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Posts posted by DontCareBear

  1. Is it really so hard to believe that the V'rix would also send out their younger recruits to hunt down young Progen along this "common" warp signature path? How else would they earn their way through the ranks without sitting in a space station doing paperwork?


    Is there a better number than balancing these mobs for level 10 groups of 2-3 players along this particular route? Imagine if these encounters varied too, with some having special abilities or low chances to spawn three times as tough mini-bosses? In no means should we sacrifice the atmosphere and chaos of war, as many have said is important to the lore and should be expected in this sector.


    Wouldn't this also promote lowbie Progens to make friends? Instead of just straight smacking them in the face for not wanting to have their hand held by a high level character, who may not even be around, you allow us to actually tackle challenges and learn how to play better and together in the process. To me this would feel sort of like preparing for PvP, which is a very war oriented situation.


    Remember, this is a game. Isn't the fundamental goal to make a progressively more challenging but still enjoyable gaming experience? I believe the term in the gaming industry is "learning curve" and I've never met a proper gamer that can't appreciate a steep yet manageable climb.


  2. For some reason, unchecking Packet Optimization and Delete TH6 Files got rid of the same issues I had that OP was plagued by. Mine started after a couple of days of playing and I tried several option combinations, reinstalls, and a few modem/router restarts before concluding that those two options we're of some significance.


    So in other words with only Prototype Reorder and Disable Mouse Lock checked I stop receiving any latency issues whatsoever and was finally playing the game with the only issue being high level mobs blasting my newbie Progen arse into oblivion.


    I play on a quad core 1.4ghz Windows 8.1 11" tablet so just figured my odd gaming platform choice was at fault before seeing this post. Hope it helps.

  3. I must apologize for losing focus of this sub forum and not evolving the discussion with a simple suggestion before. If you would bear with me, I'll try to approach this with a little more grace.


    So devs and all else concerned, would it be feasible for us to test out a scenario that has the mobs, along this Hull Upgrade quest route, be changed to be within a similar level range as the the level 10 quest? More specifically, I would be glad to incur even more exp debt if it meant co-testing these encounters to be balanced for groups of 2 to 3 lowbie Progen players; or whoever else can be grouped with. The catch is that I would need a willing player to make a new character, as we can not do this alone!


    Simply put, our intentions here would be to significantly lessen the frustratingly negative newbie Progen experience while still providing that enriching lore filled challenge that's already packed in there. Maybe we could take a vote on it, or just you Devs. You've already made an awesome game come back to life with more flavor than when I trialed it back in the day. I personally trust yours or any passionate players' judgement and inputs.


    Thanks for your time and considerations to all who read all of this. Looking forward to any responses that can further this discussion.






  4. This is still a huge problem. I don't know if any of you have ever been a newbie Progen but these high level mobs are still blocking us from getting our LEVEL 10 hull upgrade and that IS NOT FUN.


    This is a level 10 mission that takes no effort to warn you about the dangers of a level 36 NPC that actually killed me during warp. How is that OK for new players to run into?


    How come other players that aren't Progen don't suffer from all the exp debt I now have?


    I really appreciate what you all do yet with developer decisions like this still in place; punishing newbies like myself, I can't bring myself to play anymore. I have so much exp debt from trying to complete a level 10 mission that I just don't want to play anymore.


    I just wanted to complete my mission.


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