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Posts posted by Blacklung

  1. you are right about it being part of the hulkfest loot,the decision on what wasnt removed was to let it ride but once its gone its gone.
    the same rule goes for the items you sell to a vender.
    i have done the same thing myself and had no one to blame but me for not paying attention to what i was doing, in a hurry and went on the picture instead of what it actually was.
    a buyback option is in game but for sold pm items only and only at the quartermaster.
  2. in this case it wasnt so much the word but the response to being asked to watch ones language.
    i have seen both private and public messages that transpired that evening and have concluded that once the word language was put in chat it became a personel game for Lordjackal to buck the system and not listen to a member of staff.

    Locking topic.
  3. currently saturn is a blackhole area specifically between nav ringway 1 and 2,also some in swooping eagle.we will try to get this resolved as soon as possible,if you are stuck just submit a ticket or log in a alt and see if a gm is online, please ask to not be moved to net-7. although the station is safe the system isnt.
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