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Posts posted by Falstar

  1. As the Emulator makes progress, some commands have been added that are not found anywhere, and the only way you'd know they exist is to have either read the old forums, or been online when they were being discussed. To help those who missed that, or are new to E&B here are some commands that may help gameplay.

    Also note some may be added, deleted, or modified as the game progresses.

    - Feel free to add commands I may not be aware of, or new ones that are created.

    Command ---------------- Arg/option-------------Effect

    /shieldwarnings -------------- 1|2|3|4 ------------off|25%|50%|75% - this changes when you hear the sound effect stating your shield percent.

    /packetopt ---------------------on|off---------------Changes your UDP packet size. On=a size of 1400. Off = the default size of 512

    /endtalk ----------------------(none)--------------------Removes you from stuck dialoge with a vendor, stuck at a terminal etc

    /ircon -------------------------(none)---------------------Enable chat in the #enb IRC chan.

    /irc ---------------------------(message)------------------You can talk with others in the #enb IRC room.

    /ircoff-------------------------(none)--------------------Leave IRC/Turn chan off.

    /random ----------------------(number) (number)---------- Randomly generates a number between the values specified. If used in a group, the number is visible to the group.

    /time ----------------------------(if none)----------------------------------Shows GMT time

    /time ---------------------------(+/- hours)(ex -4 for EDT) --------------- Current local military time

    /capitalize --------------------(letters such as JE,TT etc) ---------------This will capitalize the last two letters on your name - note I don't believe there is a lowercase command or undo.

    *Edit -Added /endtalk command

    *Edit - Added IRC commands

    *Edit - Added /random

    *Edit - Added /Capitalize command

  2. Yes, bad opcode. Then, I get a series of TCP connection resets and a crash to desktop. This usually happens when I am changing areas or attempting to trade with a vendor. Happens some what at random. I am able to play for a bit, but no longer than 20 mins before I get bad opcode messages. Anyone else got this problem?

    I've got this problem also. On the old forums there was a topic with just about the same title. Several things were suggested but I don't recall anyone saying they had a fix. I'm inclined to say it's due to an update as I didn't have problems till an update went through. (about a month now maybe?) I also see another topic with problems with N7 proxy in general.

    I also noticed it was prone to happen when I was gating, docking, or trading with vendors like you said. The 1st 2 make sense as those are sector changes, but I'm not sure what would cause a crash talking to a vendor, unless maybe it is the accessing of inventory? Recently I'm able to trade with vendors much better.

    I would suggest you post a screenshot of your n7 output, that way the team can see what opcode errors you are getting and when, and maybe that will shed some light on them. The only ones I have are from several updates ago.

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