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Posts posted by steinb1

  1. I'm trying to get to know the wiki better and are struggling a little with getting an overview of what categories exists. On wikipedia you can go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Categoriesto get a list of them all. This seems to be disabled on the net-7 wiki (https://www.net-7.org/wiki/Special:Categories). Would it be possible to either enable it or create a page that actually lists the various categories defined in the wiki?

  2. I understand that knowing something is broken isn't an automatic thing. We discussed the wiki briefly in chat and Alurra chimed in and would mention the issue in some regular scheduled meeting. She made a note of having done so in her update of a few days ago. I think part of the problem is that we don't really know who to communicate with. It's probably mentioned somewhere, but data-mining is hard work! 
    I've checked the wiki and I seem to be able to create pages from links. It doesn't solve the problem though, or at least appears not to. I'll explain:
    If I go to  "Faction items and NPCs‏‎" from the front page, I can click through a non-existing page (red link) from there or edit the source and create a new such link. That method seems to be working although I haven't clicked through and actually created a page. The "Create" button is available however.


    But if I choose the drop location link just above, I'm directed to a Category page which I cannot edit. There's actually nothing to edit on that page. So how can we add new pages to that list? I tried the discussion tab there, but that isn't really helpful.

  3. I was online when Piecot pointed out this problem some days ago and did my own testing. The problem seems to be that permission to create new pages have been removed. I can't find a clear description on how the maintainers want the structure of the wiki to be, but infer from the info there that each item/mob/etc should have it's own page. And as far as I can figure out, I have no permission to do so.

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