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Posts posted by Mortabis

  1. Yeah, this poll is not perfect, but will do the job well. I just wanna see if I should take the multi-boxing out of admendment for the next poll. I hope I don't have to do that because I still feel that people should play the game normally rather than multi-box. I also hope that people won't vote no just because the multi-boxing issue is included.

  2. You say this without any apparent numbers to back it up - you haven't even run an unscientific poll yet. *I* am against macros. *You* are against macros. I would like to *believe* that most people are against macros. Yet, absent real numbers, I would never say that "most all of us agree" without having received input from "most all of us" - it's stating a fact without supporting data.

    So, you critize me for my choice of words rather than agree with me that its safe to assume, that most of us are against the use macros and bots. I shouldn't have to do a poll to come to this conclusion, its obvious. SO is the fact that someone that multi-boxes can potentially have a great advantage over someone that doesn't. I asked someone to bring a clear and concisive argument as to why 3 accounts is not enough for a single player, which clearly you have failed to do. I agree that limiting a single player from creating multiple accounts could possible be a difficult task, and if the DEVS and GMS are incapable to do it well, then don't, thats fine by me. If the DEVS decide to not incorperate any of these rules into the Net-7 Entertainment Code of Conduct, also fine by me. The entire purpose of this post and the on-comming poll is to simply bring awareness to the fact that some of us are concerned about possible exploits and their concurrent and future use, and the believe that something should be done about it. Ultimately its up to the DEVS to do something if anything at all.

  3. I agree 100% with the last 3 post, schools need major reform in America. They need to be updated to the 21st century, as of now they are so 18th century its ridiculous. Its not something that should be put on the back burner either, kids these days are subject to all different kinds of abuse in schools, from their peers, teachers and the criteria itself. Which really doesn't cover how to live in the modern world, and with school shootings on the rise in America, profanity should be the least of your worries.

  4. Hah! It's a well-kept secret but I'll clue you in...

    If it weren't for Progen Genemapping technology being privately licensed to and used secretly by both Terran and Jenquai Governments back in the beginning, there would only BE Progen to rule this brave new Galaxy we have today. Oh how sweet that would be, but I'm happy there's variety.

    EDIT: forgot my point...so in a way we're all reborn. That's my point. Rebirth. Buy it.

    Speaking of being reborn, it appears as though the server is online. Although, all of my characters where gone. I don't know at this point if they had to do a complete wipe or what, anyway I guess we should wait for a representative to respond to let us know what is actually going on. But yes, I agree we have all been reborn and a big thanks to the developers for making it happen especially in light of recent events, you guys rock and keep up the good work!

  5. and can someone please tell me what the heck is going on with every time I edit one of my posts I get that random nonsense interjected where I edited and at the end?

    I hate introjection especially when its a defense mechanism. Down with random nonsense introjection, and no I am not guilty.

  6. Play enough and this won't be an issue :)

    I agree, I know where to get all the parts from the major stations like Somerland, Earth, F7, Net-7, OMP and Joves Fury, between those few stations I listed you can get all of the vendor bought parts to build anything.

  7. Hi guys. New player of online game here. My brother showed me this game. Can anyone explain in plain English this whole thing with the macro's and muli-this and that and the other thing. Huh, Bots also, are they like automated programs people run to have the game play by itself? I have read most of the thread, but i am finding myself scratching my head not understanding a darn thing. Thanks from a non-computer savvy regular guy.

    First of all I would like to welcome you to the Earth and Beyond emulator community. Second, you don't have to know anything about macros, bots or multi-boxing to vote yes in the poll. Although, I feel as though everyone should be informed. SO here is a simple explanation that should be easy for everyone to understand. Macros are scripts usally created by a third party program that allow players to play the game with or without them being present. Bots are also third party programs that are more like an advanced version of a macro or a script that generally can do everything a player can and more. Multi-boxing is a term used to define players that play more than one account at the same time.

    Generally in most MMORPG communitys, the act of using bots and macros is strictlly prohibited. Whereas multi-boxing is allowed and sometimes encouraged, in pay to play games this is fine but due to our limited player base and the fact that the game is free, some of us think it should be restricted. AND most all of us agree that the use of bots and macros should be restricted if not banned alltogether. If you have any other questions, please feel free to PM me using the forums. I also suggest that you check out the post that started this post located here.

  8. 2 or 3 comps running seems reasonable to me, but I agree that using 3+ for group activites is bad. If you want to have 1 builder sitting somewhere and have a miner and an ore holder / combat toon out mining resources / items for him, that shouldn't be a problem.

    I agree and am willing to except and add a extra account to the proposal, but I feel as though anymore than 3 accounts is excessive. I am sure the GM's can enforce page 8 rule 13 of the Net-7 Entertainment Code of Conduct by suspending/banning repeat offenders. When it comes to physically disabled people, Earth and Beyond is a great game. Mostly everything can be done with just the mouse with the exception of chating, TS and Ventrillo are excellent ways to combat this.

    If anyone else has anymore comments or suggestions, I respectfully ask that you post them now. On Friday I am going to request that everyone that is a part of the Earth and Beyond community, to vote in a poll, regarding the 3 amendments that I have suggested be implemented into the Net-7 Entertainment Code of Conduct. Although, ultimatlly it is up to the DEVS to decide what is implemented into the game, I still want to see what the community thinks in whole about the amendments. Thanks for your time and I hope to hear from you all soon :D

    EDIT: I updated the amendments to allow 3 accounts per registered user.

  9. There were a few problems. The server was actually working while showing offline.

    Right now there is a 48-hour rollback being performed. Something happened which caused toons to simply disappear. Fortunately, we have a database to which we can revert. Those that lost their toons should get them back, and the rest of us can redo the last two days right. :D

    Here's hoping everything works out.

    In any case, I think it is important to see if backups can be applied in realtime to correct problems.

    Testing 1, 2, 3...

    Cool, I guess they learned a lot from the last wipe :) I can't wait to get back online and start playing my JD again.

  10. Apparently some people are out of touch with what goes on at their child's school? I remember when I went to school, cursing was probably one of the more innocuous things going on. Sad to say you can't shield your children from the world. The sooner they learn about things the better. For some reason people seem to think that it's everyone's job to keep bad influences away from thier kids instead of teaching their kids what's acceptable and what's not. Don't seem to get that, but then again i had to grow up fast.

    Right, lieing or bending the truth when it comes to your children could back fire once they find out the real truth, they may never trust you again. I treated my son like an adult since he was able to talk and now he is 8 and behaves much like an adult when compared to other 8 year olds. Better to hear it from their parents than someone else.

  11. I can see a very clear case for macros not being allowed, but why throw multi-boxing in the mix too?

    Macros mean people can walk away and the game continues playing. It's the equivalent of having absolutely no life or responsibilities like a job or kids or bills and being plugged in to enb 24/7....only you're not at the computer.

    Multi-boxing means one person has to pay attention to more than one game instance at a time. Manually. It's not perfect and is extremely limited by that specific person's ability to pay attention to more things going on at once. That's like saying (in very general terms) people with multiple monitors have an unfair advantage and are "exploiting" their computer because they have double the screen space as a "regular user".

    Just drop the complaint about multi-boxing and focus on the macro issue, which I agree can lead to other more serious problems.

    Well, I feel as though having one account is a privlage in itself, having two accounts is more than a privlage and I am fine with that. We are lucky that we are able to play this game at all, and yet we take it for granted. I believe that being able to play 2 accounts is more than enough, those that disagree with me only want to take advantage of the situation, form their own partys, hunt, mine and exlpore by themselfs. And by doing so they defeat the original purpose of the game, which is to group, socialize and work together as a team with interactive players to complete goals. Multi-boxing 3 or more accounts is unnatural and with such a limited player base consisting of no more than 300 players at any given time, usually much less, makes those of us that struggle to play the game normally at a strong disadvantage. Why this is so hard for others to understand is beyond me. If there where more players things might be different, but I don't think the small player base we have is going to change anytime soon. SO, for the players that think multi-boxing 2 accounts is not enough, what is?

  12. I don't think that multiboxing should be banned. I think so long as it's not being used to abuse other players it should be fine. I don't think for example having your TT and your JE (or other class combo) sitting at F7 taking build orders should be a problem, nor should it be a problem for a person to use a mule char on a second account to effect transfers between alts on the same account.

    I agree, I use dual-boxing methods for said purposes as well although; it becomes a problem when people are using 3 or more accounts to form their own partys. This I feel is taking advantage of what the DEVS have done by disrupting the normal flow of game play. The game was designed to be played with other players who interact with each other, join partys, hunt, go on tours and trade.

    I asked how *you* proposed this would be monitored but anyway . . . in the above proposal, how would you distinguish between (assuming only one IP address involved) a 5-way multiboxer vs. a family of 5 that enjoys playing EnB together? How about when somebody has friends in RL (I know, odds are slim) and they come over and play EnB together (sorry, guys, can't play with you anymore, I've been banned for hosting an EnB party). How would you propose catching folks with *multiple* IP addresses? I could go on, but that's just off the top of my head.

    Jarod, I don't have a definite answer to your questions, partly because I lack knowledge in a few departments: programing, server access/restiction techniques and the general know how associated with complex networking systems. Thus, I can't really tell you how I would go about distinguishing a family of 5 between a 5 way multi-boxer, or a group of friends playing EnB at a lan party. I believe your question would be better answered by someone that is actually apart of the team developing the project, thats why I quoted kyp in the first place. I have complete and total confidence in the Net-7 team staff, and I am sure they would be able find away to differentiate between a 5 family of 5 between a 5 way multi-boxer or a EnB lan party. BUT if it happens to be that it is impossible to differentiate between the two, then perhaps we should begin looking for ways to make multi-boxing less rewarding than it is today.

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