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Posts posted by Rekarrded

  1. Where do i sign up? Would love to help with game dev but have no real programming skills except for VB.

    @Yuritau: Example of loot that is only available in a closed sector which you think has nothing to do with story. Perhaps we can either enlighten or link it to story for you.

    @Jrky & Terrell: The only ones I can speak for are Ardus and Der Todesengel, they are the only ones that I have closed, and they become available at specific points in the story, the first being several months after live, the second being closer to a year. (assuming we follow the same schedule EA/Westwood did). To answer the question though, what we need are people that are willing to test and document, its boring as hell (the writing parts) but it helps us get things done a LOT faster. We have very few testers that are willing to put in the necessary work for that.

  2. DAOC had some great housing setups, our consignment merchants/multiple vaults made it possible to really equip a whole crew, plus the economy aspect made it possible to get some great loot at decent prices. No one really "hung out" there but it was usually the start point for the nights activities. Could possibly add ticket porters that would function similar to JE jumps. Nothing sez lovin like buying looted gear from a CM for cutthroat prices.

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