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Posts posted by oren

  1. Update: even the EnBNotifier is red as of yesterday. By the messages in the forum I take it that everyone else is playing. What gives? :(

    Also tried connecting from both local IPs

    Net7Proxy version 1.78

    Using IP: (

    16/04/10 11:18:58 Error while opening UDP port

    .16/04/10 11:18:58 Attempting to connect to IP address:

    16/04/10 11:18:58 Sending login.

    16/04/10 11:19:03 login failed - server not found.

    Net7Proxy version 1.78

    Using IP: (

    16/04/10 11:20:35 Attempting to connect to IP address:

    16/04/10 11:20:35 Sending login.

    16/04/10 11:20:40 login failed - server not found.

  2. As soon as I get some money that I can spare (lots of debt atm) I wil more then happily donate!!! :blink: I wish I could do it now!!


    I have $300,000 of debt. I donated $5. You can afford to waste time playing, but you can't give even $5 to help the developers who maintain this game for you?

  3. Crashes after login.

    P /82/10 23:06:48 Attenpting to connect to IP address:

    P /82/10 23:06:40 Sending login.

    - /82/tO 23:06:41 Iogin OK

    - /82/10 23:06:41 Starting E&B.w.w.5

    - /82/10 23:06:42 Launch E&B successful

    - /82/10 23:06:42 UDP packet optinisation seIected (reduces server Ioad).

    “ /82/10 23:06:43 Connecting to Authentication Server on

    /82/10 23:06:43 RegisterSectorServer at IP address port 3500

    /82/10 23:07:01 User ‘XXXX’ logging in from IP:

    nding usernane/password.

    /82/10 23:07:01 TCP login 1ink established.

    /82/10 23:07:01 Starting TCP Iogin connection

    /82/10 23:07:01 Login link established to server.

    /82/10 23:07:82 Received account valid fron Server

    /82/10 23:07:82 Received account request.

    8/82/10 23r:07:82 Received TCP avatarlist from Server

    8/82/10 23:07:82 Received Avatar list.

    8/82/10 23:07:03 TCP connection on port 3805 was reset

  4. Progress! Now it stops not accepting the password. It does, however crash after typing name/pw and clicking the arrow. Console says it did get the Avatar list, so I assume password was accepted.

    P /82/10 23:06:48 Attenpting to connect to IP address:

    P /82/10 23:06:40 Sending login.

    - /82/tO 23:06:41 Iogin OK

    - /82/10 23:06:41 Starting E&B.w.w.5

    - /82/10 23:06:42 Launch E&B successful

    - /82/10 23:06:42 UDP packet optinisation seIected (reduces server Ioad).

    “ /82/10 23:06:43 Connecting to Authentication Server on

    /82/10 23:06:43 RegisterSectorServer at IP address port 3500

    /82/10 23:07:01 User ‘xxx’ logging in from IP:

    nding usernane/password.

    /82/10 23:07:01 TCP login 1ink established.

    /82/10 23:07:01 Starting TCP Iogin connection

    /82/10 23:07:01 Login link established to server.

    /82/10 23:07:82 Received account valid fron Server

    /82/10 23:07:82 Received account request.

    8/82/10 23r:07:82 Received TCP avatarlist from Server

    8/82/10 23:07:82 Received Avatar list.

    8/82/10 23:07:03 TCP connection on port 3805 was reset

    EDIT: Net-7 has updated itself and this solved the issue.

  5. This ^2.

    I'm very new to this game, I was looking for a good (free) space MMO, and I've heard good things about EnB. I was really looking forward to playing it, but the first time I got on all the missions were down, and now the second time I get on, I can't log on. This does not endear the game to me as a new player at all.

    This is the trade off you get when choosing a free, non-profit game. I'm just thankful someone took the initiative to revive this after EA dumped it.

  6. If you switch the server to the "custom" one, the checkboxes will not be grayed out and you can check local cert. It just doesn't seem to like the password for some reason.

    Hope it helps you though.

    Just thought of something: Are there any ports that need to be forwarded from the router? I forwarded 3500-3805 because I saw them showing up in the console. Are there any more?

  7. Not sure this helps anyone...

    My old laptop, you can check the Local Cert and I got in fine - old XP.

    Now PC has windows & - the Misc box is greyed out so I cannot check the Local Cert. Repeated tried (like dozens) gets you in eventually, but its not good when you get bumped out repeatedly (well twice).

    If you switch the server to the "custom" one, the checkboxes will not be grayed out and you can check local cert. It just doesn't seem to like the password for some reason.

    Hope it helps you though.

  8. I've been able to run under Windows XP, although sometimes it takes a second start before it brings up the E&B client. I did the same install under Window 7 without a problem and Net-7 sucessfully patched it to current, however, when I click on the play button, it connects to the server, but fail to lauch the E&B client, even though it says that it has (after a noticable pause).

    This is the text displayed:

    Net7Proxy version 1.72

    25/02/10 22:55:29 Attempting to connect to IP address:

    25/02/10 22:55:29 Sending login.

    25/02/10 22:55:30 login OK

    25/02/10 22:56:21 Launch E&B successful

    25/02/10 22:56:21 UDP packet optimisation selected (reduces server load).

    25/02/10 22:56:49 MVAS thread running

    I've restarted it several time and it always gets stuck at this point. Any suggestions?

    I have the exact same issue under windows 7. How do I get past this and make it launch the client?

    EDIT: restarts, multiple attempts and now the client loads. It cannot however connect to the servers... /sigh

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