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Posts posted by Pink

  1. I started a new thread the top letting people know that the Login server is currently down. Soon as our DEVs check it out it should be a very quick restart.

    Thank you very much for your response; after posting I realized there was another thread. I'm able to get in again. :P

  2. Hey Slayerman, thanks for your reply. This is what I get from a ping:

    Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

    © Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

    H:\>ping play.net-7.org

    Pinging play.net-7.org [] with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time=98ms TTL=115

    Reply from bytes=32 time=98ms TTL=115

    Reply from bytes=32 time=98ms TTL=115

    Reply from bytes=32 time=98ms TTL=115

    Ping statistics for

    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

    Minimum = 98ms, Maximum = 98ms, Average = 98ms


  3. I think this might be the firewall or some other set-up here at my job, but I was wondering whether someone might be able to tell me whether there's a work-around... :P

    Everything's installed, the client is updated.

    The first time I opened Net7 it actually patched. Once I tried to play I began getting errors, so I eventually deleted and reinstalled Net7 and now it's not updating again. I get the following errors:

    "Error on checking Server Status. This operation is only supported on Windows 2000 SP3 or later operating systems"

    "Error creating the Web proxy specified in the 'system.net/defaultProxy' configuration setting"

    It's Win XP Pro v.2002, with Service Pack 3; Windows updates are complete, including .NET.

    Thank you! :D

  4. Camaraderie in guilds does exist. However, I know what you are talking about and your post makes me think of a recent article somewhere, describing the 2000 decade as the ME, ME, ME decade :D There are always 'some people.'

    So sorry for your negative experience.

  5. Same issue here. It was working earlier today but now I'm getting INV-300 error

    I am having the same issue. I was playing three hours ago.

    Net7Proxy version 1.68

    24/12/09 17:05:10 Attempting to connect to IP address:

    24/12/09 17:05:10 Sending login.

    24/12/09 17:05:11 login OK

    24/12/09 17:05:11 Starting E&B...

    24/12/09 17:05:12 Launch E&B successful

    24/12/09 17:06:26 MVAS thread running

  6. Well i am truely sorry no1 out there has a answer for me. I hope you guys continue to thrive and become the greatest game in the world. As for me, no1 is able to offer me help, so now my only choice is to delete the non working game from my computer, I hate to do this too, i got a freakin 137 pw worked really hard at! oh well, you guys have fun, i guess its 24 hours back to wow. peace ;/

    Hey Evilbadguy, Sorry that nobody was able to help you yet. However, you might want to give individuals more time to respond. This game is currently run by unpaid volunteers who are giving their time & enthusiasm to this project. So we as players can expect there to be delays and issues.



    P.S.: I know that even in WoW it can take more than 12 hours to receive a personalized response :)

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