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Posts posted by Davidr99

  1. C Del, how do you justify "stealing" EA's work product. Using your logic you have no right to any of the assets of E&B. EA or Westwood certainly never agreed to let you use the result of the considerable efforts of Westwood. This was set up as an open source project from its inception. When I set up a computer as part of the pool to help break the packet encryption I never thought I was doing it so YOU would "own" anything. Somehow over time this team has decided they "own" things they honestly don't.

    I just gave $50 to the other team and will continue to do at least as much once a month for some time to come. They seem to understand what the original intention of this project was. The initial design documents that saw a future where lots of folks ran their own servers, developed their own content and players could seamlessly enjoy an entire community of servers and unique shared content. That was something exciting. This project now has given up trying to be the game that once was and is trying to be something "better". Not sure any of this team has the background to make that likely to happen. At least the other project remains true to the original vision of getting it back to "lights off" first before inventing something new.

    I'm sure I've started the ban hammer in motion, and as I've said before, I applaud the efforts of this team to get thing running as well as they are. I also say I totally disagree with the efforts to make this a closed private effort, I don't agree with the focus of new content before the replication of old content. Most folks here don't care about any of this, they are playing a not bad game for free and "meta issues" revolving around these discussions are likely viewed as sour grapes from disfunctionals whiners. Fair enough.

    Let's see over time which approach pays off in the end. I think comments in this thread helped me decide on the horse I'll bet on. Open will win, no doubt about it. I'm so sure I've voted with my wallet. I'll soon start contributing to their server source. Can I get you to promise you won't ever use any of my code since the other team is committed to keeping their project open?

    Good luck, stay private, keep inventing a new if similar game, lets compare notes in a year, I believe in open source and the power of many, even if not always going in the same direction over a few folks worried about "splintering" and "losing control", I'll use the Linux as an example to make my case,


    Then why not stay over there? Why come over here and make big posts and do nothing more then complain? We are not holding you to stay here.

    • Upvote 3
  2. As an aside - noticed that Thelia's OP was edited by David.

    I must raise a note of concern here, as Thelia had indicated her desire to remove the links her/him-self.

    To any outside observers or those ignorant of the topic, it might appear as if the mods are summarily editing/deleting posts that they disagree with.

    Might I suggest permitting Thelia to edit her post as she saw fit to do originally?

    I actualy wrote a message to Thelia about it letter them know. We do not just edit posts, but I do not wish to advertize them on here thats all.

    To the open source statement, we are basicly just not doing releases untill we get to a good release point. It is still open source.



  3. I also want to drop in we need to fix the fact that if you open a corps it is then lootable by anyone. We need to make it so that its only lootable by anyone after the 120 secs but will be allowed to be looted by anyone in the group after the person that owns it looks at the loot.



    • Upvote 2
  4. Hey Guys!

    Im relatively new to EnB. I played the Game-Trial about 7 years ago, and liked the Game. Too bad i could not subscribe because CreditCards are not widespread in Europe, well not like in the US, especially when your 14 years old :D .

    I am searching for some answers that are not mentioned here on the page.

    1. Will there be another Stress Test, or is this Stress test (4) already the last one before the start of some kind of "liveserver" ?

    2. I can hardly remember if there were more Quests back in the original servers than exist now on the Net-7 ones. Are all quests already implemented? Does Net-7 plan to add new Content (such as Quests, Regions ect) to EnB?

    Looking forward to your answers!

    Greetings from Vienna, Austria


    1. Yes I am sure there will be alteast one more before we go into the alpha stages

    2. We are working on quests still. There were more in live then currently in the game, also we have added new ones for the new content that has been added (new classes)

  5. Hey everyone,

    I just wanted to let everyone know we have now opened an IRC server for people to come on chat/get help/talk about earth and beyond. The official channel is #enb. The IRC server is on irc.enb-emulator.com or if you wish you can use the java chat at http://www.net-7.org/ and click on the IRC button. We will also need some people to help out with tech support on the IRC.

    We now have a mirrored IRC room. If you type in game /ircon and then /irc <yourmsg> you are able to talk with people in the #enb room. Also to leave the IRC room you can type in /ircoff.



  6. Hey everyone,

    I was wondering if we had a meeting on let’s say an IRC chat like they did in live how many people would be interested in actually coming on to meet with the developers and asking questions/giving suggestions? We would also have a web based IRC Client for people with out one.



    • Upvote 1
  7. I am really sorry for this but it is not in our current TOS it will be added. Most of the people that have done this have been asked by GM’s to not do this, and have complied. This is an exploit as it was not originally intended to have people login with more than one avatar on an account. It has caused problems in the past and we have always asked that people do not do this.



  8. Ok sorry about that last post...I think I just made a booboo. I don't think you are the same person and I was talking about so I removed my post. As far as running more than 1 character on 1 account we do not really want this to happen. We ask that everyone does not do this. Even if Tienbau says that it will not hurt anything we have had problems before with logins on the same account more than once. It is a simple request, make another account.



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