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Posts posted by Polymandius

  1. I may be having one of my "reading is fundamental" problems with this one but I seem to have missed how to get a room set up for a guild on the TS server.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    This may not be the right spot to ask but it seems the most appropriate choice I see.
  2. Thanks for all the input. The key for me is that I want spend at most 50-55 USD on this. I was just simply going to get a replacement integrated card, but I realized that much better could be had by spending $20 extra, so why not. But that will be my limit for now. Will definitely check out the 9500 and x4650


    Ok, here's where I need the help. It seems like the 9500 and x4650 are essentially non-gaming cards, but more memory and more recent tech.. but the 8600 gts is a dated mid-level gaming card.

    SO can anyone say one way or another whats a better buy over all for someone who'd like to play titles a few years dated (don't need to play crysis or bioshock, but should be decent HL2EP2 & portal, or FEAR, or Tiberium wars, SoaSE (EnB playability is a non-issue, LOL) ) and be decent with multimedia as-well.

    Actually, the 8600GTS will probably serve you well, if a bit hot. I ran one thru SWG, LOTRO beta, TR (hey, we warned them), and a few others. SOme of them will even overclock decently if you can get enough cool air into the case. It isn't near the top of the heap or the bottom of the barrel. Will slow framerate a tad with high graphic environments, but is overkill for ENB. Good luck with your selections... and you might like to check Newegg if you don't shop there already.

  3. And I won't bet it was all one person

    It wasn't all one person, that I guarantee personally.

    Sad thing is, they both make good points. I know I've seen games that emphasised solo over groups & vice versa and heard the theories promoting enforced grouping & solo "empowerment". Probably the best implementation of a design is to enable decent solo progression & encourage group interaction without requiring it. ENB is pretty good in this regard.

    • Downvote 1
  4. reactor i mean auto restart script (do it from self without any admin dev whatever there) not a manual restart script(admin log intro the server and restart it) ^_^

    Excellent! Useful information issues forth and there is no need for kitty pictures to calm the masses.

    (Meanwhile, in a hidden location, the replacement for Billy Mays has been discovered.)


  5. It might also be added that the explore xp from mining is pretty paltry until you start getting up to lvl 5 asteroids. There is an old JE guide bumping around out there which specifies mining lots of lower level asteroids, but that doesn't match the current reality, or the one I remember from live for that matter.

    I haven't mined beyond lvl 5 yet, but presume the xp will get better. Perhaps someone who has tried it can comment. I've a friend who is doing a fair a bit of mining and who is fairly pleased with the results.

  6. Wow, you are getting lots of interest... sadly the JE is the toughest class for combat. And it really doesn't start getting interesting until about cl33, or OL100. At that point, with three beams & a more matured electronic warfare platform, I would kill what I liked up to and well above my CL during live. My typical targets were Chavez and whatever dropped good stuff, or hung out in the areas I mined. Oh yeah, Zenshai, lots of Zenshai.

    Capella was part of the early, extremely tedious, grindy part and Aragoth in the latter, and virtually anywhere the cl was right once the horrendous grind was over.

    Did you have specific CLs in mind for a start? The typical MOBs in the starter areas are a given. After that, it is all dependent on skill/loadout. Hunting even NEAR your CL in the teens thru about 30 can be quite problemmatic, with equipment being a, if not THE, critical factor. That is, to my mind, the weakest and most frustrating time in a JEs career. Of course, that opens an entirely new subject... Equipment!

  7. So... If I understand the gist of the info presented...

    If an enterprising person made & freely distributed one mod or another that, say, reskinned items within the client, then that would be no issue, yes? Some folks have touched on this matter, yet I saw no clear and direct answer.

    The reason I focus on this is the astounding number of mods I have found for Fallout 3. But in that case, there seems to be some support from the IP owners, as it keeps people interested in the game. Of course, EA has nothing to gain in this case. Benign neglect is the best outcome, I think.

    And if the question was previously answered, you have my apologies.

  8. the two things that the LIVE version needed, where simple to say.

    but without it, it detracts from the game for both the casual gamer and the hardcore gamer.

    [vocabulary, from what i understand LIVE means that, back in the day when EA games ran things, that was what is referred to as LIVE.]

    1, it needs an AH. auction house.

    anyone that has played WoW knows that when you want gear, the AH is ALWAYS worth a look.

    it gives the crafters an outlet for their goods and it gives everyone a place to look for gear.

    its just too important in modern online gaming not to have it.

    [E&B didnt have an AH right?]

    2, EVERYONE needs access to prospect.

    i played a terran warrior. with game time cards.

    IF my terran warrior had had access to an AH for his


    build weapons and build engines skills...

    and if at level 45 he had been able to unlock Prospect 1 [somehow, whatever pre-reqs fits i dont really care]

    THEN i would have had continued interest.

    because every ship can work on combat and trade levels, BUT only the 2 explorers could work on exploration thru prospecting [if memory serves.]


    these two things would have made the game MORE for everyone.

    without them... [shrugs] only the hardcore E&B player wants the good ole days back REALLY bad.

    my 2 cents.


    I have to disagree on both counts.

    Auction houses ARE highly convenient, but make conducting business an impersonal affair. Keeping things personal and remembering that someone actually took the time to make a thing available for you, when they could have been off smiting one thing or another, and remembering that the universe does not revolve around you and that you would be limited without the aide of others is a GOOD thing in my book.

    Everyone mining? Well, why not let everyone cloak... and use missiles... and wormhole... and and and? Pretty soon there are no distinctions or real classes, going down that road.

    The original design worked far better, in some ways, than so many that followed. Why reinvent it? Was it broken? Not in my book. The LACK of "convenience" in some things was offset by surprise benefits in the form of encouraging people to work together. It also tends to showcase the "better" inclinations that people can display.

    Don't get me wrong, your ideas are well meant, but making things easier does not always make them better. If you want the ultimate in impersonality, go play EVE. But I can tell you that story, short & sweet: trust no one!

  9. The poll leaves out an option...


    Why maybe? Well, it would seem that the DEVs here have advanced the game in many ways beyond the capabilities of EA. Extra classes, sectors, skills, sector editors, etc. Those are important items. I believe it may be set to become an ever expanding universe... at least the potential is there.

    I can imagine an unlikely scenario in which EA got involved in a constructive way... a vanishingly small chance. In such circumstances I MIGHT agree to actually fork over a few Washingtons to them for the chance to see where it goes.

    But for just opening up the old, unstable, unfinished servers, under an inexperienced management team? Don't think so. It sounds like an endeavour made up of wholesale FAIL.


    The folks here at the EMU deserve far more respect than that too!

  10. Yep, me too. Nothing like joining a corp on a Saturday, log in Sunday morning to find several HUGE Battlewagons targeting you. Beta'd EVE and found it lacking in so many ways I went back to E&B just in time to find my guild (can't remember the name for the life of me but then I am old) had disbanded leaving me as leader, then sunset came all to quickly. :(

    Ah yes, the sunset.... I remember that feeling all too well.


  11. I started playing Eve right after sunset. But back in late 2008, I got bored due to the lack of personality. Yeah, I won at market manipulation.... But those were number games and completely faceless B)

    E&B has personality that lacks in nearly every game. I still remember almost every name of the prominent people around the server, market chat, and in early-static. Unlike eve.... Too many faceless characters and corporations with no soul.

    Your description is most apt. And those are the reasons I eventually abandonned it. I found SWG to have a nice flavor... until they decided to rewrite it. Since then, there has just been nothing of real interest.

    Until now. I can't thank the DEVs enough!

    • Upvote 1
  12. The first day in almost a month I got rid of the GF and didn't get called to work the server is down :D

    I am determined not to do anything productive today.

    /except cancel my eve accounts

    //All 8 of them.

    /Haven't logged on since Jan 15

    Uhhhhh... 8 accounts in EVE???

    Please say it isn't so. My ONE account gave me more to do than I could get done & not emough to really accomplish much in the grand scheme of things.

    Wow... just wow.

  13. http://german-bash.org/292889

    for the majority of you u.s. users my hampster translated that stuff, took only half a beer for convincing it:

    since the new tv ad slogan "we stay as long as until your connection works...!", 1&1 customers live in fear. [...]


    Hopefully, you see how no one gives a ratte hintern whether your english is correct. The only important thing is getting the idea across.

    Heh... I met sooo many Finns & Germans over on EVE. Never really understood that. Everywhere I went... maybe they were the only ones who would speak with an American for some reason. Strange place, EVE.

  14. If people get over this perceived concept of ownership, they won't get upset about "Kill stealing", and so much nerd rage and accompanying threats of smiting their house IRL could dissapear.

    I'm not advocating shooting people's stuff, but if somoene gets "my kill", such is life, let's move on to the next mob.

    Hmmmmmmm..... I'm really curious about something.

    If the "game mechanics" gave credit to the first to strike a MOB, which side of the argument would you fall on, the side who says "I shot it first, so neener neener, the game mechanics say I screw you", or "Jeez dude, why be such an ass, we were here first."?

    It's a hypothetical, of course. All the arguments in this thread have been hashed out again and again in every game. It is interesting to see how people think tho. I've always noted 2 fairly disparate outlooks on it.

  15. Stealing implies you have ownership over something, you don't in this game at all. What you described is someone being an idiot, but there is no "stealing".

    Chasing someone around is griefing/harrassment.

    You realise that you are simply being pedantic... I hope. But hey, have it your way.

    It all ends up as a distinction without a measurable difference... being an ass. I suppose if the game mechanics simply gave the kill to the first to hit it, you would argue the question of "ownership" differently of necessity... Such as those who tag MOBS for ownership to spite others would. And yes, I've seen that as well.

    No matter the method for alotting "kill credit", someone will pick an argument over what is, again, simply being an ass.... and some will use whatever game mechanics provided to try and turn what most people would consider a character flaw, into a virtue by their own estimates. Same arguments, different day.

  16. Killstealing is a myth in this game, but there is bad etiquette.

    I can refute this statement quite quickly. What if someone hovered over you while cloaked, just waiting for you to make your first hit on a MOB, and then killed it in a single shot, recloaking thereafter before you could identify them? And followed you, repeating this until you gave up and left? I would call that killstealing, or even better, a form of griefing. Such things did happen during live. Obviously, anyone who could one shot MOBs in a given area isn't gaining XP. For the trade xp perhaps? Nah, a sector has a lot of space and MOBS, there's no reason to intentionally try to crowd anyone out or impede their progress. People CAN be asses if they want to. Some folks have fertile imaginations in that regard.

    Of course, there IS such a thing as bad etiquette, like moving into an area without regards to those who were there before, trying to take all possible kills... or asteroids in the case of mining. A little consideration can go a long way.

    Fortunately, ENB players seem to have far more common sense in this regard than in many other places. That's a real curiosity.

  17. I ran a 150++++++++++++ JE in live. Why should I bother with patience in this class when I can do the others so easily in comparison? I lived the JE. I lived mining. I just started a Terran Explorer, and I was pulling eight or nine ores out of a single roid and hardly dented my reactor. And the roids were sort of diverse, but there were plenty of one kind so I could mine within my limitations in regards to cargo space. And the extra space in a Terran Explorer's cargo hold is HUGE.

    And a combat JE? I had all the bells and whistles on my JE last time around and I still melted when a level 66 looked at me sideways. Warriors blink and level 66s are dead.

    It's nice to know that the asteroid problem is a problem that is being looked at by you and yours, Kenu. But the old standards coupled with these problems are providing funeral arrangements for my JE. From the time I was a Westwood beta on down the line, I've seen more negative "tweaking" with the JE profession than with others. Better to be a warrior class and be done with it -- sneak a few miners on the side that I won't take seriously.

    I'm sure some of you remember the tremendous uproar with tweaks done on the warrior classes in live and in Westwood beta. We seem to defend the professions in which we play as if they are real life. Even in real life, I can abandon a losing cause. May have taken me years to do it, but I can abandon the Jenquai Explorer. I'll keep the toon I have and leech off her for what wormholes I have acquired.

    The JE is truely a "service" class.

    If I say too much, it's liable to spark an argument and I don't mean to do that.

    You may have had the best stuff, but did you have "the right stuff"?

    What I can tell you is that, beyond a given level of progression, I was hunting solo at or above level... and in testing various gear/theories I actually managed to kill SOME MOBS up to 10CL above me. That was so time consuming that it didn't pay in a sense of time usage... plus I would die about half the time when I goofed a keystroke at a critical moment. It took a good 15 minutes or thereabouts to make a kill, don'tchaknow. But it was a heck of a stunt. I have lost track of the one very dear person who witnessed such things, or I would ask her to confirm. *shrugs* You always lose your dearest ones... that's life.

    However, once the game goes live, and given the months to get back to that level, I will be happy to demonstrate. Still, if you want the "easy button" TE is about as easy as it gets.

    JE is absolutely the toughest class to run in combat. I enjoyed the challenge. It seems I will enjoy it again! (Thanks Devs, et al!)

    FYI, I'm not taking digs at you. My earlier offer of assistance stands. But you may not think I have any help to offer. *shrugs* That is as it may be. In any event, good luck!

  18. . I especially found it to be a disappointing profession after my determined attempt to make mine combat effective last go round.

    I just have to comment on this.... I ran what you would laughingly (up til about cl 33) call a "combat JE" during live, but have not had the time to level up that far in the EMU.

    What you want to do CAN be done, but takes a high level of patience... and the right player made weapons, etc. Oh, trust me, it can be done and requires a lot of timing and concentration once you get there! The problem is the Godawful grind it takes to get there. And this is just a test.... For me, that makes it unworthy of the pain needed to succeed. PLUS you need availability of items that can only be found in at least a marginally functional economy.

    But, oh yes, it can be done. Imagine the surprise of a friend of mine when (in live) I took her hunting with me for a change, and we were killing things half a dozen levels above us! The poor Shinwa sounded like she wanted to wet her panties. lol Ahhhh, one of the more memorable moments in live!

    Get with me before the thing goes live and perhaps we can work together to achieve the worthy goal of combat effective JEs. It's a blast when you get there!

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