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Posts posted by Stormhowler

  1. I'd say, either get help in destroying the mob, or let the mission hang while you gather more (combat)levels. This mission came in while the emu had been going for quite a while, so for lots of players it was easy to breeze through. Not so, of course, for new players/toons.

    Best of luck out there!

  2. Hey all,


    I have picked up a mission in Mercury called: Taking out the trash.

    You get one piece of debris in your cargo and are told to "jettison it into the stars corona".

    I have visited the nav points in mercury and flew at the sun until I hit the sector border. Can someone give me a hint as to what to do here?

    Thanks in advance!

  3. I headed to Eve after sunset, played it on and off for a bout a year, then got bored with it. World of Warcraft for a few years,

    then starwars:TOR, the Secret World, Neverwinter and back into the Earth & Beyond addiction.

    I'm so happy that it is back :D

  4. Hey Elrick,


    yeh I've been dragging those recruits along all the time. I'll fly to Arx Ymir again and see if it works now. If not

    I'll open a GM ticket. Thanks for the reply :)


    edit: Just arrived at Arx Ymir and i don't have a chat icon when targeting the station. Will open a ticket now.

  5. Hey all,


    I picked up the silver token mission: let me entertain you. I am now on step 12 of the mission,

    where I have to contact Arx Ymir to get a party started. I flew there

    tried registering, docking, warping in again, flying around Ymir, hanging there for several minutes,

    /fmu and even flying back to the nav point on Nostrand Vor that initially gives the mission. Nothing happens.

    Is this a bug? Or am I overlooking something?


    Best Regards,


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