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Posts posted by Reon

  1. I think it was close to a waste of money before it launched. Look at the global problems right now, including the issues the country that funds NASA is having.

    Look at it this way...people seem to think that everything will change and be all rainbows and pixie farts if we find that some other planet in our solar system could have supported life. That will not fix humanities philosophical and religious issues, nor will it fix the many problems we experience financially or otherwise.

    Perhaps this is because, I look at life in a different sense. I believe if life was to be created on other worlds, it might not have to be carbon based. We know very little about the laws of our universe. I think that more time should be spent trying to understand space and time itself, because thought doesn't cost billions of dollars.

    What if life has nothing in common with the carbon based lifeforms of earth? What if life exists beyond what we know? Should that be found to be the case, wouldn't it seem kind of stupid spending this kind of money to go hunting on another planet for a proverbial "smoking gun" to prove ET carbon based life could be possible? We have so many places the money could have been better spent(see any one of the countries where death from starvation and disease is prevalent).

    EDIT: I guess I am saying I hope the future mocks us and we should fix the MANY problems here before we look for places off world to spend money on.
  2. that is pretty much a compilation of what I have noticed...prolly the only other thing I could mention would be the inclusion of more missions and content, but lets look at the list of what it is...

    I don't think Ryle meant this list as a Wall of Whine, I think it was meant to express the things the community has mentioned the most. I am sure many have seen me talking in the chat channels, and even with as vocal as I am, I rarely talk unless I am bored running jobs,ect. Most of the time I sit back and read chat. Ryle is not the one saying all of these things, he is typing a list of what seems to be the biggest discussions found in all of the chat channels.

    The way the original post is worded, I doubt this is a crack of the whip or merely a list of gripes, but a compiled list of the things needing to be fixed soon before this game can make it to a Live version.

    So, with that in mind, thank you dev's for the hard work, and keep it up the good show!
  3. [quote name='rolo' timestamp='1344067016' post='61405']
    Posting jokes and the like in this thread can result in the server not being checked as I Only check the latest post. Please keep posts in this thread to the subject, I.e that the server is down!!!!

    Checking now.

    *grins sheepishly*

    Sorry Rolo...I was mourning the loss of the latest server hamster and in my state of overwhelming grief I made a bad decision. :cluebat:

    By the way...the server was down :blush:
  4. *Two Progens ponder the meaning of life and all its mysteries. Just kidding.

    *Two Progens board a Jenquai ship. One points a pistol at the Jenquai pilot and the second walks over to sit in the captains chair. Appearing frusterated, the second Progen demands, "Why are your ships controls unresponsive?" The Jenquai looks perplexed, and mutters, "That is a roll of toilet paper. The controls are in the cockpit."

    *Two Progens walk into a beauty salon for laser hair removal. 4 days later the workers give up and kick them out. The first one says to the other, "What will I do about the other eyebrow though? now they don't match!" The second replies, "At least you had a turn!"

    *Two Progens stop at Earthcorps High Command. One asks a Terran worker, "Do you know where we can find our Leader Kahn? Our ships computer doesn't have a Ceti Alpha V listed."

    *Two Progens decided to explore a new system, but only one made it back because the V'rix c1n h1s c4d2x.

    *Two Progens enter a chess tournament, but are disqualified because they won't stop eating the pieces.

    *Two Progens tried working on blueprints for the next level 9 projectile launcher, but were unable to finish because a Jenquai stole their box of crayons.

    *Two Progens try to read this...but they can't.

    How do Progen brain cells die? Alone.
  5. [quote name='Ryle' timestamp='1344047543' post='61376']
    I want to point out that attacking probably isnt going to get anything accomplished, but the idea of a chat filter seems to be the way to go.
    The vast majority of us are adults in our 20s, 30s, 40s, and even 50s. Words are words, but honestly I know my kids hang out when I play, as do those of others, they dont need this.

    That goes for the sexual innuendos too. How often do you see me say in game "what am i reading?" thats usually why, I guess a passive aggressive way of saying wow thats over the line there.

    I just think its a little ridiculous to have this much of an outcry/issue of a single word, when there had been some particularly raunchy discussions in NP and Market chat in the past that no one jumped on, and that it seems like most chat reprimanding is limited to a certain former advocate that likes to jump on random convos and tell them to go to another channel when no ones said a word except those having the convo, for an hour or more.

    Theres an enforcement/judgement disparity here, inconsistent and frankly going after the wrong people a lot.

    Thats my last word on it, since I am sure Ive inflamed the situation more than I should of.

    I have been guilty of a "what am I reading" at least once from you...I have tried to reel myself in a little bit lately, like several I have assumed that the playerbase of a 10 year old game is probably at least in their 20s by now, but I am sure some peoples kids are playing these days. Since there is no filter, I don't cuss in channels, but there has been more than one occasion where some one crosses the line and I have not reeled the chat back in.

    Don't forget, loudmouths like me that talk way to much and enjoy making people laugh inadvertently cross the line when we see others going even further past said line and using foul language while doing it.

    NOTE: as far as channel misuse goes...it seems to happen often, and I have been one of the past offenders. I have not been reprimanded about it, but I prolly should have. I know each channel has its uses, and I am sure in live that it will be much different, but right now, there are sometimes as few as 40 people on late night...so its almost expected someone to continue a conversation in NP or Market when the channel has not had one word said in it for 2 hours...
  6. Two Progens walk into a bar....and fall over with a concussion...because they didn't use the door...

    Two Progens....that's it...that's the joke....one Progen is funny enough...but two...that's hilarious!

    Two Progens get into a fight over who gets to try out their new projectile launcher first. A Terran walks by and takes it, and scolds them for stealing his flashlight.

    Two Progens are working in a lab. One says, "I have done it!" The other asks "You found the perfect genetic code for all Progens to aspire to?" The first replies, "Yes, it was right here in this shipment of Jenquai DNA!"
    • Upvote 2
  7. [quote name='Algaron' timestamp='1343841733' post='61242']
    I have no difficulty understanding how it is supposed to be. I have already explained this thoroughly, Jens can't make all Progen Items nor can Progen make all Jen items. I am talking about some items being incorrectly labelled. And no the 3 races don't hate each other. Only The Progen and Jens hate each - because the Progen invaded Jenquai space. Terrans are neutral Capitalists. Progen are geneticists and Jenquai are technologists. This is why Terrans can make everything. Perhaps I am not the not with a difficulty in grasping concepts.

    Hrm...the races don't dislike each other? Since when? Are you implying the Terrans (who would sell their mother to a tengu for 5 credits) are actually genuine and have no other reasons for "liking" Progens and Jenquai? Are you implying it was only Progens that incurged into Jenquai controlled space? Interesting.

    Terrans can't make everything, they never could. The lore is they loved to trade, so they kept some contact with the other races prior to the gate war(if I am recalling correctly). If the Terrans were neutral, why were they involved in the gate war? The Jenquai harbor much more animosity toward the Progens than they do Terrans, but if you watched millions of defenseless people brutalized by some overgrown test tube babies, you might not forget about it quickly...but that doesn't mean they have forgotten the Terrans place in the war.

    So yeah, there is animosity in the races, there always has been. The Terrans have never been neutral, they have always been on the Terran side. They will do what is required to get what they want, no matter if that includes smiling while selling weapons crates to a Jenquai, or blowing them up to gain access to ancient technology. Terrans will even go after their own if it suits them (see the Alpha Centari system). Right now, the war is over...a very loose state of peace exists, but old grudges die hard. Technically everyone is "neutral"...but that doesn't mean a few years ago that the Terrans were kissing Jenquai babies and picking flowers with Progen dog soldiers.

    Regardless of the racial feelings in this game, the races still developed cultures and technology separate from each other. To think that these groups could go years at a time without formal contact and yet still have identical developments and understanding of technology is a little far fetched. So no, I don't think anyone of any race should be allowed to make every item in the game. I can not grasp that concept.

    I also can't grasp the concept why people want the print on that crappy beam anyway...it sucks.

    EDIT: Along your original line of questioning about things being mislabeled, they seem to want the beam to be manufactured only by the JS...I would not be surprised to see more items like this in the future, and frankly I see nothing wrong with it. You are right about the database though, there will be some items with improper manufacturer names, the database, like the EMU, is a work in progress...give it some time.
    • Upvote 1
  8. on the original subject...the waves of enemy mobs is a great idea, and the supply run sounds good too!

    Another idea would be a patrol mission for warrior classes. It would send them to 3 navs, and one of the 3 navs has a chance to spawn a random encounter, could be a pushover, could be a tough mob (for example, a level 50 job could spawn a level 5, or it could spawn a level 17). Another option would be a defend idea...defend an NPC target. A level 50 JD job might have to defend a patrol of level 5 shinwa from a level 15 enemy trying to attack the formation.

    Trade jobs could also entail low level building...missions to build a certain amount of low level items and deliver them to a station or NPC...like level 3 components or something for a 105 job, level 2 for 75 jobs, ect. You could also add jobs that make use of existing trade runs...for example, a job that requires you to deliver 20 crates of Jenquai technology to Somerled station...this would make trade runs still worth the time.

    This is somewhat unrelated, but later on as the EMU nears completion and the content team is looking for new things to add...what about little fun missions? They could be repeatable, and even class unique in the players home sectors...for example, explorers could get scan missions of varying difficulty...the missions could range from scanning mars planet, to scanning the remote minefield in VT. Tradesman could be asked to do more than make supply deliveries, they could get missions where their job was to help escort a ship...a ship with powerful guns but very low shield regeneration rate, and a mob attacking it that was higher than the tradesman would normally be able to kill, forcing the trader to follow and heal the glass cannon in order to complete the mission. Warriors could end up with missions to search and destroy. The warrior would be given a sector where a mob was ravaging local shipping, exact location unknown, but within 30k of a specific landmark...the warrior would need to go hunt the mob down and help a NPC glass cannon ship defeat the menace.

    What would be really neat is if these missions were able to be tied in together...for example, the newby version of these home sector missions: A PS gets a mission to go scan mars, but there would be an enemy mob lurking nearby that they would be unable to kill easily on their own. A PP gets a mission to heal a NPC ship to keep it from being killed by an enemy mob that the PP would not be able to easily kill on their own. A PW gets a mission to find a NPC ship and help it seek out and destroy an enemy mob that it would be unable to solo, but can with the help of a group or the NPC ship. These missions could be completed solo (but would take longer) or completed in a group (the trader and warrior smash the enemy ship while the explorer buffs and gets its scan update).

    There are lots of little ideas, and most of mine would be a pain to try and code probably (and even more of a pain to balance), but perhaps they might be useful later on in the EMU after most of the other work is finished.
  9. the ZEM already has a little pulse graphic to it, but instead of continuing the pulse, it shuts off and starts back up again in 2 seconds. I suppose a similar effect to what you mentioned could be had with some of the 1 second delay weapons in the game and plenty of turbo buffs to cut the delay down.

    The only way I would like to see this is if it is implemented AFTER Beta. I think it is a fine idea to have weapon diversity, it gives number crunchers like me more options. I think it would be interesting to see a new generation of beams dropping off new raid mobs after the live version is released that have a short enough delay that combat cloak is almost useless, and a blinding/seizure inducing stream of laser pulses arcing to an enemy...but only if they have enough DPS to make them worth using...in other words...they would have to be higher than the 4+ second delay beams...because if they are not, there is no point to it, is there?

    If the DPS was high enough to make them at least a viable alternative to the long delay beams and ditching combat cloak, and the devs waited to encode it until after live(because they have enough work to do now, no sense in adding fluff to the list when there are still mechanical issues), I would say, sure...why not. Otherwise, why bother?
  10. [quote name='Hatu' timestamp='1343860139' post='61269']
    The Client has already been modified lol, it's a different game - a replica. Afaik, new content is on the agenda too down the road.

    see below post:

    [quote name='Dakynos' timestamp='1343952400' post='61316']
    New content and client modifications are different. I'd imagine that the range circle would be doable (if the developers know how to activate it), along with showing a skill unavailable (as both of these were functioning in live). The rest, I don't know.

    Client is the stuff like character and ship textures and the way it all interfaces...the graphics and how they are used. The server is what keeps track of what sectors are open, where the navs are in that sector, what level your ship is, and what graphic an archos has when it fires. To put it plainly, the way I understand it, the Emu could make an archos looks like a DG beam when it fired, and it would not be a copyright violation. However, if you wanted to put more than 6 hotbar buttons on the UI, it would be.
  11. [quote name='maxiel' timestamp='1343844761' post='61252']
    While you're waiting for the server to start, here are some pictures from Live I have been saving:


    Although the interesting ones are in the "After sunset" folder:


    Hope you enjoy these. I uploaded these at the start of the emu, so they should be public already.

    If you were playing on Andromeda server, there is a big chance you might find your own name in these pictures.

    Wow....that brings back a ton of memories....I must say though...I looked through every single screenshot...and I was not in a single one...with all those screenies of the tempest and DT stuff...shots of Merchant Marines, and Freedom Fighters...heck, I wasn't even in explorer chat in your chat window (and that is surprising, because in case no one has noticed, I am not the most quiet person in the world). Maybe the cake is a lie...maybe I wasn't on Andromeda after all!
  12. LOL...all this over a beam no one in their right mind would ever want on their ship...

    This is my stance on it. I understand many of you are "completionists"...you have to go into an MMO and kill every known mob, get every known achievement, complete every known mission/quest, and be able to build every item in the game. Well...that is fine to an extent...but most games have certain build skills or recipes/patterns that are only available to one race or archetype or class. Guess what? This game was one of them.

    Now, while I do agree a JS buildable only weapon does not follow the pattern in live, I don't see a problem with it. Many people would argue that they should be able to build anything they want. I disagree. The lore of this game is that the 3 races hate each other, have been living separately for a very long time, and tried to annihilate each other a very short time ago. To believe that any average person of one race could just pick up a piece of one of the other races technology, walk over to a computer terminal, and in two seconds learn everything about that piece and how it was constructed and also how to make it fit on their ship is kind of ridiculous.

    Example: The average person doesn't know how to fit an intake meant for one brand of car onto another brand of car. Most people don't know how to build one...and all an "air intake" consists of is an air filter and some aluminum or plastic tubing. Sorry if it seems like a stretch that hundreds of years in the future that people would develop their own technology that would be incompatible with a completely different technology someone else developed.

    If you still have difficulty grasping the concept of why one race can't build everything, go try to fit AM3 processor to an LGA 775 board. Sure, with enough time, money, and knowledge it can be done...but it isn't practical and most people couldn't do it. *Shrug* I look at from that perspective...it is like handing an Intel worker a AMD processor and telling him to reverse engineer it in 10 seconds and be able rebuild it perfectly...I understand this is the future and the build terminals have software to do the analyzing and learning for you...but that software is encoded for your race...so it is pretty much the same thing.
  13. i would be happy just for the red out when skills are out of range and the casting icon so i know if a heal has started casting when there are enough mobs/players to cause 1+ second lag.

    EDIT: As far as a countdown or other things, that could get tricky because if they start modifying the client this goes from the grey area straight to the black (cease and desist letter territory).
  14. so...uh...is a group of 6 people a group or a raid? I mean, if a mob is meant to be taken by a single group is it a raid mob anymore?

    I am sure this will be a shock to some people, but raid mobs are not meant to be solo'd with exploits, nor are they meant to be taken out with one group. There is a reason most people used Archos and Zets...it was because the gear taken for granted now was not so readily available back in live. It is not like the average person was soloing or one grouping raid mobs in live. Back when the game was live, the small guilds I was in formed a raid alliance, and multiple guilds would band together to take on a raid encounter.

    This isn't WoW or another game where you can expect easy raid encounters...it also is not EQ2 where in order to get the end game mobs you have to raid for 6 nights a week and 6+ hours a night. I have played not only this game live, but also other MMO's and this games raid encounters are nothing compared to some other games. You are complaining about a single group not being able to take on a raid mob, yet in some games it takes 4 groups of perfectly geared and insanely dedicated (and intelligent) players to take out a raid mob.

    The point of hard to get gear and raid mobs is that the gear is hard to get. I am fine if the guild I am in has to co operate with other guilds to take down a tough mob...that is better than being bored and one grouping every raid in the game.

    EDIT: oh yeah, and keep up the good work Dev's...please don't carebear us.
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