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Posts posted by Marco

  1. The missions still a bit buggy, so I held off on asking for a content push. Need some more "tinkering" to get it straightened out correctly.

    I asked Kenu, and if he "beats me to it" he'll have a Fold Space mission done up.

    I apologize for it not making it in prior to ST4 (it actually was there, but was "overwritten" by accident), although issues tend to come up with a volunteer (non paid) team project.

    - Marco

  2. I'd have to say that I was a little disappointed when I saw that the device and engine levels had been reverted back to 8 & 9, respectively. Lev 9 devices definitely would have helped out group wise end-game. Oh well, I guess the devs had their reasons.

    They are not being reverted back. There was a reversion on a file that never made the commit into the SVN, and should be updated in the patch for Friday.

    - Marco

  3. Just a heads up,

    I think the actual missions missed the snapshot by 2 minutes. So if you are unable to get the build reactor mission for either class, do not panic. The patch Friday will have them fixed and sorted correctly. Also, if you hold off on playing the JE, you'll get a nifty level 1 Reactor.

    - Marco

    *edit: The fold space mission didn't make it in there as well. :) *

  4. I tried to sign up useing my old user name and said it was already in use, is this because I'm useing it here on forums or because some one took it first!? And if I use another name with same email address is that going to mess any thing up?

    The old link will not work for ST4. We are currently in the process of creating a new user registration process to fix some of the issues with the old one. ;)

    - Marco

  5. Ouch, I would guess most of the dev staff are college + level IT professionals. Backups aren't rocket science, nor is duplicating a database, or managing a user list.

    Amateurs would still be looking at a demo CD sitting on a table with no clue where to go.

    Most of us are amateurs in the sense that we don't work as programmers in a gaming company.

    User account wipes allows us to clean out the database, and most importantly track down issues that are not standard across all characters. Since the database has been modified since the last account wipe (which has been never). This allows us to find the reason why people's accounts are not uniformly having the same errors. For example, newer accounts seem to have less issues then some of the older accounts. Then also some of the oldest accounts have no issues when compared to the newer accounts.

    Upon creating a new user database, this can allow us to see if the code is not saving things properly with some of the newer feature. For example the faction matrix. Even though it was in there for a long time, when we created it to actually have an impact on your character (rather then as a place holder) players were "losing" their factions on their list.

    New tables, and new columns are added, and we need to check to make sure it works correctly. Best way is to start everyone from scratch. This way we remove the "mish mosh" that the database is slowly becoming.

    - Marco

  6. Marco you were S&H on Orion. Wow I did not know. Curlyt TE and Sheebaroo TT here.

    I was in the guild from beta to start of live. I stopped playing E&B when I moved, 6 months or so into the game. No internet where I moved back then. I apologize if I can't remember names to well from Live. It was such a long time ago... :P

    - Marco

  7. And he said he would give us a headsup about it, which is not the case here. Hopefully it is just something silly with the server. The server is alive, it just isnt accepting login requests ;o(

    Maybe it has something to do with the L66 mob glitch.

    David and Tienbau are "tied up" with real life issues. We will have to wait till one of the two gets home from their jobs.


  8. We are not positive on when the next wipe is. I can say it will be soon, but I'll give you guys a heads up once a date is picked. Main reason being we have a new in game feature being added soon, and the user database will have to be modified for this feature. We are currently "ironing" out the code of this new thing and we don't want to release it on play, till we know it won't crash the server every 5 minutes.

    Anyone remember Manufacturing, when that was added? I'd hate to see that happen again. :P

    - Marco

  9. - playing - many devs both now and since the project started spend a majority of their time playing in-game rather than dev'ing. I took great offense to this while I was a dev, and never went in-game, not even to visually inspect placements (I knew this was minor, and could be done much later on at a more complete stage), but some devs "live" in-game, and while they think they are doing their "work" by maninpulating and positioning certain content objects, or checking a chat tree... they get distracted, and are "playing" not working. Checking object positions and chat trees or vendors is the job of beta testers and players, not devs.

    While I don't think a Dev should spend their entire time "playing," if it wasn't for the fact that the Devs loved playing the game, the emulator would never have come into existence. If you never checked your work, then that explains why Cookoo had to fix the old Mercury Sector and make it playable.

    A Developer should check their work, otherwise they will not be able to learn how to refine their creation skills. This way there should be less bugs with new generated work.

    - Marco

  10. ummm I don't know, you tell us lol. So in other words it wasn't planned and probably just someone playing around with the server..? Your system doesn't keep logs of who is doing what? You should probably consider limiting access to such abilities, at least the ones that initiate server wide changes etc.

    I have been wanting to do an account wipe to clean out all those hidden accounts. After all, there is 8000+ accounts.

    - Marco

  11. ...I worked on PvP.

    You're the best at "PvP" to date. No one else has quite made it to your level yet. :)

    Someone asked earlier why the CDEV team wasn't taking any more members if they have so much to do and can't do it all? Take careful note I say "content" team. Because of politics, some of them don't want new ideas, new people. Because of politics, they don't want fresh workers to outdo them and make them look bad.

    That is not true. We do add more people. Thanks to some incidents that you are "all to familiar" with when you were a Dev, the team has to be more structured now then back then.

    - Marco

    PS: I won't openly flame a Developer, even a former one, in a public forum thread. All I can say is that you "reap what you sow"

  12. I wonder if this means the final faction the "Unknown" really represents how much the Devs like you, or in fact may be a Dev faction. Which you gain when you become part of the Dev crew; permitting one to use the gates :3

    Otherwise yes the Devs dislike everyone. :angry:


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