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Posts posted by w4g

  1. MMO should have competition and challenge, not regular turkey shoots after waiting for 3 hours or 3 days to gather.


    Some things need to change to keep things interesting.


    Suggestion 1: make raids harder but drop rate higher

    Suggestion 2: make more raids triggered by drop items instead of timed trigger


    Just a thought.

  2. Are we going to continue using this post for new questions this week? Well I'll put them here anyways.


    Q: Will the Unknown faction be reset when the next patch arrives, or will the current value be carried over to V'rix faction?

    This is somewhat important in deciding whether I should slaughter some lv66 v'rix for fun and games.

  3. I was wondering if anyone had any pic's of the Baron Kriminel from live that would show his spawning sector. This would help greatly in  possibly getting this content in the game.


    Thank you for your input.




    Hi DarMalas,


    Don't have a pic or know where Baron Kriminel spawned in live, but the secret chavez headquarters in paramis might be a good spot. Set the boss to link with all the minions for a challenging fight.


    Just a thought ^^

  4. A question about items in database:

    Baron Kriminel's Xango
    Baron Kriminel's Rada
    Baron Kriminel's Baka
    Baron Kriminel's Afefe
    Baron Kriminel's Ala
    These 5 items are marked as "This item does drop" in the database, and should drop in public-accessable areas. No one has ever seem this elusive Baron Kriminel, does he spawn at all?
  5. Assuming you are using 6 guns for your pw


    30 stacks divided among 6 guns =  500 ammo per gun


    You are using DuGrand Ogun 200%, firing rate 6.3 seconds


    89% turbo according to new formula is 89% faster damage, meaning firing rate 6.3 / 1.89 = 3.33s


    Total time = 3.33s * 500 / 3 = 555s = 9min15s


    Since reload time is not needed for first shot, reduce 3.33s, you get 9min12s





    Edit: oops forgot it fires 3 missiles per volley xD

    And forgot my name too... Aegisofdoom

  6. Thanks Kyp and others for considering the idea :)

    If nothing else, it will definitely add variety to end game characters.

    Let there be advantages. Let there be disadvantages. Let everyone try out different combinations.

    If a PW wants to kite all day with lv9 missiles, let him, although maybe a JD can kite just the same or better. It is different play styles.

    Who says terrans should monopolize kiting? Why can't PW do more than stare at enemy in the face and pull triggers?

    Put in restrictions that need to be overcome. Let skill point allocation be a harder decision. Let people get to lv200 and still have more skills they want.

    This is all FUN!




    Btw, I read through the design documents, and it seems that some of the current items like black spitter and intent engine already negates all the initial racial weaknesses. Lv9 weapons to all can hardly do worse. At least different types of lv9 weapons will actually be manufactured instead of the current 1 or 2 lv9 weapon types for everyone out of the 20 available.

  7. Hi Kyp,


    Thanks for the reply, and I understand that you put a lot of effort into balancing the game. This is definitely a huge achievement on your team to get the game to where it is today. I worked in programming for 8 years before switching to hardware, so I understand your concerns in making changes.

    From my perspective, most of the needed balance is already in place for implementing the weapons change. Most of the good lv9 weapons are already marked as race-specific. Most race skills already aid the race's preferred weapon.


    PW with lv9 beam will not get combat cloak, thus will never outdamage JD.

    PW kiting with lv9 missile will be out of range for shield sap, inversion and gravity link, thus actually lowering damage output.

    Even if the PW can use all lv9 weapon types, all the other classes will function just fine. You will always need TE for rally, hacking and suppression.

    The point is, no one will be harmed by the changes.


    As for raid difficulty balance, in all honesty the current raids are already on the easy side, everything dies if you throw enough PW at it. So ramp up the difficulty while giving more weapon choices will be quite fun.


    The larger point is that it will take a lot of effort after reaching 150 to get the skill points and gear to max all 3 weapon types. Having big goals and working hard to achieve them is part of the enjoyment of MMO. Having big goals keeps people glued to each character longer and adds to enjoyment.


    I will go read up on the dev documents you mentioned and report back.

  8. Thanks for replying Kyp :)


    Actually I don't want to increase DPS for any class, but rather letting every class have more weapon combinations.


    Currently if I play a PW, I am pretty much done with weapons after getting a few biles, a turbo and maybe a spitter. What if I can equip hellbore, tr, black streak, caster and flinger too, and I will need to get specific equipment sets to effectively use them? The PW will still do lower damage compared to TE or JD with class specifics, but there will be so many more options to mix and match. As weapon options grow, use of other equipments also becomes diverse. There will be so much more to strive for and many new things to test out. Growth potential for every class will last a lot longer compared to current.

  9. Getting the maximum dps possible is essential to the game, if you don't kill the enemy fast enough, it kills you.


    Does it break the game that a pw can fight with lv9 beams instead of 8? No. Is it more fun? Yes.

    We are talking about adding more fun to the game, letting all classes use lv9 weapons will definitely do that. It greatly increases playability, since you can now have many many more combinations of weapons that are not just fun but efficient. Skill point allocation becomes much more important, since getting all 3 weapons to lv9 will be a huge but worthwhile investment, and all the lv9 raid weapons that you can't use now will become usable.
    There will be so many new choices to explore since so many different options become viable. And I don't think it will be too hard to implement. As Kyp said, the balancing might be difficult, but it probably just means switching some lv9 weapons to race-specific. I doubt it will be as unbalanced as multi-boxing which already breaks all intended limitations.
  10. Idea:


    - Let all classes get level 9 weapons in all 3 categories

    - Progen get additional skill "Projectile Force", 9 levels, add 3% damage to projectile per level

    - Jenquai get additional skill "Beam Force", 9 levels, add 3% damage to beam per level

    - Terrans get additional skill "Missile Force", 9 levels, add 3% damage to missile per level




    Currently, every race is stuck using their specific weapon type at high levels, so there is absolutely no variety in end game. Allowing freedom to mix and match weapon types at end game will immensely increase build variety, and adds a lot of fun for every race.

    There is still specialization given by the force skills for each race, but mixing the 3 weapon types might just be able to overcome. Plus it will actually matter that lv9 weapons have race requirements. Currently it's pure duh when you see "Jenquai only" on a lv9 beam.

    At least for me, firing beam projectile and missile all at once from my ship while doing respectable damage will definitely be exciting if nothing else.


    Let's break up the cookie-cutter builds! This game can be so much more exciting with just this change alone.

    I don't know what programming changes are required, so it's up to the devs to see if such an idea can work.


    Comments please! :D

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