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Everything posted by Kangaroo

  1. xxx If you all have nothing better do with your time than to level the same characters over and over again, doing the exact same quests and missions and killing the same mobs for the same gear you had the last stress test, then so be it. If that in itself doesn't ring a bell in your head then nothing will. Have fun with the next grind, suckers. I'm done posting here. Goodbye & good riddance.
  2. I am speaking for a lot of lost time and energy spent into a game. Whether or not you hit 150 still doesn't change that point. Anybody that made a character and is losing it is included in my post. Please stop posting garbage.
  3. Because he is telling me it's something I will have to learn to endure. I am saying that's like telling me to endure paying bills. Those two are not even close to the same thing. Only one of those I have to do. I'm sure you can figure out which one that is.
  4. You upgrade the servers and keep the player base. That will test out the new servers just fine. Hardware and software work together, not separately.
  5. How am I not speaking for the majority of the people? The majority have characters at 150 and spent countless hours getting there. Why are you trolling my thread with garbage posts?
  6. I have to question though. How is making everyone start over for "Live" really an issue? I didn't start playing for over a month after release and I had no problem catching up to everyone else. How much time you invest in the game is what the issue is. Somebody playing for a year that plays once a week for an hour will obviously not be as far as somebody playing for 6 months everyday for multiple hours. Investing all that time over and over again is a problem. MMO's are always in beta because they constantly change. When you buy a single player game it has a start and a finish and you beat it. There is no beating a MMO. There is no point wiping because we are just going to have to do the same mundane grind over again until the game supposedly is ready for no more wipes. Why would you invest all that time to play a game just to see your time spent go down the drain? The things needing fixing can be fixed without a wipe. This is the whole basis behind my post.
  7. Playing a game and paying bills are not the same thing. What kind of a response is that?
  8. 1) Databases are exportable. You are not planning to, and I assume, cannot charge for the game. What does it matter if we get to keep all our toons from "beta" since the game is just one big "beta" anyway? 2) New hardware does not necessitate a need for a player wipe. You all are constantly busy I assume on changing the code of the game so do it with the new hardware now. If google did a database wipe every time they had a hardware change think about how many people would use google. 3) The purpose of a stress test is to have people play and stress the server. By deleting toons you are alienating your player base. Who really wants to continually level from 0-150 over and over and over again with multiple toons? This is counter-productive. You want more people to play and not less. 4) You all are asking us to grind to see where you need to make changes. You know where the grind is at and that people hate leveling trade from trade runs. You could also calculate how long it would take for someone to level trade by timing a trade run for multiple engine techs & setups, then using that and dividing it by xp needed for each trade level to see how long it would take. It's a lot easier for you to increase your trade level than it is for us. If you want feedback about fixing grinding I'm sure you could simply ask us. 5) If you are concerned with the loot situation where people (like myself) have hoarded rd loot for example.. Delete our loot. Make us go out and get it again. Hell even reset our credits to a nominal number. I'm ok with all that. Make the rd base a 20-26 hour repop like it was before so people can't easily monopolize it. Make the same with blackbeard, the controller, and all the other big bosses. There is no economy in the game because everything is easily attainable. There are probably more grumbles that I have about this but aside from that I want to say it was nice playing again and I appreciate all the hard work that has gone into the game. This is in no way out to flame or piss anyone off. I am simply stating why I think another ST is not needed.
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