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Posts posted by skitszo

  1. my wow account was haxed in early june. and they got access even though i haven't paid it for 6 months. they tranfered all of my 5 80.s sold all my gears. and took probly 50k worth of gold. ya it took few weeks for the wow gm.s to trace everything thru.

    use one e-mail for your wow game and change it every month or so..... they even have a reported successful wow account that was hacked that had a authenticator active on it...sheesh. hackers....get a life.

  2. Humm.... i think there's actually quite a bit of level 9 ore. With the pure level 9 ore comes the guardians and the hard to kill pop rocks, atleast thats what i remember. Long as we don't have manes that gravewell you so you can't move for ten years its starting to look decent. Looking forward to hulks having useful items in them, and not just proto gear.

  3. Je- device or reactor

    JS- shield

    JD- beam


    TE- launcher

    TS- reactor

    TT- engine or device

    If an equipment reward

    Jenqia ideas

    Je- aa Gahtu An(non trade- non buffing to others)

    Power Augmenter 7 (non trade; non buffing to others)

    jd- Defenders doumaru (tradeable; TS manu. only)

    Veiled Oyoroi (tradeable; TS manu. only)

    Aspiration of the faithful

    Fifth vector

    edge of infinity(wow- to OP)


    tt- aa Gahtu An

    ts- aa Gahtu An

    tw- aa Gahtu Daimyo An (seems to OP to me if it has a short cooldown, needs to be limited some how)

    aa Gamik Y's

    DigiApogee RMU Prototype 3 Eta

    Reinforced Solar Sail

    CE-X10 "Clydesdale" Mk. IX

    Intent of the Resolute

    Yakity Yak Asylum

    ok all my ideas of items to choose from

  4. My JE "skitszoje" logs in and lands and immediately unloggs from server. Ingame others see me log/logout. I see me land and i can walk around and what not but i'm not logged on. I tried reseting updates/ waiting thinking i'd work out the syetm, but i am stuck...bummer level 143 toon and i can't log the toon in.

    so wahts the prosess of unstucking toons? you just take a number wait for some bored gm/dev/helper/ whoever to take your toon out some how? i have 2 tooons to log into.. skitszopw/skitszott....i need to level the tt but i get bored doing trade routes lol.

  5. The thing with SD was when used it never really ever killed anything. the damage was never enough. and what was the point if it killed you and you had to try and get back to loot your kill....if it died. Theirs just no reason to put skill points in it. the only thing it was ever used was to fake out mobs to run from you and try to not get hit by it, before they somehow changed that aswell.

    If you incap with using that skill then have it so a gob of damage otherwise there is no point.

    if you go with the option keeping them alive then perhpas less damage proportional to how much hull you give them

    another idea which seems pretty cool and inline with using your shield as a weapon; why not have it use a portion of your hull to use as a weapon and give it a cooldown. that way if your solo its self limiting as you only have so much hull anywayz, but then the timer is for non abuse when your in a group. like 10% per use.

    leveling 1-7 obviously buffs amount of damage and range

  6. OK so all races have the level 30 promo missions and rewards. I'm not aware of any promo mission rewards at level 50/75/135. The progens are getting a great deal of love at hull 100 promo mission, which is good for them(envy).

    so i would assume there's plans for the other races.(when do i get candy envy)

    I wouldn't mind think tanking about ideas for the other classes.


    Je- device or reactor

    JS- shield

    JD- beam


    TE- launcher

    TS- reactor

    TT- engine or device

    just ideas....no clue if you all working on it or not yet. mostly filling in time cause the server is down.

  7. its down....wish more would comment about if its planned down times or crash down times, and whether anyones working on issues or if should just chill come back in hour or so. or if it is being workined on with eta.s lol

  8. Perhaps the others lose it aswell? but all the other classes seem to get to keep thier promo rewards...why does admiral herrera act like an ass and take my beloved and looked forward reward and now i get jack for my 30 promo...lol

    I honestly was not reading any of the chat lines but i had no options but to have it in my hold to complete the mission cause i had it vaulted and couldn't get the talk tree started....BUT WHY DOES HE TAKE THE BLOODY ENGINE? I remember being able to keep it during live....

    this just some bug that eventually will be worked out? cause thats a major tease. lol

    i want to kill the admiral now...

    and i have no idea if this is the right place to log this comment...

  9. they already mentioned that that would cause debugging issues. Not what they want at the moment....so I'd imagine that theres some routine for when things go south before they would even reboot...lol

    but have to say the server seems more stable then before in st3.

  10. I went with MM to eve...we started a large corporation but recruited baddies that ultimately scammed us for billions....ofcourse eve likes evilness..so its part of the eve experience. lots left the endeaver and gave up on MM for eve to some degree....but theres a few corps that are pretty much X enb player base still... i pop on once a year or so with a 14 day trial...lol. i didn't like pvp...and got bored of the isk farming grind. and got very dissapointed with the tech 2 industry as a non money making venture unless you have moon mining and such...just seemed like a big bore to me.

    by the way...i have a pw and JE i'm leveling...



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