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Posts posted by SiSL

  1. I want to add my two cents while subject is summon:


    Summon should not work if summoned-NPC is already in combat state with another player or another group unless summoner is inside that group or if another player/group already attacked the mob... 


    Currently, there are some bugs that players don't see if mob is damaged or not unless they attack it or see the attacker...This also brings many confusions to "summoners" , that would stop all arguments of "mob stealing"  via summons.

  2. Becareful what you wish for...


    It is now LIVE ;)


    Usage: /tip <playername> <amount>


    /tip <amount> having a valid player as target.

    Max. 10 mio. credits per transfer. If the target is in another sector/station, sender will be charged with a 10% fee.  

    Same sector/station will be free of charge. If you are sending cash cross sector, there will be no confirmation dialog (yet..soon).  

  3. I mean this: you were fighting, then all of a sudden a high level mob spawn on top of you.  If one of the group member has his reactor drained (due to fighting), group free-warp does not work.  The leader have to kick him out in order for the group to warp.

    That was same in live too, nothing changed there, but what was not in live was the one I pointed above... You were stopping in middle of free-warp if any members reactor drained because of warp. Now only leaders reactor is important... 

  4. I'm mostly online in EU timezone yet, I do not envy any GM for sure... However EU daytime zone is kind of empty (while server looks full, lots of it are parked chars in stations), most EU players tend to play at nights which is often daytime for US timezones... 

  5. I can't support the claim that


    "And back then you were stopping whole group if one of member's reactor drained, not now." 


    In EMU, I fight in a group all the time, and I just cannot warp if one member of the group has his reactor drained.  I usually have to kick him out and warp in order to save the group.

    Try Free-warp and let other's reactor drain... While you still warping...


    They will continue to warp with you...

  6. Unless they changed it last year before sunset, it was pretty much same if not worse than Emu in "WW live" too... Actually, currently it seems to take avarage stats of warp between heighest and lowest member... Back then you were slow as the slowest person of group... And back then you were stopping whole group if one of member's reactor drained, not now... Yes, initiation times were also taking the slowest... 

  7. Forums:


    - Can we get fullscreen option for Youtube videos? Might have to do with some Flash object options. 


    - Can we also be able to add attachments into post such as pictures, txt files etc. in Bug Tracker for further or detailed reporting? Currently we can add attachment but not able to display them in bug tracker unless external hosting or find a walkthrough... 

  8. I agree capping might be a solution, but I can forsee one explotation of it. If you know that you can't pass a set threshold, you can run it to the wall with that faction and then never suffer more faction hit, someone might deliberatly do that to drive other factions to max, then repair the faction from capped amount, they might have gained max in several factions while they were not taking the hits on the low wall, then in repairing they sort of got "free" factioning without negative consequences..

    I so much love to read how you can picture exploitations that would benefit noone from a perfectly valid path on many subjects. That's never going to happen because 1.) you loose more faction than you gain from others 2.) Non-pirate factions are often loose more than 2 when you kill their friendly factions. So there will be always always a distributions and never max out like a exploitation you assume. Maxing another faction would not benefit them, since they will be negative for some others. 


    I will give you a friendlier example not confusing with more than 1 faction: Terran Alliance vs. Progen Combine... They only drop from each other... While jobs done, I could get them to 3000 each, Kill 1 Terran -22K from terran alliance +11K to Progen Combine, After that kill 1 Progen combine, -22K from Progen, +11 to terran, final results, you are 11K lower on both factions even you killed same number of mobs from both sides and you are both minus than you start.  



    It was how it was designed before, point of caps was never to get any faction to a degree of "no return"  or to a degree of "always maxed" , kill any EC, you will loose 3 pools and gain only one pool of RD if you are TW... That's how it is, killing makes you loose more faction than gain from killing its enemy of same level. 


    Currently having 27K faction and even I kill thousand infinity ships, InfinityCorp still will love me. If you would call exploitation, that would be what current state is... Look at Chavez? People have tens of thousands of negative with them, does that mean they are exploiting them to max out RD faction? People getting 6 different factions at once with a single job run, are they exploiting it?


    I will never kill EC enough to get my "default (-11000)" -15000 Bogeril faction (just by doing TW newbie quests) (to repair, you need to loose -30000 EC, along with -15000 Infinity & -15000 Hyperia) when content comes out if there are not any alternative ways, which means that content will be non-existant to me... 


    PS: Yeah yeah, I know faction matters now on crafting hat trick, beyond 12K it does not even matter... Actually when you reach 200% builds once, only docking privilages are enough to build anything at that quality. You can always ask builders that tell people to come to QAR... 

  9. Well, Renegade Progen used to be red, but not aggressive, to my JE.   Now they shoot him on sight.  I obviously did something to make them mad (and it wasn't killing them).  So at least some of the factions are active and you can hurt them. 


    Edit:  I asked a guildie about it, and he told me that the Renegade Progen are yellow to one of his JE's, but red and aggressive to the other.  Since both of his characters were JE's, it's not a class thing, and you can obviously hurt that faction somehow.  I'm just trying to find out how to improve it again.


    No they are default factions came package of your classes... Each class has default / unchanging faction to certain "non-active" factions...


    Example: Freespacers are red to ANY TE, but yellow to any JE by default or Rogue Progen are red to PS but yellow to PW...  If you kill any by a TE, they start attacking you right after, till you Zone out or log out...  


    Confusion often happen when playing with multiple characters... As long as there is not a bug happened lately, those factions are no-changable... 


    I believe by recent changes, most Red mobs started attacking, that's not a faction thing , same issue on newbie zones...

  10. Right there...




    This is all in game and directly from server's own faction chart...


    All other "factionettes" (such as Rogue Progen & Freespacers etc.) are the ones that are not active (no way to improve or reduce them) In other words, if Factions are not listed, they are not active... You can not hurt or improve them...

  11. I think it was from SWG, not this one... (I might be wrong) 


    But yes, similiar command would be nice;


    click on player, /tip <amount of credits>


    or /tip <playername> <amountofcredits> (checked if player name exists) 


    and on screen message when players receieved it for them to see ... 

  12. There is wandering NPC in Venus sector (not station, a big ship wandering through navs), where only player-made items are sold... Players can sell their goods there with good quality and others can buy from there... 


    Not exactly what you want but does the very same job, just you can not ask for price you like... 

  13. You taking thing too seriously pal.  I just want to make a joke about Zachman's note that giving feedbacks to improve the game make the reporter lose popularity due to the nerf bat. 


    LOL, say it so :)


    Digging abilities around dusty old skills brings up good and the bad :P Actually I feel it brings more ideas about healers being repressed than being direct target for future, you can blame me on that.  Ofcourse most mobs are not overviewed about how frequent usage of hack. I'm against "organics" using hack on players for instance or any mob ship not terran related including usage of rally (in other words, mechanics, as long as they are not aliens, may be they should stick to weapons & skills of one of three races they belong).


    One thing left on Hack tho, to check if hack improvement stats (such as TA buff) actually doing anything and how tough to land one against higher CL's than player... 

  14. Is it just me, or yesterday's patch also caused Rally to have a shorter duration and drain more energy?


    May be SiSL (and the guy complaining about the beam range) should heed Zackman's advice of stop reporting these "anomalies" because the nerf bat will strike again!!!!


    Rally is same as it is... 300 Reactor Power for Top-level Stealth Tactics, if you feel there is a bug report it... May be we should just leave class signature abilities broken... 

  15. A well known side effect of a nuclear blast is a EM pulse. Alpha, beta and gamma waves zip out in a ring from the nuclear blast and radiate things, the pulse disrupts electrcal/electronic systems functioning, close enough to the blast and the systems "fry" and will no longer function. With proper shielding some things can EM "hardened" to with stand this pulse, if electrical systems were inert at the time of the pulse they aren't effected. Hack is sort of the same effect, you are sending a blast of scrambling signals into the enemies electronics to disrupt their proper functioning of its programming, if the system wasn't on line at the time it was pulsed, it couldn't conduct that pulse to get scrambled.


    I'll give you a simpler example...


    You are playing the game, powers went down or your battery died, voila, no longer playing the game, nothing you can do in short period of time will bring it back. All player abilities require "reactor" power, reactor is offline, nothing you can do, simple... no need complex stuff for that... 


    Anyway, back to main subject, Zack, can you take a look about Terran Advantage like effects 47% hack chance is adding to formula? Higher levels not seem to get anything hacked or so for long long tries...

  16. I haven't gone out and got myself hacked to test it, but per patch post I've got a concern.

    It says:

    Changed: Mobs using HACK can temporary prevent the player from using any ability


    If it is doing as you are saying....there is a  problem. Are you defining "ability" as something using only  gear (i.e. weapons, devices, shield, reactor etc), or are you defining "ability" as being able to disrupt anything? If it is doing anything, than that is applying hack incorrectly. "Skills" are inherant abilities not dependant on gear, for example hack shouldn't "hack" menace skill, of hull patch skill, or recharge shield or cloak or powerdown or self destruct or teleport/ summon etc. etc. . It might hack the reactor recharge and make you have real hampered reactor juice to activate those skills, or hack shield and shield recharge don't "stick" to the pool etc. but it should never disallow your "skills".


    If you are going to disable skills, then that needs to be a seperate mob ability simular to biorepress. Rolling a mob skill of hack/biorepress in one hit/resist is to overpowering a debuff, if a mob is to be able to do both, they need to seperate attck rolls for hits between the application attempt on both.

    Considering abilities are also SHIP properties, disabling entire ship making sense you can not use any ability (like when you are out of reactor) It's not player's own, but ship modification for you. 

  17. Feedback on actual playing with these skills now?  Let us know how they are doing. 

    My First Impressions here goes (about hack) --


    Let's start about changes for players who wants to know about it more:


    - Shield hack now drains shield of enemy (or yourself if you got hacked), but your/mobs mitigations to energy is reducing this -- Duration: Instant


    - Device hack now stops mob or you using special skills. Also stops mobs communicating with each other, which means less mobs hang around with it if you hack mob)  - Duration: 10 seconds


    - Reactor hack used to do nothing, now takes mobs or your reactor offline for time being (basically no recharge as far as I viewed)  - Duration: 10 seconds


    - Weapon hack: No need for description to it, but unlike others this is 20 seconds.... 






    To start with I'm L150 and maxed with that skill L7 + Terran Advantage Hack Improvement at 200% (47% more chance to hack) :


    - Great effects unless they are used on you by mobs. Basically I became sitting duck once hacked (which I like about challange --- removed all buffs, no movements, no firing nothing  :) )


    - Shield drain really nice, Timer is perfect, Device being able to stop skills is perfect, can't quite test about what reactors doing without a data tho but no complaints so far  :) I think all seems really well balanced without overpowering neither player, nor mob.... 


    - I know while chances are basically dice rolls, anything over your level basically non-hackable. I could not land a successfull hack on a CL56-58-60 drones on BBW (not sure if it is about resists or how low is my chance on these) I could test more but they kill me basically after a few tries or I run out of juice  :) (That's with Terran Advantage effect 47% more chance) 


    However, not sure if you agree with me:


    This skill unlike most other skills rather than progressive approach each has different abilities for targetted attacks


    1. Hack Systems

    2. Hack Weapons

    3. Multi-Hack

    4. Area hack Systems

    5. Area Multi-hack


    I'm wondering if each have same chance to hack when you are L7 or each considered different Levels? Since each have different targeted hack tries, hope it is same chances... 


    I tested each have same durations at top level but not sure about chances, felt like Area multi-hack had more chance for sticking, however Area Multi-hack takes like 20% of top level reactor of Terran's L8's, not to mention aggroing near by mobs even friendlies  :) With firing of all missiles not many tries each time.


    If each have same chance to stick then no problem, but if they are treated like low level skills and low chances then there might be a problem there on focusing or "targeted hacks"... (where I got this conclusion is when you use 'hack weapons' only, it also tires to hack other things too)



    On the other hand, side suggestion : a mob ability review to prevent storywise conflictions... like Progen ships using Rally and Hacking, Terran ships using Gravity Link,  Organics to use hack etc.



    Final note: Thank you for making 21 SP for hack + 21 SP for Biorepression worth to invest now even 2.5k max range for missile classes and makes us TW's forget lack of SP's to invest compared to other warriors  :) Didn't try Bios yet, will note them asap, Bio review might be a bit harder since hard to understand how many weapons mobs have or slowing down/disabling one... So it might be a bit over time... 

  18. Anyone do some jobs with the maintenance drone?  Is the level 1 still dropping, need that feedback guys.  There was an issue with the tools not saving last night, so we wanna be sure this patched as intended =D

    Confirmed on higher level loot. Looted a L7 component and L6 Broken Tactical Display vendor food :)

  19. Is there a point in there somewhere?

    You are opposed to what i'm saying ...let me hear arguments.

    I was just teasing you man...


    However, Combat jobs may be the only job type you actually have to look to your screen and careful (and for most classes spent ammo). May be this should not go unrewarded compared to others...

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