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Posts posted by Kindschi

  1. Ive multibox jobbed.  Dont do it often and when I notice the jobs are not coming through very fast or there is already a hoard of people around the Term I cut it down to one. I dont like sending out my toons unless they have all 6 job spots filled and fighting for a few jobs is hard enough with other players, no point in fighting with yourself. 

  2.  I used my TT alot for the group bonus of getting more when selling loot to a vender and selling trade run goods to the correct trade vender and I can say it only works for the other players in the group if the TT is on the same station. Once the TT un-docks the group bonus only sticks around for a few seconds (the icon will flash then disappear). Now if your a TT and you group you also get the Bonus and you dont need anyone else on the station because your the TT.

    Now is this the way its  suppose to work? I have no idea.. I just know its the only way ive been able to get the bonus.




    Hope this helps explain it alittle better.

  3. This is likely a client side mod and probably can't be done guys. Another option would be to use a macro app like Auto Hot Key, and bind a key to make a mouse click on that spot. You'll have to get the screen coordinates for the button using something like Info Grabber, but its not difficult to do. I use MacroGoblin myself, and bind keys to things I'd like the client to do for me that IMO it should be able to do.


    So for this, think of it in steps:


    1. Move mouse pointer to the screen coordinates you find in Info Grabber. (Might be able to omit if the editor you use can simply click on a part of the screen)

    2. Full mouse click at the desired coordinates.

    3. Return the cursor to the center of the screen. (For clearing any controls, as a safety maneuver.)


    I hope this helps somewhat. :)





    Have not thought of that but its a solid idea, thanks!

  4. I would love to see a Chavez who also takes some something for there faction... Is it possible to create a new loot item that the Chavez drop (or a few loots items at different levels) that could turned in for faction?

  5. Did you look at the icons on the right hand side when in formation, you know the 2 that look like targeting icons?


    One reads

    "target group members target"


    The other reads

    "ask this group member to aquire your target"


    going by your post, they don't work? is that correct?



    They work but there small and it would just be so much nicer to have a shortcut key to press.

  6.  I posted this in response to another members post but did not get a response so I thought maybe is was overlooked and I really think its a good idea so im posting it as its own topic here.



    Not sure how hard or if this is even possible but can you make a shortcut for this feature? The little crosshairs are small. We have a shortcut key to form when the leader has created a formation and that button is way bigger then the crosshairs button and its rarely used since most people dont break formation while fighting or use the "T" key to join/re-join formation, on the other hand when your fighting the group leader is constantly selecting a new target and while there is a shortcut for nearest mob (F8) sometimes the nearest to the leader is not the nearest to the person on the left or right of him so this is not a real effective way of knowing your both on the same target.  Would be nice to be able to hit an F# key or just any key on thats not already being used as a shortcut to target whatever the group leader has targeted.




  7. Um, gotta ask, why in the hell are you in formation at all for a beam user?  On occasion I might put a JE in a form with the group, but with my JD I was never formed, as when JD pulled agro it was a pain in the rear to get it off, so a quick warp out and back was often needed in the bigger battles, as it was rough for a TT to catch it before your shield was gone.

             Thats your style of playing, for me I would ask why the hell are you running away from the fight? So because you get some agro you tuck tail and bail untill its safe for you to return?  to me that makes no sence... to you its perfectly normal.   Its just two style of play.   And to be honest  whenever ive grouped with someone who was using beams ive never seen anyone play like that.. ive always seen them stay in formation and fight it out along side me.


    Due to the fact that Jenquai are currently able to use a setup that can fire from 8.19k with a very low chance of even being attacked all while doing max damage?  You damn right its gonna be nerfed.


    No risk whatsoever, and I have reproduced it myself, multiple times.  Thats farther than any terran or progen can fire, has the benefit of instant damage, can be done outside of the scan range of the mob, AND is still doing its full maximum damage.


    Sorry but seriously, right now because of a couple little issues the jenquai professions are able to do things they simply should not be able to do.  The short range profession is now the long range kiter, and in the case of the Defender a long range invisible sniper with the highest DPS potential in the game?





    Due to the fact that Jenquai are currently able to use a setup that can fire from 8.19k with a very low chance of even being attacked all while doing max damage?  You damn right its gonna be nerfed.


    Stanig- Im all for fixing exploits/issue with the game.. but I dont like that things are done to fix one problem only to create another issue that gives the player a disadvantage over others because a few people wanna run around and exploit bugs/issue.

     But when you say "Dam right its gonna be nerfed" I take that as you would rather NERF and entire class of weapons instead of fixing the actual issue. You even said yourself there is a few issues with the Jenq race that allow them to do these things.. what those issues are I have no idea, but obviously you do.. so why not work on those issues rather then screw with a entire weapons class?


    I hope I do not come off as a jackass in my post but sometimes its hard to understand where someone is coming from just by reading text. Im gratefull for all the work you guys are putting in and im just voicing my opinion/thoughts/suggestions on how to improve.

    • Upvote 2
  8. I think its a dumb idea. I understand thats how it was in "Live" but do we have to follow it 100%?  Sometimes its hard enough when grouped/formation just to get close enough to use beams and now  there gonna be reduced in power?  My PP does 2-3x the amount of damage my JS can and he can do it at ranges my JS cant even fire at, id be willing to bet just my Shield Inversion does half as much damage as my JS with lvl 7 beams..... and now you want to reduce him to a bb gun when he does get in range? Maybe some people can sit back and kill mobs without being seen but I know my JS cant right now.. ive never found a mob that I can kite from a distance where im not seen.


    I understand that Projectiles and Missiles have to 'travel' to do damage but once you hit the MOB it turns at you which makes a few sets of rounds hit at almost the same time for some massive damage.  It works to your advantage since you can fire and start to back off before the MOB is ever agro'd at you there is several sets of rounds already heading his way where as with beams 1 shot instantly brings the agro and your already up close and personal...  Seems like the damage falling off past 50% range is just a way to force people to constantly combat cloak and fight outside of a formation since the other 2 weapon classes can push 1 button and sit back at a distance and impact full damage where someone with beams might not eve nbe within range to fire at all (I remember in ST3 being in a gorup and having ot ask the leader mob after mob to move in closer just so I could shoot..  You can put it in a nice box with a pretty bow and call this a 'Tactic' but in reality its a brown paper bag with #2 inside, and thats called NERFing.  



    The entire point of a formation is to be in close with your buddies for support and fight as a group.. not be forced to constantly move around the battle field outside the box of your buddies.  But from what Stanig said they are going to mess with this so Maybe find a way to make it so that when your grouped and in formation you get a damage increase to beams past 50%  Maybe have the dropoff at 100% range be only 75-80% Damage, at least then its a reward for being in formation and working as a team.   Opinions on this?


    Edit:  I only played Live for a few months..and I was a JD and I do not recall my beams being any less lethal at range compared to up close... is this even a real feature of live?

  9. Thanks Stanig for putting in a good word during the meeting about the couples who play who can now no longer use the feature.. Maybe you can put in a good word about some of the ideas posted here on ways to help curb people from exploiting the feature.



    Thanks everyone for the ideas on ways to adjust the feature, hopefully something good will happen and we can go back to enjoying it.

  10. According to the patch notes it's supposed to be 2 now behind the same IP that can group gate.


    My wife and I have found a different experience, however.  When we're grouped/formed and whichever of us is leader gates, the other gets a message "You cannot follow your group leader through this gate!". The leader still has the form selected on the other side fo the gate, though (LOVE THIS)  and the other only has to reform.


    Just wanted to let the Devs know it's not working as it was listed to be in the patch notes.


    I read the patch notes and I also like you thought this meant 2 IP's.. but if you read it again you will see it says "Multi boxers are only allowed to group gate with one toon from the same IP".. This means 1 toon,  not 1 in addition to the group leader who also shares the same IP.

     Example. If someone else is the leader and you and your wife are in the group and the leader gates, only one of you will group gate, the other will get the message about not being able to follow the leader through the gate.

     But when your both in the same group and one of you are the leader then it counts the leader as the 1 allowed from the same IP.. therefore your wife puts you over your limit. The only way to take advantage of the group gate feature now while multiboxing is if your NOT the leader and both toons are 2 different groups, both will gate... which is just not pratical unless your doing a raid and you happen to group up a few gates from raid area.

  11. If you click the little target cross icon on the group members name in the group-name-list, you are targeting the target of this member.

    That what you are looking for?

    Not sure how hard or if this is even possible but can you make a shortcut for this feature? The little crosshairs are small. We have a shortcut key to form when the leader has created a formation and that button is way bigger then the crosshairs button and its rarely used since most people dont break formation while fighting, on the other hand when you fighting the group leader is constantly selecting a new target and while there is a shortcut for nearest mob (F8) sometimes the nearest to the leader is not the nearest to the person on the left or right of him so this is not a real effective way of knowing your both on the same target.  Would be nice to be able to hit an F# key or just any key on thats not already being used as a shortcut to target whatever the group leader has targeted.




  12.     I know the group gate is a very new thing (What maybe a little over a week?) but it was a feature that I liked alot since I Multibox and always have at least 2 logged in and normally they are grouped with each other and sometimes ill have all 3 comps running and have them grouped together for varies reasons. For me it saved quite a bit of time gating.. 3 Screens means 3x everything compared to one and it was nice to not have to repeat the gating feature 10x on 3 comps while moving from one hunting ground to another.

    I would compare the group gate to the autofire option.. Aint it nice to only have to push the button once? 



       I 100% agree and understand that some people were abusing the Group gate feature for explore XP and I knew it would only be a matter of time before something was done, what I did not expect was that the people who do multibox would be totally cut off from using the feature on two toons at 1 time.  Obviously you would like everyone to be at the computer 100% of the time while playing but it is nice when your in a group going from A to B and you have someone to do some of the work for you while you take a short break to eat,smoke, bathroom or whatever.

     Not to mention that there are people here who play with other members in the same household who cant take advantage of the group gate feature now. I know I used to be one of those people who played this game in a house where someone else also played.



    Is there anyway to configure a limit so that 2 or even 3 people in a group with the same IP can use this feature? That would cut down quite a bit on the amount someone could abuse the feature for explore XP while still allowing the multiboxers to take advantage of the feature while grouped with themselves.





  13. Nice to see that there is a list out there now, Ive added a few items that I know of although the spelling may be a letter or two off but you get the point.


    I noticed under "tools" there is a "protect sheet" option where you can appoint certain people to be able to add/delete/edit info.  Maybe we should pick a few people to do this, post up there emails and when people want to have something added just shoot it there way? Might prevent people deleting info weather on purpose or by accident. Making a seperate email and linking it to an existing account is easy enough if anyone on here is hesitant to give out the email they use on a daily basis.



    I know more then I listed but I cant think of MOB names and dont wanna jot down wrong info so ill get my notes in order and continue to add.

  14.  I have asked and have received multiple answers as far as location/timers.. Some people revert back to Live, some people think they know.. only to find out there wrong. Thats why I asked here.. Dont see the problem with having a central list people can checkout for items.



    These were very very valuable items in Live.  In Beta they were very very common.  I doubt they have changed the drop location....just ask in chat if you don't know where an item drops.


    note: Enbarsenal is so far from being right its more likely to waste your time. 

  15. Ive been reading the ingame chat and I notice the same several items come across daily such as Tatss/Tiwana Pride, Puks wing and serval others that slip my mind.  And it got me thinking is there is an up to date list of where these rare items and others drop from, who drops them, where, and how long there timer is? Some items I see asked about now have new drop mobs from before in Beta and it would be nice to have some insight from who


    I personally have been stopping in Primus when I pass though looking for Xian Xing (Or however its spelled) just to see if I can get lucky and get a pride of him. And today I seen another player there looking and was told he is possibly on a 24hr timer now?   If so that crazy because I remember having to kill him alot with my JD to get the Tatsu and id its such a rare drop and long timer it could be months before I can get one looted again.


    (I did a forum search and only found some items that were talking about 2 years ago)


    If you know of an items drop place/mob/timer post it here! If there is not a list ill be sure to update this post with any info thats valid for item drops.




  16. In order to use the database you have to log in and have an avatar show on the left side of screen inside net-7.org. I was able to figure out a login that would show a toon so I can access the database but its not a toon I use anymore (since wipe). Ive tried all the log ins I can remember but only 1 actually shows an avatar on the left side of screen after log in.

    Is there a way I can figure out the login name for the toons I do use so I can link there vaults together so I can do transfers via net-7? (hopefully I can figure this out)
    WhiteTrashPP and WhiteTrashJS are the two toons I would like to figure out the net-7.org log in for so I can link them.

  17. So I updated Net-7 on my 2nd comp, Launched it and I can see the server is online and see how many players. I click play and the Code of Conduct window pops up, I click Accept and in the bottom right corner I get an icon and when I hover is says "Login" but no window ever shows up after I click the accept button.

    Game plays fine with no issues on main comp. and it played fine on my 2nd comp a year ago when I was playing the game.. Checked and Net-7 is up to date... /stumped.

  18. Later on in the game every SP is very valuable, when things start costing 5-6-7 SP's to upgrade your gonna want every last one, espically if you a TT and plan on building.
    The Devices are sold by a NPC in Arx Spartol (Endriago) in Bar Area (Not lobby or Bazaar). You buy the device that matches the skill lvl your wanting to reset (Note. Engine/Shield/Reactor are not reset-able). Then go to F7 ans ask on Market for a Call Forward. You install the device and group the person preforming the CF, tell him what skill and you will get a confirmation box (just like a WH confirmation) listing the skill. Click accept and you back to square one (Note you will never loose the skill it will just revert to lvl 1 and you can always re-add SP's to it later on).

    Its not worth dropping everything your doing to go and do but next time your around Endriago i'd stop in and pickup the device.

    I hope someone else can reply with the actual device name as I have forgotten it.
  19. [quote name='Knix' timestamp='1308123226' post='42138']
    You could also add a slash-command to enable or disable the sort button...
    Good idea Knix,
    I wonder if disabling the sort button altogether and have a /command to sort the vaults... but seems unfair to those who may actually use them.
  20. I thought I was doing everything correctly with my PP but after readings some of the topics in here I think I made an error and have lost the ability to do the missions. Mind you I started my PP a year ago then left from April to March, so I have a big gap of not being around and have no idea what has changed.

    I currently have in my Mission log "Progen Token bonus- Assaination- Under Development -Points At DEVELOPER SECTOR- FOR FURTUE DEV MISSIONS" Log is empty. and im step 1/1

    I do however have a New PW im lvling up and would like another shot. If someone could direct me at the right NPC to pickup the mission.

    Also, what exactly is the reward and is it even worth all the hassle? I remember a year ago everyone was gripping about the missions being long and hard to follow and a simple error in NPC chat can throw everything out the window.. this still the case?
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