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Posts posted by xulei

  1. i went there as well... it looks like earth research station was added? it was a ? on my screen and I am sure I woulda tagged it... it looks like that displaced the achillies spawn and where the corals are is now empty space... could adding that nav have caused that? in any event... they are not there... and there used to be a lot of them...

    nope, that nav has been there so it was caused by something else

  2. A possible dynamic trade run:

    You buy goods at a station as usual. But you are given two options:

    • Deliver them either to another station for normal payoff

    • Or take it to an NPC (eg. arm's trader) in space somewhere, for better payment

    The latter has many interesting possibilities, to name a few:

    • The NPC patrols several nav points, so you need to find him. Or he may even float about outside navpoints within in an area that only an experience player would know.

    • He may also stay very close to a MOB spawn (eg. Red Dragons). In this case you can either tank it, kill the mobs, or sneak in cloaked (the JS will love this!)

    Ofcourse finding an NPC that is guarded by lvl 16 John Holmes in Slayton should offer less payoff than finding a test tube sabine in ROC that floats around a LvL 60 V'rix infested navpoint, for example.

    About finding an NPC and using cloak, this is quite possibly the only way a JS can use cloak for trading. Ofcourse it should not be a one-trick-pony so certain mobs may need the ability to see cloaked part of the time, or perhaps see lower levels of cloak.

    Just a minor suggestion...

    I really like this idea! :)

  3. Sarcasm? No. Family-friendly? Yes

    Edit: Just wanted to add that ya might be surprised at the number of single-digit aged players there are.

    also nieces/nephews that love to watch over shoulders

  4. Wow ... a bit past noon Eastern time zone, and from the looks of it, been down since 6am? wonder if thats eastern .. never the less, now I feel a slight need to worry. Over 6 hours down time normaly spells something died rather catistrophicly ... damn I hope it's not to bad.

    Edit: Seems the time stamps are Central ... so make that 5 hours.


    time stamps are what you set them to be - if your EST and seeing central, you need to go back into the settings and click on the DST square or change your time zone.

  5. I like the idea of having a roman numeral on the flag, that would be great and save time for players. Think new players here - yes, some players (Specifically builders) already know who sells what and have them memorized. Until recently I was more of a once and a while purchaser of parts, but now with my TT I'm dealing with these vendors more.

    Understandably this would be low on the list, and as mentioned above, lower still due to difficulty editing the files.

    On a similar note, I believe another user on the old forums generated new advertisements - perhaps those could be used/modified somehow on booths. Just an idea.

    Still, at the least a mention of the component level in the dialogue would be an improvement. I've seen some that have this, but many that don't. As mentioned before, players wouldn't have to access the vendor inventory to check comp. level.

    That would be awesome, but if that can't be done - maybe add the roman numerals onto the end of their names.

  6. Can't log in to double check right now, but the Somerled-Prasad should also have an alternative good... Buy lvl 5 Weapons Crates at Somerled, sell those at Prasad. I'm not sure if it's better/worse than Spices, perhaps someone could double check that at varying levels of negotiate?

    last time I checked they get you more credits but less xp than spices (was at TL22, negotiate 4)

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