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Everything posted by Numiah2

  1. Isn't there an administrator function to directly IP-ban someone ? I mean, c'mon, racist remarks, cursing at DEV's shouldn't be tolerated. I vote for zero tolerance. Maybe it's to much asked to give the name who did this on the forums, but maybe a person could be reported or something. Although we've learned that reporting as such, can be abused too. brrrr....
  2. I might wanna point out there are numerous threads about this same issue in the technical support part of these forums.
  3. Same here. Installed the cert and login isn't accepted. Putting in the ip address doesn't solve it.
  4. I'm having the same issues. I think the server or at least a part of it is down. Let's just wait a few, and she should come up imho. EDIT : I have her up and running again. Did you have any luck ?
  5. I'd go for user error on the installment. If everything was installed properly, it wouldn't make any difference on which box you log on with the same account. Of course not twice at the same time on different puters. But I assume you already know that. I agree with Avani, we kinda need more info to be able to help you.
  6. I know exactly what feeling you are referring to ! I loved those hulks in live. And the ones popping a bully to pester you where quite the fun as well. Not even to mention al the sweet things I gained out of those things. Weren't they dropping Prototype stuff too ?
  7. I think some of us missed an important announcement : Server Performance Issues It explains a lot.
  8. Heh... I came back to re-open my lag post. nm lol
  9. k, Thread can be closed. DEV's seem to have fixed the lag problems. Thank you !
  10. Hey peeps, I (and lots of others) am having horrific lag issues. Packetopt = on but to no avail. Could we ask for a server reboot to see if that clears the problems? Numiah EDIT : I heard ingame the server already was reset, but that didn't solve it. Has to be connection related as I understand. Any news on the progress ?
  11. Dang, It turned out my Router was spontaneously blocking e&b traffic once again. A reset of the dirty thing solved it. thank you for your replies guys.
  12. I see numerous threads about errors on Net7 Crashing. All I get is an offline server. Is the server actually offline, or is my Net7 in error after the last update? Ah well, I might just try later.
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