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Posts posted by Mattsacre

  1. I love(d) EnB ever since alpha. I personally knew the WW crew, didn't EA. With trepidation I figured give EA the benefit of the doubt, they failed. When they muffed EnB I got mad, when they screwed my WW buds over I got angry, when they announced sunset I grew wroth. I vowed then to never buy a EA product again.


    I broke that promise for the first time last yr. They had a deal you just can't resist (the C&C 7 in 1 disk). I should have resisted, given EA's history I should have totally known better. The "deal" never got delivered, the "7/1 disk" wasn't a disk, it was a code to download it all from their "origins" web site, it didn't work, nor ,despite  many attempts to get what I paid for, has it ever been delivered . I could have got more for my money by using the 25$ to scrub a toilet. At least the toilet would be clean with far less hassle.


    So no, if EA turned it all back on, even with a glorious upgrade and story etc etc. I would NOT pay for a EA product. If they wiped their hands of it and let a 3rd party have a go (like the current EnBEMU guys :)) I would give it a serious go, but as long as EA is in anyway associated with it? Big fat NO!

  2. I changed (successfully) my old defunct email for my new email tonight, I kept the same forum name and password as the old, the only change was the email account.

    As recommended I logged out and back in. However when I logged on to N7 Portal my avatars and account vault is unreachable, it gives this message:


    "If you cannot see all (or none) of your avatars at the left (avatar list), make sure you are using the correct forum account to login here, and that you have created a game account already, if you changed your forum email address lately, you must resync your mail address here."


              "please click here:(click)"


    This link is dead, when I click it nothing happens, when I click it repeatedly nothing happens real fast repeatedly :)


    How would I go about with a resync without the dead link  so I can access my several accounts/toons (and especially account vault)


    Forum name: Mattsacre

    N7 Portal name: Mattsacre


    Old Email:Matthattr@rock.com   (Defunct)

    Some of the account names: Mattsacre,Matthattr2,Mattrack,Mattvault etc.


    Do you need password for a manual resync or my new Email? Don't want to post it here but got them also :)


    Thanx for any fixs,   Matt

  3. name and shame message left on cherry picked hulks that have been left 10+ minutes make them respawn after a short while

    Could I get that in a persist mode? I would like a general chat post and a little neon sign saying my name right were I cherry picked.


    Like this:   Mattsacre Cherry Picked on this location at 9.10.13.


    Maybe even state what I left behind for good measure: Mattsacre cherry Picked on this location (x,y,z) @ 9.10.13 and left 21 debris.


    Can I get that? Make it persist for say 30 days...I'd log on and Pick there every 30 days just to make a point, I would find the memorium real exceptional and a badge of honor. :wub:

  4. There are turbo weapons ( general description) equip buffs and turbo X equip buffs (specificly PL, ML, Beam turbo is named in the description) that stack equip.  Like the Weapon or device will have 20%, 30% or 40% buff equip to that TYPE of weapon and then a addition effect from something else will say turbo WEAPON (not specifying the weapon type)..those stack.

  5. There were sabine factioned near the repository, they were solo and only aggroed others if you dragged then near others, they were low level, somewere in the 12-14 range.


    Near the gate to legarto there were solo sabine 6-9ish and clustered/formationed centriata. The formationed were groups of 3 with a 1x L8 and 2x L(6-7). A little farther from the gate towards the hulk there were 2x centriata clustered formations of 3x and there were somewere in the L16-17 range.  If I remember right that was the Diversus leader L17 and 2 centurion L16


    This was the primary area that PS/PW would wreck their rep and boost RD, especially with PW's shield nova skill. Most PW would help lowbies by offering free loots to all comers. There was one serious problem however, PW had to take great care not to push into red rep with centriata (it could happen real fast since there were literally doz. and doz. of progen mobs there) using the shield nova. If they pushed red the gate turrets would put out a shoot on sight and they couldn't gate to primus or tarsis or mars alpha. That was a serious problem since the PW mission hub to correct bad rep was in tarsis. That's why the job terminals were adjusted to give faction rep so they could fix bad centriata rep.

  6. There are only 2 things jenny shields are good for:

    1. Some have good active buffs. The shield cap and recharge are almost universaly sucky, so those that use them for buffs, buff then switch to the other shield.

    2.Some have PM or semi-rare comps and are used to rip parts out of.


    other than that I can't think of any other reason anyone would prefer a jenny shield :)


    Oh wait edit: vendor food a #3 :)

  7. Let's define exactly what cherry picking is for those that don't know (not many I'm sure, but let's define it anyway):


    The removal of only part of the material in some resource node (hulk, hydrocarbon, crystal, gas, radioactive, corpse etc.) and leaving behind whatever you haven't removed to either be discovered by another player and removed by them or to be in turn passed over by them, or, to decay by whatever timer devs have established (despawn).


    So, you got to the table late and someone else ate all the mash potatoes, gravy and dessert. Darn, you wanted the mashed instead of the pickled beets they left behind....tough, next time get to the table earlier. Forcing the first diner to eat pickled beets that they clearly don't like, simply because someone else is going to be late to the table, isn't a solution. 


    As to my earlier post, the OP called it a problem, my response boils down to it's not a problem its a annoyance. For a  mere annoyance,  their idea was to alter the normal function of the client and it's normal dynamics to force player behavior into a direction they would prefer. The annoyance is other player behavior, not game function. I say be careful what you wish for, going down that road, namely : altering the game dynamics to suit someones idea of how the game should be played by others, i.e. forced game play, could have serious undesired consequences.


    For anyone that says they haven't cherry picked, even once.........you are a liar. And if you are saying that others should somehow be disallowed to because you want them to play in a manner you wish them to...you are worse, a hypocrite.


    I don't make it a practice to go select only the good stuff and leave the undesired stuff behind, I most often clear out a hulk field..those debris have a nice resale value, so do the ammo comps etc! (and like another poster pointed out..if I don't leave a field laying about, others are less likely to know it's location and get the goodies before I get a shot at them :)). But I also will be the first to admit that I have taken something I desired more and left stuff if I was running short on space and there was some drool inducing item right there in front of me. Are you saying you wouldn't jettison some piddling vendor trash to grab some good item if you run across it? If so..I say you lie. I would toss a few curium ore to pick a L8 shield every day of the week, and come on, admit it, you would also.


    If you were a non-smoker and I locked you in a small space with a chain smoker, that would be a problem, not a annoyance. That is what happens in effect when people wish to change game dynamics to alleviate what is a annoyance to them. You are forcing others to play in your way, not allowing them freedom and choice, not allowing them to leave the smoke clouded room if they so desire.

    • Upvote 2
  8. And still people call it the "problem with cherry picking", *sigh*. It's not a problem! It's W.orking A.s I.ntended.


    When you gain to much weight you either go on a diet or increase your activity, gaining weight was a "problem" but it was a natural consequence from a action.

    When you drink to much booze for too long your liver gets pickled, you want to avoid this "problem"? Decrease your consumption or live (or don't) with the consequences.


    The "problem" with cherry picking is a natural consequence of mining activity, it don't need adjusting, you may find it annoying true...I find people smacking their lips around a wad of gum while they attempt to communicate with me annoying, I chalk it into the "it annoys me, but nothing needs be done about it" category since it don't need adjusting. (If only it was legal for me to punch them in the gut until the gum fell out...we all have our fantasies :))


    The "problem" is people thinking something that is merely annoying is the problem.


    Is the trash needing discarding a "problem"? Don't see a solution, everything has  a package, you can only reduce the packaging..you still have trash, just less.

    Criminals us guns to commit crimes, let's solve that "problem" lets outlaw all guns....oh wait! they are criminals! Oh well I'm sure they will stop using guns right? Wrong, so the fix to the "problem" would only make the "problem" worse by disarming law abiders from protecting themselves from those that refuse to adhere to the laws in the first place.


    You are never going to "fix" cherry picking, there are only 2 solutions:

    1) totally remove all ores, hulks and minable resources (you want that "fix"?)

    2) remove every other player in game so they can't cherry pick (it's a MMO..really?) (that solution is sort of like my punching them until the gum drops out...it's a "solution" but the other ramifications to that "solution" out weights the means :))

    • Upvote 1
  9. Any step by step instructions is counter to what they are trying to do with the content. If you are seeking a walk through, it will have to be posted on a non-net-7 site. any walk through here are deleted.


    Johnsilver: Just to help with one thing that seems to be confusing you. The content is linked to HULL UPGRADES not OVER ALL LEVEL. So you can exceed a certain level before you complete content as long as you don't take a HU before you complete all the steps in Stage I,II and III. And lock yourself out for the next stage.


    Example: a PP does stage I COMPS after achieving L50 HU and must complete it before HU 75 not OL 75. So, you could be L78 and complete stage I COMPS, as long as you didn't go and take the HU before you finished with all the steps in stage I. Once you do take the L75 HU, you lock yourself out of stage I. If you don't complete stage I COMPS fully, at HU100 stage II will not be completable by you, nor will stage III. With this exception: after HU135 you can go back through the content lines via a gold token and extra hard missions to complete whatever you missed out on to eventually get the final rewards you missed out on. Note: this will be VERY much more expensive, VERY much more material consuming and much more time sink.

  10. Note, you get more trade xp from all trade xp sources with nego 7. So if you are going drops for cash, you are going to get more xp for those trade-ins as well.


    You will need vendor comps to build ammo, while the high end ammo uses a comp or 2 that are PMed only, most of the ammo has 1 or more vendor comps, most folks don't save the ores that build vendor comps, just the PMed ones. That and you are going to get carpel tunnel syndrome on one hand just making the PMed comps, most don't want to risk carpel tunnel in the other wrist making the vendor gettable ones, a TT is going to purchase those vendor comp much more cheaply and with a single click rather than 240 clicks. :)


    Negotiate quite simply has so much subtle positive enhancements to a TT's game play, you just can't pass it up. If you have an alt that is going to build you ammo..you can stall that for SP, device L8 for soloing and the RR side buffs is super duper.

    • Upvote 1
  11. I never said they weren't in original live, I said they weren't in from going retail. They were a story line addition. I.E. when you bought the game, and logged on for the first time, proto types were not in at that time, they came along later, they came in the same time that story line was hinting about hidden co-operation between the races, that was around when Aman went missing, there were other manufacturers as well, just that digi was the most prominent, Trident was another manufacturer (the buckshot PL is trident). Nishido  was a partner in this, they were a relatively unknown corp until that phase, as Sundari until that point was the Jenquia primary manufactor .


    As to core protos, the engine and shields were always in high demand, most especially in the 4-7 range, the reactors seemed to only be a JE liked thing, perhaps that's due to the high cap but pathetic recharge rate, nobody would want it for combat for sure, but JE could offset the recharge suckage with skills to use it for mining. Prior to the CFB coming in, if you could pull a L9 shield, even a L8 shield for that matter, you were in the credits if you would sell it, if you could pull a L9 engine, the terrans would line up to shower credits on you as well.

  12. Umm got to disabuse you of one incorrect assumption, negotiate 6 & 7 do more than "just increase mission pay/bonus". The decrease in cost continues in everything as well, TT get vendor comps cheaper than anyone else with nego 7, they get cheaper terminal costs as well, they do indeed get a bonus in mission xp and trade xp from trade runs. Let me give you a base line here: with a reward of 100k credits for a mission, you as a TT will get a additional 19k credits with negotiate 7. That can add up real fast.


    The credits can stack up real quick, especially if you are grouped, if you are running from Antares to trade in all those bio drops from the voltoi, your group mates are definitely going to want to trade the parts to you to have you trade them to the vendor, that translates to millions of credits difference between negotiate 5 and negotiate 7.


    When I bought  a stack of L5 vendor comps, the difference between negotiate 5 and negotiate 7 cost was around 500k credits, that too adds up real fast. When my PP (nego 5) uses a terminal, and my TT builds the same item (nego 7) the terminal costs are significantly different, when building those 6 comp L9 uber items, the cost difference is HUGE between nego 5 and nego 7.


    I don't know if they have gotten around to making nego 7 and nego 5 grouping dynamics different, but they should at some point do so, the TT group trade buff nets you more credits per kill for mobs that drop credits on death, eventually nego 7 should net more in a group on a kill than 5.


    As a supporter, I would suggest you lag the shield charge after the other things, yes and extra cap on a shield is nice, but not vital since you are going to be recharging their shields. Remember as the game currently sits, they don't have the shield charge rate working during combat, so adding a extra 25% to their shield charge rate doesn't really help them in combat, only during down time between bouts, if you are along you can fill their shields.


    Of course if you are planning to be the sole TT along in a raid setting like the FB, then yes max the shield charge skill, since the tank is going to need the extra 20% cap on their shield and a 5% resist isn't undesirable also, but that's the only setting that shield charge becomes vital.

    • Upvote 1
  13. -1/unsign, do NOT lock this thread. Just because people don't like to be critized is not a reason to silence the critic. There are those of us out here that like to see the interguild friction, it allows us to peek behind the curtain so to speak. Some of us out here aren't so crazy about other select groups "owning" content nor like agreements they make nor trust cabals to sequester content to them and not others. It is the critic and reporter that investigates and tells what they have seen that keeps the parties "honest", there is a role for the critic and the 4th estate.


     Hello....it's being played out on a national level even as we post about the "silence the critic", what do you think the AP/FOX/CBS illegal probe and tap and scan of reporter documents is all about? Is it about a "leak" like the current admin claims? Hardly, if it was, they wouldn't have had to lie to get the court orders, or go so overboard that they actually were tracing a reporters parents in a whole other state, never mind that the reporter wasn't even reporting on "secret" items.


    It's about hampering all the media's ability to report the truth, weather there is dirty laundry or not to expose, why would a "honest" and "transperant" group want to silence any whistle blowers? If they were honest in the first place there wouldn't be anything to blow a whistle over. The probe is to send a chill and scare any possible "non-authorized leakers" from doing so, why were "leaks" that put the current admin in a good light never probed or investigated? That's because they "leaked" it, but since they don't like to be criticized (yes, not many folks have the guts to face their critics) they want to stop others with scaring the reporters/whistle blowers.


    So, please don't lock threads just because someone don't like their laundry gets aired, perhaps that laundry needed a good airing. If you don't like what is being aired, don't conduct yourself in a manner inconsistent with the truth, the truth and light is anathema to lies and shadows, only a liar need fear the truth.


    *note I'm not calling anyone  in this thread a liar, nor emplying it. I just have a strong reaction to those that wish to silence others (no matter how annoying they can get). As always, you have to choose to read this thread, if you dislike a forums subject, don't read it, if you don't like a programs content, change the channel or turn off the T.V., don't denigh another their right however, to continue viewing just because you don't wish to.

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  14. There were several NPC with incorrect skins in ST2-4. Relk Goodspeed and others for example had the wrong sex skin and many other incorrect race skins. If I remember right, the Mnemnon location thing is because of mnemnons location from sunset, if you remember the Vrix over ran Primus and mnemnon relocated to tarsis, but since we aren't to Vrix yet, he should actually be on Primus. As missions were resurrected he indeed needed to be on Primus and was dropped there again. But shemnemnon wasn't yanked at that time, thus the confusion.

  15. Let me say right up front, the day they add pets or "companion" items is the day I'm out of here. Plain and simple, that sort of stuff in other MMO only breeds idiocy and we have more than enough of our quotient of that already! :)

    k to other points: Not OP stuff for content like Agrippa, then what would be the point of doing content like Agrippa? The whole point of going through that ulcer inducing, much convoluted, resource sink is to get the uber reward at the end! If the rewards aren't game changing, then it's merely fluff content that's going to only rarely be accessed, why waste dev resources when other stuff needs presidence?

    WH stuff: since its a 7 tier skill, unless the client can support adding a 9 tier skill set it can't be a skill based system, item driven would be nice especially as rewards for things like MCP or HtM, but as Terrell points out, it needs to not be areas that are unaccessable from play start, no back door cheats to BBW/Paramis/Moto/DT etc.

    Prototypes: the DigiApogee proto stuff came in within the last 9 months or so, it was always assumed that there was an eventual storyline explaination for them and possible content mission wise to possible research etc. It would be "end game" content, it would have to come in no earlier than V'rix and ardus. Other than that, yeh it would be nice to learn just what is DigiApogee (it's some infinicorp plot btw) and the eventual incorporation into recipe builds etc. would be nice, there in perhaps your idea of a side buff could be added.

    Drop rates: this is, has been, and always will be a bone of contention on fan base, some think (those that haven't got it yet) that the rates should increase, other think some stuff should be rarer (almost always those that have it and want to keep others from it, or to control access to it in some way or another [like big 3 "own" raids]. Some things like you have mentioned CVE are deliberately a choke point item to later content like waking nightmare, while I disagree with this stratagem, it is what it is deliberately by devs, personally like I said I dislike that and would boost the drop a bit also like 15%. Hey maybe they can reintroduce that "lucky" coin in Old Live (tm) that increased drop rate of uniques by 10% or something!

    For this very reason that people thing this that or the other is having a drop rate frelled, me and others asked for a drop frequency counter to be added to the "does it drop" portion of the DB, still think it would be a nice function actually, it's not giving any location or anything, just confirming that it has dropped within a 24 hr or something period, or at least when it last did, then at least we can see we aren't whistling in the wind trying to get it.

    +1 total sign on RD and Chavez MISSION (not quest, this ain't wow, there are no fairies or orcs here :)) terminals, and a few more content npc missions that aren't arc driven, introduce that much hinted about Chavez content.

    Agrippa crap: That was a CDevs idea of fun, it's his baby and nobody is allowed to touch it, yes it's convoluted crap that you have to wade through to a eventual moderately uber gear. And it's been EXTENSIVELY been bitched about on the HU thing..like I said, it's a CDevs stuff and TB won't let anyone touch it. BTW you can (thanks to a near revolt of players and GM's) actually do the stuff after 135 if you missed some sorry silly step going through it and got a lock out on some HU. You have to see that lounge vendor in arx magister to buy a gold token to get that access, be forewarned, those tokens ain't cheap and neither is the content you are working back through, while the Agrippa was a resource/credit/time sink before, it's even more sinky after 135 via the token.

    Hack and all that you mentioned: +1 sign on mobs under your level, of course it should be more difficult against mobs over your level, this isn't just a hack/bio problem, a significant amount of skills have a meager to near useless hit rate: enrage and menace are just a couple others that have a insane amount of miss as well. It is my understanding that they are attempting to add player group dynamics by making psi debuffers etc. suppress the miss rate on mobs, will have to see the report on if that is actually true and if its WAI.

    Until they can lock down the agro dynamics the TT getting befriend to go passive isn't going to work either, since every heal washes any agro count going on by attacker, it being passive would be instantly be washed as well on heal hit. Until they can actually have agro build over time and have it stick, a heal will always reset agro target, befriend or not. Try it for yourself and see, unless a tank has a mob under enrage/taunt effect at the time of heal, the mob will always switch target even if the tank had the mob to 10% health, what use would a escape agro mechanic be if it washs any prior gained agro?

    Don't get me wrong, I would love to see a shake agro dynamic to be built into healer classes, it would encourage them to get deeper into their role, either to spend SP on it like a TT or to fit for it with the other healers, but until they can fix the agro counter to incorporate a accumulated agro counter, none of that will work for a healer.

    The enviroshield, it needs to NOT add 10% resists, for what it is it works great, and at upper levels actually does return a bit of dmg to mobs and charges reactor, to add a additional 10% resists on top of that overshadows other classes bubbles, the PS repulsor shield don't add any environmental resistance, but it does return dmg enough to make it worth buffing, the TT supercharge adds some resistance and adds cap/recharge, if you are going to add resistance of +10% to the JE shield then you are going to have to retool the other class bubbles to rebalance it.

    Crafting: almost all you suggest is client side and not doable, I agree much of it would be really nice, I'm afraid it falls into the "wish list" file. God do I ever (and I bet everyone else) for a multi build button, what a dream it would be to build ammo comps in multiples!
    They are just now adding color coding to loot items to help differentiate between things at a glance, so far its been well received. Not knowing how it's coded however, I'm doubtful that they can code for color and buildability, the game has multi data checks and item checks already for each toon on every zone load, I don't image if it was doable they would want to go back and have additional checks ea zone to add buildabilty data, I could be wrong, but that sounds monumental even if it's doable. I've always liked the idea that the more difficult the item is to build the more "build xp" should be gained, that if someone wanted to build 5k of a L2 beam to get there its doable....but if you wanted to build 4k of L4 beams or 3k of L7 etc. that too is a valid route. Jeez would a build xp meter be a god send, to see on your character sheet just how good you could build this that or the other would be sweet, but that's a client side thing for sure, that build xp thing wasn't even in live, so no graphic would exist. Don't know if it could be something that could show on your character sheet on the net-7 page though...would that be doable? Not a coder can't answer that one.

    The unlock items via tokens idea: you aren't to far off on that, the MCP and HtM content had that incorporated into that, good to great rewards, some just window dressing, some actual functions, some even uber in nature, with ever increasing effort needed to earn the tokens to get the upper end gear. If you never got to do that stuff in Old Live (tm) , I'm thinking you will be pleasantly surprised if and when they reinsert that content, that's why old timers like I and Terrell and many others keep posting for it's inclusion, but like I opened this post, if they add companions to the formerly great HtM/MCP, they can count one less player! :)

    pretty good post for off the cuff knight, I love peoples ideas and the kick around they get on a forum setting, weather they are wish list, client restricted, doable, or off the wall. ideas are always welcome in my book, how else will the next great thing get made unless someone first said "what if?"
    • Upvote 1
  16. I remember getting way more rep than +5 for that, if that is indeed all you got that seems on the surface to be a bug. If I remember when I did that stuff before the first run on ammo was like +350 and the second in the line (bigger ammo /more cost) got somewere in the area of +500

  17. At least 3 on a PP, and at least 4 that I know of on a PW, I would imagine a PS is 3 if not more, i'll have to check.


    PP: if you try and heal while shield inversion is on you get that, if you try and invert while healing that happens, if you try and menace while any other skill else is going on it does that.


    PW: same as PP, if inversion is on you can't do any other skill, same with grav link,  enrage is also a single skill at a time thing, so too the shield sap, you can get real dead real fast if you have another skill locked/charging if you try to sap at the same time.


    PS: menace would be a single skill at a time thing, so would be repulsor shield, grav link would be a single at a time, and most importantly since you insist that you can do other things while cloak is on (you are miss-remembering btw, you couldn't do that in Old Live (tm), you could charge up compulsory contemplation, but cloak dropped when the skill hit) PS can't do any other thing while their version of cloak is on :Power Down is for sure a single skill at a time thing. If you use a device it breaks the skill, if you try a other skill it tells you another skill is in use. 


    On all of that if you try and use another skill while one is on or charging up you get that Error: another skill is in use prompt.


    So if jen's get to do everything none offensive from cloak, do PP get to invert and heal at the same time? (that was possible for a very short time...it was awesome for factioning btw), are they going to get to have invert on and then menace a mob while doing so and chase the mob?



    Are the PW going to get to hit grav link, and while its charging up, enrage, then hit invert and have them mass agro all at same time? When their shield gets inverted down are they going to have to turn the skill off then hit sap like they do now? Or are they going to be real awesome and get to sap through a inversion without disruption?


    Are the PS, going to get to do all that in their skills  the others do and even do everything non-offensive without interrupting power down? I would truly love to be able to hit a refuge/refresh/restore device while under powerdown, or even a warrior heart buff to speed up reactor recovery after getting to hit all their buff devices while in power down mode..of course power down, that implies you shut down things to look like a hulk, if you go powering up devices isn't that contradictory? Of course it would be fair if they let the Jen do so wouldn't it?

  18. Thanks for the update. even though it's sad news for most of us, guess we never get to experience 10% of the game,  truly a bummer, to bad it's reserved for a select few. I guess once it becomes to much of an irritant we'll pass on to another MMO :(

    • Downvote 6
  19. I will say this... Even during live one of the biggest complaints about any Jen class was shields.


    Unfortunately I have to agree with the live DEV stance, that Jens were never intended to have (good shields/L9s) as they posses skills other classes do not. 


    There are any number of damage decreases that reduce a specific damage type that Jens have, that are unavailable to other races.



    I agree if  you base your view off of hull and shield strength that Jens are weak, yet look at the skill base and items they can use compared to other classes. Jens are the weakest class if you look at hulls and shields only, but even then during live in the arena I could kill a PW or TE with the right setup with my JD. I put on two emp beams and those classes kept raid gear, they were push overs (as they could not attack me)..





    And then my PS came along and killed you..leaving you scratching your head with a wtf? How did he do that? :)



    Hmm its posting mine in your quote..whats with that? :s

  20. It amazes me that one "Bonus mission", and one "Bonus Item" I designed have caused this much heartache.

    Perhaps it was good for me to retire.


    My thought process was the CVE would remain difficult to loot, there-by ultimately making the Waking Nightmare tough to aquire.

    Giving all classes 20% Turbo was acceptable in my mind, due to how difficult it would be to complete the 12+ stage Content.  The fact that the mob was a Raid trigger was to add to the difficulty in aquiring the item. However, much of the mission, loot, mobs, etc, were "tweaked" without my knowledge, therefore making the CVE simple to get, the Mission quick and easy to accomplish. This was not what I intended.


    I was not without blame either. I took a 3-4 month vacation from the project, forcing others to "take control" of the Content I had worked so long on.


    You may or may not know this, but all the Raid Revamps were my pet Projects: All new mobs, new Items, new Raid progressions, etc.

    These were tested by GM/BETA/DEV groups on DEV server prior to being released.

    However, testing with 2 groups doesnt compare to a Live play environment. After extensive testing, we deemed them ready for release.


    Ultimately, I want to Project to succeed. I hope that the Community can move past this hiccup, and see this to completion. It seems much of my Content has been very polarizing, and I hope you won't hold the rest of the Staff to blame for this.

    Don't worry Darkk, the chokepoint of the spawn timer on the mob for the CVE makes it a near impossible to acquire. Even for the lucky few that even get the damn thing to spawn and even get luckier to actually get it dropped is a even smaller player pool. That alone assures its rarity for the later 12 steps. But if you really meant to tie it to a raid trigger spawn, that was a BAD mission structure. That would have made it hyper rare due to the 3 guilds having that mob 24/7 camped. In fact that would have really meant only a 3guilder could actually acquire it incidental to doing the raid...really, really bad planning :)


    Like has been illustrated in other posts, the only ones that have been able to acquire it in reality were the "in the knows", I'm guessing its those GM/BETA/DEV you alluded to that had the inside track on that, since they tested stuff first, then after them it was their circle of friends that were tipped off about the content. Once it became general knowledge about CVE can get you a waking nightmare for other toons, other than warriors to get turbo, the result was totally predictable, not just warriors camp it now, every freakn other class does as well, making it at a minimum 6x more camped, just like the material for the SSR 7-9, They are camped 24/7.


    But don't feel bad Darkk, we do miss you btw!  And many of us truly  look forward to experiencing your content (if we can even get to it due to choke points and 3guild ownerships). we want this project to succeed, in fact roaringly so! :) Just hope that a bit of order can be factored in with some more activates for those raids, so that the rest of us not in the 3guilds can do the fantastic stuff, at least before so many leave that a new sunset ensues :(.


    So is your post a indicator of return? Or just a benevolent 2 bits input?

  21. does anyone remember live?   it was the same the BIG GUILD'S got to do all the end game content and everyone else was locked out

    Indeed we do remember live, and you are correct, the same big guilds did own all the end content, and indeed everyone else was locked out. You make all us advocating for all raids being device activates point. Because something was flawed and wrong in Old Live (tm) does not argue for it's continued perpetuity. It in fact argues the opposite, when you see something flawed and broken, and it's within your power to set it right, why would one argue for it's continued existence in a flawed state and not take measures to set it right?


    For those that see the inherent flaws in the Old Live (tm) raiding system and refuse to concede they need a change, or to those that refuse to even admit there are problems and will not advocate for a change...it calls into question in at least my mind, "why not?". Why would one refuse to acknowledge a problem when they see it, or advocate for a change acknowledged or not, could it be they are recipients of a undue reward and don't want to "rock the boat"?


    I don't know all the answers, but why do people step over another clearly unconscious in their way on the sidewalk? Why do people stand and stare and do nothing while another is being battered/mugged as they scream for help? Why do some people find enjoyment inflicting pain/damage to living beings/creatures? Is it all "indifference", "fear" or just the inclination to not wanting to "get involved"?


    The raids being exclusive to only select groups of people dependant on their membership to a certain guild is a problem. Yes, it's the corpse in the gutter, are you going to step over it people, or are you going to say something?

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  22. Well you know the definition of insanity right?....  The repetition of some action that has garnered no desired result, despite all evidence to the contrary of the desired outcome, repeating that action expecting a differing outcome.


    So you are saying you are insane? Hello :excl: ...that pain in your head is telling you to stop hitting the wall...with your head!


    We are telling you that doing other things while cloaked is a game breaker....that giving Jenquia that ability isn't "bringing them up to speed" skill wise, it is putting them into plaid drive. It is not, despite how you feel, "how Jens are supposed to be". You are indeed  asking for "anything new" by asking for being able to do things other than stay cloaked while cloaked.


    And the snide quip about them coming to your thread and "whining" about the other class skills? I thought better of you.


    They are making a point, you are asking for something that is over and above anything that was ever in the game before, that if put in now would have drastic results to balance. They point out that before something so drastic even be considered going in, there are other considerations that need addressed, namely missing skills (you know that JE still don't have cumpulsory contemplation skill yet right?). What if  your wishlist was added, then those missing skills after, how would one effect the other?


    Before you start a bone fire, it is always advisable to get the surrounding flammables removed, the area outside the bone fires intended confines soaked with water and emergency services if not present at least alerted. Don't add functionality that was never in before until all base line functions are in, truly you will save a lot of potential headaches that way.


    You want to crawl before you walk, walk before you run, then run, and possibly contemplate flight, before we go giving jenquia non-existant skills that makes them soar, lets get everyone to the walk stage shall we?


    Oh and stop hitting your head on the wall!, no matter your skeletal structures integrity, the wall will always win. Try a jackhammer or explosives, they work much better, we are tool users after all, that's what the opposable thumb is all about!  :)

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