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Posts posted by Revenant

  1. Static will observe 5pm est. That was the agreement at the meeting between the guilds.


    The agreement was server reset or 5pm est which ever comes first.


    This statement is correct. As one who was at the negotiations along with Canman, Belshade and Magoo, the agreed time was Tuesday 5PM EST after the server would have normally restarted, if for some reason the server did not reset that day.  This is well known among the Guild Leaders so I am not quite sure why this post even exists.


    Just to add Magoo, if you ever needed clarification on a point you are unsure of when dealing with this agreement, perhaps you should try to contact the leaders in VGE or Static before actually making a forum post. There are many ways to contact any of us in Static or VGE, and I am not sure I appreciate creating this thread just for the 'drama element'.

  2. Static, VGE, and Builders have agreed to the raid rotation proposed in this thread. The new rotation is effective immediately. 


    The rotation is as follows:


    Static - RD Base / GoBB / Troller

    VGE -  GoBB / Troller / RD Base

    Builders - Troller / RD Base / GoBB


    Week 4 will restart the rotation. 


    As always, any Guild or PUG are more than welcome to attempts these raids at any time. As stated previously, the only requirements are that your Guild or PUG must have a reasonable chance of finishing the raid, and that your Guild or PUG be ready to activate before the Guild slotted is ready to activate. To have a reasonable chance to complete the raid your small guild or PUG will require a minimum of 3 to 4 decently equipped groups or 2 to 3 very well geared groups. 





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  3. Efi I totally agree with this and it has been made absolutely crystal clear within Static that this type of behaviour will result in immediate removal from our guild. Our members are quite aware of our guild policy in regards to this type of action, and have been for quite some time. Static Guild is a group of people that are here to have a fun filled stress free time in the game, and I for one hate having to chase fires. 


    If any player wishes to join Static to load up on phat loot and cause trouble, they may as well keep walking, as they will find themselves guildless rather quickly. 

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  4. Zebalba is correct.


    Each guild would work that Raid and only that Raid for the week. If Troller spawns 3 times during the week VGE has Troller, they would be able to attempt all 3 Trollers with the knowledge the other 2 guilds in this agreement will not interfere. Upon Tuesday's server reset for the patch, the 3 guilds would rotate to the next boss in their list. Patch day is used because it is a set server wide event that everyone recognizes. This will eliminate the need to monitor spawns to ensure compliance, which frankly was a flaw of all previous rotation agreements. What each guild does within their week is entirely up to them. If Builders decides not to do Red Dragon base during their week, that is their choice. Static will not 'rush in' and spawn RD Base just because it is up and Builders are not doing it. I can't speak for the other guilds. 


    This is a Gentlemen's agreement between the 3 Guilds only. All other players on the server are not obligated to adhere to any agreement set forth here, and in fact are encouraged, at least by Static, to muster your forces and attempt these raids. They are really fun! Perhaps in the future, the activation method can be modified to avoid the 'forced conflict' and allow everyone an equal chance of activating end-game content. Static has stated repeatedly that if any small guild or PUG are attempting a Raid in which Static is slotted to do, we will stand down and not interfere. The only requirements are that your Guild or PUG must have a reasonable chance of finishing the raid, and that your Guild or PUG be ready to activate before Static is ready to activate. To have a reasonable chance to complete the raid your small guild or PUG will require a minimum of 3 to 4 decently equipped groups or 2 to 3 very well geared groups. Any less is a guaranteed wipe and despawn. This open invitation is from Static only, as you will need to contact Builders or VGE on their raid policy.



    The concept is not complex, and solves many issues Static has had with previous agreements. It is by no means a perfect solution, more of a feeble workaround for a poor  design of end-game content activation, 10 years out of date. The current Devs are not at fault for 10 year old code, and work with what they have. However, we feel that they do have it within their means to fix the current raid activation mechanics to avoid the conflicts inherent to this style of activation. Hopefully in the future, another system can be put in place to the benefit of everyone on the server, and raid rotations will be a thing of the past, as they are in every other MMORPG. 


    One point I would like to make is that any rotation agreement is contingent on the conduct of all 3 guilds. Any shenanigans or 'accidental' activations will result in the offending Guild forfeiting a raid in their week. Any further subterfuge will result in the cancellation of this agreement. Static is adamant about this point. 


    The 3 Guilds still need to meet to set the Raid order, and I would ask that Shadowwalker set up a meeting sometime Tuesday to finalize this agreement ASAP, or have the other 2 Guild Leaders contact Static. Static has purposely not done these raids during this time, and we are itching to get back to having FUN!


    My door is always open to any player on the server to discuss any aspect of the game or anything relating to our guild. Always feel free to send me a tell in game or come visit us on Net-7's teamspeak server.

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  5. Sorry but i disagree on the trigger for those raids for the sole purpose they become more frequent.

    As a dev or gm quite eloquently put it on another thread, when you do one of those events every now and then you are filled with anticipation and excitement when you are a part of that but if it boils down to a daily routine sooner or later the novelty factor will wear off and people will get bored.


    On another note in yesterdays meeting you stated Static will stay out of troller/bbg spawns until the end of the week but that was not the case later that day. Please correct me if i understood wrong


    On the trigger frequency, I also suggested they could do a synth type activation, placing the drop on a randomly spawned multiple sector mob would help keep the frequency down. Use MPP for example, one could pick certain mobs throughout the galaxy, have a spawn timer of 48 hrs for eg. and control the drop rate that way. I am more concerned about WHEN we can do it, not so much how often. 


    You are partially correct Efi, in the Guild Summit meeting, I proposed that Static would not attempt the next GoBB and Troller raid as a peace offering until we can work this out to the satisfaction of everyone involved. I never mentioned a time frame, just the next spawns. It was my hope that the other 2 guilds would respond in kind and the 3 guilds would leave the contested raids alone for the time being. Unfortunately I had a problem with my ISP and got dropped after I made my proposal, and the meeting had to be postponed. As we had no indication from either Guild Leader as to their intentions, via PM or forum post, there was no agreement.

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  6. WOW!!!! I never said assk for permission



    vge has never interfered with someone else spawn(xcept static and those wernt there's)


    According to the Developers and the game mechanics currently designed for this content, whoever activates the raid spawn (ie. kills Servant or Scavenger), then
    that spawn is theirs. Static was the guild to activate those spawns, not the other way around Jmes. Also according to Blacklung's Rules of the Game found here:  https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/8820-rules-of-the-game/
    Rules #4 and #13 states that everyone else should have left the area at that point. 


    To Efialtis.
    I agree. No player or group/guild should ever need to ask for permission to do content in this game. The current raids in question have a design flaw (or perhaps it is intentional to create conflict), where it is first come first serve, and forces the player base to make that post. Static would love to do more raids not less, not for the uber gear, but for the but sheer fun involved in just doing them. We feel that a rotation of any kind is inherently flawed for any number of reasons, not least of which is a reduction in attempts. One of the developers main concern towards an increased number of raids, would be that with more raids, comes more uber gear. I share their concern and have no problem with decreasing the drop rate on epic gear. I would much rather be able to more raid with less epics, than to do less raids and no epics. Because I, like you, intend to be here for the duration of this game and plan to do hundreds of them with my guildmates.
    Perhaps an option would be to introduce a Synthesized Crystal type tigger for Troller and GoBB. Giving such an item to the Scavenger or Servant would start the raid. Maybe they can use a Oni Daeva Emitter as the trigger because heaven knows - that thing never drops.  
    There are other solutions to allow everyone to enjoy all the content.
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  7. So your major concern is reduced drop rates? Is there not some way we can have device activated raids and address the drop rate as well? Perhaps add more common high end stuff so that everyone in the raid walk away with some sort of prize, and keep the Epic items rare. Not as rare as the Made-to Live tho please. After 24 Fishbowl we finally had one drop for our guild, that would be like getting it to drop 5 times a year with the current raid timer. I don't mind at all that drop rate might be lowered on Epic gear as long as more items are added so everyone at least get something besides debt and lag. 


    I am sure there is a compromise out there somewhere.


    PS As for smaller guilds not attempting the raids - well many don't have the manpower to learn the raids or do it on their own, as well the 3 major guilds pretty much have it locked up right now. If I was in a small guild I might not be bothered to attempt end game raids either. I am at a loss to understand how you don't see a smaller guild attempting a Troller raid if they could activate it at any time they wished. Of course they would! 


    Perhaps I am delusional, but if members of any of the smaller guilds wish to state why a device activatable raid wouldn't work from them, I would love to hear from them. Or state why it would work.

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  8. Not sure I understand your post quite frankly. If the days between the agreed days set are not FFA days - then what exactly are they? Static didn't decide this all on our own - this was what Vaden, Bell and Magoo agreed too and this is what we were told in our guild - Monday for Builders, Thursday for Static and Saturday for VGE. We each had a ONE day and the rest were up for grabs.


    Look I am not one to throw stones at glass houses, try to call anyone out and lay blame on this guild or that guild for bending the rules, or try to make out like Static is all pure and innocent in this matter. I would have thought however that some support would have been forthcoming from the other 2 guilds involved, as a device activated raid would allow them even more attempts to spawn the 2 raids - without interference from anyone! Why would anyone from VGE or Builders not welcome such a change? You could activate it when you had the most members online, make it available for your Europeans players, allow you to invite smaller guilds at your leisure, set a planned time for the Raids. 


    Yes perhaps Static could have sat back and waited for the other 2 guilds to help us in our effort to make Raids a more enjoyable event and not the drama that inevitably happens when a large number of people vie for one spawn. As I stated in a previous post, Static has been trying for well over a year to get the assistance from Builders and VGE both to put forth one voice and by asking the Devs to consider this change for the well being of our guilds and that of the player community. No one wants drama, least of all Static. We had hoped that we could have come to a quiet thoughtful resolution, but no one wanted to discuss it with us. 


    But we are talking about it now aren't we?  Let's ditch the name calling, the finger pointing, past biases and come up with some format that not only works for the Elite guilds, but for all guilds and groups in the game. We are all adults here, so let's starting acting like adults.


    I invite any VGE, Builders, other groups or guild members, Devs, or any other interested people to contact me in game or Net-7 TS to talk about where we can go from here. I am open to any idea that eliminates the stress and fighting. I am getting too old for both... I just want the fun-factor back in the game. I am all for friendly competition, but I am thinking more along the lines of Guild Contributions for Trade value, Most built, and all of the other fun things Guilds used to fight over back in the day. Let see if we can't get Contributions on the front burner as well. But this time Static won't yell 'Fire' in a crowded theatre.  ^_^

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  9. I remember it as well too and it went past midnight because we didn't activate 4 hours previously Friday evening. There was a member from VGE camping the spawn and  as well a member from Static. When the Scavenger spawned, Static had it's members ready to go, since it was still Friday FFA. Bellshade quickly contacted Overtkill to spring the news that VGE decided Friday was now their day as well, and to hold off on activating the raid. He said he was going to discuss it with his guild and get back to us. Bellshade never got back to Static, and Static never activated the raid that Friday night. It became apparent to us then, that the rotation was not going to work as each guild would want a day before and after their 'day' in order to ensure they would have one of the raids spawn when they could do it. The 'courtesy call' apparently was nothing more than a stalling tactic to ensure VGE wouldn't lose out on a raid spawn.


    This is precisely why a rotation can't possibly work. GoBB at max spawn cycle may only have 2 spawns in one week. So what happens to the other guild(s)? Should we go to limit the 3 major guilds to only one week per month, with the fourth week restricted to the 3 guilds and only available to the rest of the server? Or perhaps the best and most drama free way is to make activatable devices where each guild can activate GoBB all on the very same day if they wished.

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