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Everything posted by Aeronaut

  1. and my TS was doing something offensive by not doing anything?  Abysial your 2 cents don't make cents
  2. I wasn't using my TS for anything...it wasn't doing anything ...it wasn't shooting....why would I need  to check its chat if its just in my group....my PW was doing all the shooting and that's the chat I could see!
  3. While I had 4 characters of mine grouped in paramis and another guildie  (zele) for 5 total....I was using my PW (Hexraider) (80% of the time) to kill 58's and switching screens to my JD (Hexxmaster) (20%) to loot.....my TE (Hexxraider) and TS (Hexxraided) were grouped for xp but I wasn't switching screens to view them....I was disconnected by staff for an unknown reason...after restarting my 4 clients I found just 1 had a warning from Blacklung about afk macroing which was my TS , one of the 2 idle characters....I was only switching between 2 screens, my PW and JD and didn't notice any GM msg's on either of them....I wasn't using a macro....just killing mobs....Zele and I were in TeamSpeak talking at the time and he can verify that.....If I was sent a msg to my PW which was doing all the killing, I should have seen it, or even my JD...not the TS or TE.....I wasn't breaking any rules I'm aware of and I'm a bit surprised and annoyed at the inconvience
  4. This is for anyone that has Pledged or is planning on playing Both Star Citizen & ENB Emulator. Its purpose is to provide a common ground for groups and friends in both games. Star Citizen is scheduled to launch in early 2015 but those that have Pledged with starter packages will have access to alpha / beta. An early dogfight module is scheduled for March / April. Organizations are forming now. All are welcome to come join the ENB....Earth N Beyond Corporation now   https://robertsspaceindustries.com/
  5. Found the problem...resolution changes are only changed if done through the Net-7 login page...not by just clicking e&b config file and making changes
  6. I got the game loaded and running (Win 8) but when I change the screen resolution from 800x600 to 1920x1080 windowed mode...performance test shows proper size but when game runs its always 800x600
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