment/buff increases. I don't exactly remember the true numbers, as throughout the game they were tweaked and so called "improved"/scaled.  This was very similar to skill usages.


    Me and quite a few others tested this till nauseum.

  13. Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena
    Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena
    Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena
    Heeeeey Macarena


    Howdy, and yeah, typing that from memory kind of sucks, so apologies if I misspelled something, Spanish is not my first language.  But now that I have your attention (even if you are annoyed at getting a lame 90's song stuck in your head)....


    On to my point.  I am attempting to compile as complete a listing of players from Galileo.  This list I plan on posting here, posting a status.  The list will have foremost your current game name (if you have one at least) and then you "formerly named as" which is you live name in itallics (if different), and your "also known as" name for any alt characters you want to claim.  Like so:


    Willbonney f.n.a. Werewolf  a.k.a. Billythekid, Billyclub, WilliamAntrem


    I'm also in search of the names of our friends, either back in the game, or still lost out in space and not yet playing the emulator.  Their names will be in yellow, if I do not know their status.  Inactives will lbe in green.


    So, if you care to share, gonna do my best, thanks for taking time outside of the game all.


    Remington R.I.P.

    Tagar  a.k.a. Rincewizard, Rince, Tagerdem

    Vekteivett   f.n.a. Breakerxorr, aobreakerxor

    Xulei  a.k.a. Xulaar, Xylomar

    Sevindragoon fna Sevindragoon aka Sevin, Dragoon, Artemusgordon, Jimwest, Drloveless








    Rumrunner a.k.a. Elysian








    PvohVincentTH f.n.a. Starbase

    Riz  a.k.a. Shea

    HawkJE f.n.a. Anakhahawk a.k.a. ElbePW, ImarJD, AvanaTE
    f.n.a. Elbegast a.k.a. HawkJE, ImarJD, AvanaTE

    Terminal a.k.a. Terminalillness

    Weyland a.k.a. Shelbee, Beetelgeuse, Sanne, Staggerleigh
    Staggerleigh f.n.a. Yutani

    Taffy a.k.a. Cyeo

    South a.k.a. Bluemeanie, Zoney



    Raia a.k.a. RaiaTS


    Madmidget f.n.a. Dizzy a.k.a. Cylore

    Hoppa f.n.a. Mistweave, Korum

    Mirmillo f.n.a. Hac, Linan

    Ranko f.n.a. Sanjiyan

    Atrocious f.n.a. Gallias, Clatious

    Hatu a.k.a. Hatum, Hatumala, Ultrawarrior

    Mumin a.k.a. Ramses, Ramsespw, Laxen



    Cabernet f.n.a. Phokker


    Jennison a.k.a. Kyra f.n.a. Amalee, Lynjade

    MooMeat f.n.a. Qwertyifshag


    MrMichaels  a.k.a. Kanadian f.n.a. Tigerstyle, Franz






    Lazarus a.k.a. Benedict















    Benedict aka Lazarus






























































  14. As reported in a posting I put in a couple years back here: https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/2274-cl-66-was-never-a-mobs-true-level/


    I believe this fact to be the Combat Level issue of the mobs. It seems, to me at least, that the True Combat level of the mob is the mob level shown in the indicator. I do not remember that being similar to this is in the live standing. From what I understood in live, everyone had an innate 50% chance to crit on a mob as the same level as you. As you went up and down a level, it changed by 10% (therefore 60% for you being 1 higher, 40% if you were one lower). This calculation was added before buffs, equipped, or activated modifiers, so that it stacked, but the max level was 99% and not 100%.


    This was my understanding, and was why we saw an "almost" perfect crit rate against mobs 10 levels or up, less than us even without equipment, and did so as well for mobs 5-7 levels higher.


    This ties in with the mob level deal, because even with it being a OL level (which is why we used the acronym for Overall Level and not Combat Level even on mobs and not just players), we never saw more than a 30-40% decrease on our crit rates even against CL 66 bosses.

    This had another effect, with skill types such as "Rage" that even though you were fighting an OL 66 Boss, you were seeing as though you were fighting a Combat Level 58 type character (as though an in game player was combat level 58 or OL174)

    Special skills then have a better chance of landing on a mob, instead of seeing constant failures. Hell, I remember what it was like fighting a PS with Menace in the ring that had gear to increase his skills to the rate of a Level 58 mob without gear. I remember even with 50 Psiongic resist, it would hit often, but was definitely not every time.


    Another thought that just came to mind and I haven't checked it out yet. Don't you all remember that when you got a certain resist amount over a mob, you took 0 damages. Or that if you weren't doing more damage than its resists, you again saw 0 damage hits (even crits that showed 0). This was due to the fact that the resistance value was based off a real number, and not some Percent deal. If you have 50 resist, you took 50 less damage. If you had 48 resist, you took 2 damage more than someone that had max.

    Again, I haven't really looked at it lately, so dunno if it's different now, however it seems to be a percent based formula. Now however, I just tested on a Level 4 Mob, with my cl 17 OL 62 TE and looked at the damages and resistance changes.


    Original shots they hit me for were 7-10's for the highs, and 2-6 on lows. I then hit my Rally skill, and saw very similar numbers, except a (-1) or (-2) that my resistances protected me from.  I have level 4 rally, and thus have a value of 20 to all my resistances.


    I also did not fire a shot, and they agrod me. They saw me, targeted, and let loose their arsenal. I remember that after a certain level over the top of a mob, even "Agro" type mobs would not agro until you did damage or used a skill against them. Tie into this my old theme, it also effected the range in which "Agro" type mobs would agro you even with the same signature on your ship. Each mob had a certain site range, and it's ability to see you would get affected by your level (don't remember if it was combat level or overall level). So say you were CL 40, an OL 50 mob would "see" you from about 12k away. But when you were cl 50, that range would reduce to 4k on some, 6k on others, up to a TE's max range of 8.5k for others (never seemed to be more than that, on any mob in the game including the fishbowl).


    Well, that was more of a reply than I had originally intended, I'm a bit famous for my "walls of text" in the past, so have the habbit of hitting return more.


    Have fun and fly safe. o7

  15. Howdy all,


    Werewolf from original EnB, and Willbonney in our current game now.  I've discussed many ideas for "improvements" to the game in General chat, and given a few here on one of the forums or another over the years.  A lot of times I get the line "There is only so much we can do to manipulate the code we currently have."  Well, based off a lot of things I have seen recently, things do seem a bit different now.


    With that in mind, I wanted to post an idea that I had back in the original days of EnB that I gave to WestWood, that I still think would be a pretty good addition to the game we now all play.


    That idea is an equippable device that had a drop down selection that listed one of two things (upon discussion, there was a bit of debate which idea was better).  First was every ore type in game based on name.  All of them.  Second, was instead of each individual, was to just have a selection of levels 1 thru 9.


    After the selection was made, the player would then activate the device, and within the range of it's capability (i.e. 1k for lvl 1's, 12k for lvl 9's) would "highlights" asteroids of that specific level in a special way.  Now this could be done in a couple of different manners.  For instance, in game you could see the asteroids differently.  As in a bright lights seems to eminate from the center of them.  (I don't think it would be difficult to mess with the gamma in a specific point, or have the code of the color in the center change a little making it appear to glow.)  Another way could be to instead, add little red dots on a player's radar screen.  We've seen this in many other sci-fi MMO's.  A small radar type deal to locate mobtypes or such.  WoW did it different in which it showed on the minimap icons for the mining/herb nodes.  Could do it as such, add it on the in game map so that when zoomed in, you would see in which direction the next asteroid you are looking for it.


    That's my suggestion, thank you to all who takes the time to read it.  I also appreciate the amount of time other's take to post their opinions/comments.


    Fly Safe o7

  16. True but last time i looked OUR dev's have in fact added in all the new classes westwood was just talking bout. You have added new regions as well and are planing down the road to add in new content they never even imaganed.

    Plus you had to rebuild said server code from off hand notes, screenshots and memory.

    I had this conversation with some folks last night, "If someone copies someone's work, but somehow adds to it to improve it in any way, is this thing still a copy?"  Personally, I say no, it's a new piece of art/music/theory or even idea.  It is a very very rare thing that someone in this world has comes up with a truly unique, never thought up before, instant acceptance type idea.


    So I say kudos to this entire team, even if some times I do perform a bit of griping now an then.  There is no mistake or anything you could say/do that would make me so offended to no longer play this great creation, what is original to WW's idea, and what's original to your own.  I'll be here.

  17. I'm pretty sure I remember Peorth, think you were on Galileo?


    Werewolf here, but have been going with my avatar name as WillBonney or some variation there of these last 12 years, and I decided to go with that trend.


    I really wish there was something they'd do though, are the character's even leveled at all?, or are the account holders still even playing?


    I would see that as a good idea they could think about, seeing if the chacter's that have those names are even being used, and if not, delete and free up the persona for you.


    I personally believe people should choose a "true name" for the online world, and treat it similar to your birth name, that is your identity online.  We've created our own Fourth Dimension with the inception of the internet.  So I understand exactly why you are disappointed that you are unable to use your online name, because it's apart of you and your identity.

  18. I seem to remember item turn-ins for live. Starting at a certain level of faction (-3000 I think for Red Dragon) you could start turning in items. Like for Red Dragon it was the Chavez Herbal Remedies (thus why a lot farmed Chavez for RD).

    Pretty sure the Bogeril had some sort of turn-in item as well, just don't remember what it was.

    And Turn-ins only gained faction, you didn't lose faction with any group (enemy or not).

    Another thing I remember from live, is you lost faction on the Kill of the faction mob, BUT you gained faction on both the kill, and then the looting of, a faction mob. I remember this clearly as someone who just killed with a BOT program took longer then someone who was killing and opening his corpses.

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