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Everything posted by Blakhart

  1. Hello team/community, looking for some help here. First off I love that youa re doing this and bringing EnB back to those of us who enjoyed it, so this is not meant to be a criticism. Since starting to play I have noticed that I suffer from nigh unplayable latency issues and it ONLY seems to affect EnB. I can play any other game, DL speeds okay etc and only EnB suffers. I seem to get about 10-15 minutes of decent gameplay and then its like someone hits the lag switch and it will begin taking 5, 6, then 10+ seconds for abilities to activate, targets to que up or for warp to initiate. Eventually it comes to a point where I can wait for 30 seconds or more and nothing happens. Now I recall that EnB never used to be the greatest game with latency to begin with. I can clearly recall my younger, much less tempered, self losing his cool over EnB connection at times when it was new. Very similarly to how I am experiencing it now. Just never as often as I am now, in every gameplay session. I'll also say that I moved to Australia 8 years ago and I know the crap DSL internet over here does me no favors. However as nothing else seems impacted I am lead to believe that somewhere along the lines: I'm not opening a port properly for EnB to operate at its best That EnB coding simply struggles with latency issues That there is some sort of strange "cache" issue and after a few minutes EnB just has enough of it. Can anyone shed any more light so I can continue to play a great old game?
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