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Former Advocates [Fmr. ADV]
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Posts posted by Nervestrike

  1. I wanted to add in some ideas that have been passed along to me, with a few of my own thoughts as well. Perhaps they can help reach a solution to this problem.


    1.) (Player Agreement) - A true rotation based on turns instead of days. Allows all a turn without a overlap causing someone to miss a raid. Additional member groups can be added to the rotation as they achieve raid-ready status. (Would require further details to insure fairness & equal treatment of all involved)


    2.) (Escalating Raid system) - Similar to the dynamics of how the Tada-O gate raid is connected to the Fishbowl.

        ie: Entry level raid requires a complex player built trigger device & once completed the final boss would drop the 'key' to activate or build the next phase trigger. The way that Zethrin'Ti drops the "Dark Cerebral Cortex" which is a element in the "Face the Ten'Gu" trigger.  In theory, this type of system would only require the entry level raid to have it's tables adjusted to maintain it's drop tables 'rare' status. A 24/48 hr timer per activator(player) could be added to help minimize back to back raids.


    3.) (Independent Triggers) - Every raid has it's own trigger. (This system would most certainly require a complete reduction in all relevant loot tables)


    These are not etched in blood or set in stone.. merely loose ideas for others to build on & fine tune. I don't truly believe there is ever a perfect solution to any problem, since nothing in life is ever perfect. I do believe that with enough people with their thoughts on a constructive path, we can reach a viable solution that can give the players the fun they so desperately want & the community the peaceful environment it rightly deserves.


    Final thoughts - Every time the DEV's  are called upon to facilitate major changes to the game, it takes their time away from current tasks & inevitably prolongs the release of any upcoming content. Please consider this first and foremost before any suggestions are made. Small tweeks and fixes here and there don't seem to be as much of an issue... but these are human beings who volunteer their time. Be considerate & respectful of that time. It was their time that allows us to have a game to play at all.


    Thanks for your attention.

    • Upvote 1
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  2. Excellent suggestion. I'll happily pass this along to the staff at Sunday's meeting.


    although the /makeleader command is already being used. Perhaps /raid makeleader? to be more in line with the other commands you listed and without using a preexisting one.


    Great idea!!

  3. Let's get something straight & clear up a serious misconception. Due to the way the system works the character "ShadowWalker" carries the tag of ADV or "Player Advocate". Before you start slinging accusations about what the "Player Advocate" does, you should understand that there is separation between them. I (the person sitting behind the keyboard (human, flesh & blood)) am your "Player Advocate" not any particular character that I play. I have, at all times, treated every concern or suggestion equally and fairly. I will continue to do so, regardless of your affiliations, guild tags or other means of identification. Until such time that I fall short with those responsibilities, I would appreciate that you leave the term "Player Advocate" out of your comments.. It only serves to undermine the integrity of the office.

    As I stated to all parties involved, regarding the summit meeting, I would not include my personal opinions in those discussions since it would constitute a conflict of interest.

    As the Advocate I made the following recommendation to the few DEV 's that I've had the chance to speak with:
      Since all parties involved cannot reach a mutual agreement and the constant infighting between the guilds is detrimental to our community as a whole... ALL raids not requiring a player built trigger device should be temporarily suspended until either they can come to a mutual agreement or until the DEV 's can reach a decision as to how best to proceed with the matter.

      I've very sad to say that the best, brightest & largest guilds of the Emulator choose to behave like a group of kindergarteners fighting over a toy in the sandbox. If this type of behavior cannot be discouraged, then action appropriate to that behavior should be taken. "Take the toys away."

      It is also the recommendation of the Advocate's Office that this thread be locked and hidden at the earliest opportunity of a Forum Moderator or DEV.

      In closing, you may feel free to private message me with issues you have with my actions as a player.. you may respond to any action in game as you see fit within the Emulator's code of Conduct. However further detrimental & slanderous comments against the office of the Advocate will not be tolerated & will bear consequences. Any issues you have with the "Player Advocate" not performing his/her duties should be addressed as such, through the proper chain of command (either through a GM or DEV).

  4. One variation of jmes's proposal that would be all encompassing.

    Rotation: Separate thread for each raid.

    Controller -

    Slot 1 - Static

    Slot 2 - Builder's Inc

    Slot 3 - VonCorp Galactic Empire


    Once a new guild reaches the appropriate level of members/technology to participate, they would contact the guilds already in the rotation for consideration.

    Next step would involve having one or more observers (probably 1 from each of the participating guilds) to insure that the new entrant could complete the raid without wiping. Once they have earned their spurs, so to speak, they are given a permanent slot in the rotation. Should the occasion arise where a guild is unable to complete the raid for whatever reason, they would enter "Pass" into the thread where they would normally enter "Controller Raid completed by Static on XX/XX/XX at xx:xx am/pm.

    By listing the time and date of completion, it would serve to better help the next guild plan to complete the following raid.

    With that idea in mind, we'll use Epic Gamers as an example. Either the leader or council of E.G. would contact Static/VGE/BI and asked to be added. Each guild sends one of their own JE's (who can observe cloaked & possibly render the occasional JS if needed). E.G. pulls it off and all 3 current slot holders agree to add them.

    New rotation

    Slot 1 - Static

    Slot 2 - Builder's Inc.

    Slot 3 - VonCorp Galactic Empire

    Slot 4 - Epic Gamers


    Might require some fine tuning, but if these were handled on a per Raid basis, instead of an available window (2days) no guild would miss their opportunity. No one would be fighting over who gets what. Every guild in the game would be able to ascend to the level of Raid ready at their own pace.


    2 cents from the peanut gallery.

  5. I'm sure this was requested, but by how many people.  Quite often I see one or two people request something and in it goes.  Probably because it's easy.  But not everyone agrees that it should be done.


    Can't there be at least a little discussion before changes are made that involve more of the community than the couple of players that make the request?  Allow some dissenting voices to be heard before the decision is made.


    And, I'm not talking about this change in particular, but all of them in general.  And, I'm not talking about decisions that the devs make about game play.  I'm only talking about player suggested changes. 


    Solicit opposing views rather than making a change that only one or two players think would be good.

    I hold in game discussions at least 2 times per week at different times to allow feedback from multiple time zones. I also make visits to the voice comms of the major guilds at least twice a week to get their collective feedback. Finally I also make myself available via in game pm's, forum pm's & I am on Net.7.org teamspeak daily for all players to communicate with me. The suggestions that I take to the Dev meetings on Sunday do not reflect the wants of only a couple of players, but ideas and suggestions made by several. So please forgive me if I find your comment about "suggested by only one or two players" somewhat humorous. No change that I have submitted yet has been from only one or two players, but rather from no less than a dozen different players & followed up by a summary discussion prior to the meeting which highlights these proposals. The only way I could reach more people than I am currently would be to send out engraved invitations to the entire server, which I am sorry to say, I simply lack the time to do that every week. From time to time there will be changes that occur with the Emulator that not everyone agrees with. That cannot be helped because, as the old saying goes... you can never make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time. The emulator is and will always be an ongoing project... a work in progress if you will, until such time that they decide to move on to greener pastures. If you feel that your suggestions or ideas are not being heard or given due consideration, I suggest trying to reach me through the various outlets I mentioned above. My primary mission statement from day one has been and will always be "Every voice carries equal weight from John Q. Lonewolf all the way up to the leader of the largest guild".

    A lone player screams with only one voice... my role as the Advocate allows me to scream with the voices of hundreds....

    Let me do the screaming for you :-)

  6. Nice feedback, thank you.

    Results are not all satisfactory and/or beneficial but it is good to read the thoughtpath.

    It is quite literally impossible to please 100% of the people 100% of the time. I am, however, interested in hearing your feedback as to what is not satisfactory/beneficial ? Perhaps it can be re-addressed at some future point when more information becomes available or if sufficient players voice their concerns & the Dev's review their decision.

  7. I can only bring forward the suggestions for consideration. I stated very clearly that the idea was far from perfect & that the original concept was not mine. A large part of my role as the Advocate is to give "EVERYONE" due consideration. I will continue to pursue every suggestion as passionately as the next, provided that it has some merit. I'll leave the deciding what is "viable" or "allowable" to the higher pay grades (ie: GM's & Devs). Having seen a few other opinions and feedback, I feel that my job in regards to this particular suggestion is done. Thanks to all who took the time to 'pause and consider'.


    As always, any and all suggestions are welcome. Feel free to contact me via pm in the forums, Net-7.org team-speak or in game.

  8. So smaller guild with a "MIA founder" are locked out of content?




    Guild members are leaving that guild, joining a guild with active founder



    This guild becomes stronger and stronger



    Raids are "owned" in the future by that guild




    Like said..."Big picture"....  :lol:

    Incorrect Sir.

    No one gets locked out of anything.

    1.) Guilds are encouraged to have an active "Founder" in order to maintain raid ready status.

    2.) Some guilds will get smaller due to inactivity, which is no different than is currently observed.

    3.) Raids are no longer "owned" by any definition due to the trigger system.

  9. I had an idea proposed to me 2 days ago with some of my own thoughts added in and would like to add it in this thread in the hopes it may get some constructive feedback.

    The idea suggested would not be a simple one since this is not a simple problem.

    1.) Using the new tier 10 guild rank (Founder) as a marker, place an NPC in a relevant area to the particular raid in question. (ie: Controller would be at Q.A.R.) or use an existing one (ie: Jinx)

    2.) Only someone with the marker could access the full talk tree of that NPC & receive 'Item X' which would be required to either serve as the trigger item or use to construct the trigger.

    3.) 'Item X' would be unique, trade-able & subject to some form of decay timer. Also 'Item X' could only be obtained once per week/twice per month in order to preserve the balance of rare items in the game, eliminating the need to reduce drop rates.

    4.) An additional safeguard to discourage "mule guilds" minimum guild count of 50-100


    This is only the preliminary idea and would need some fine tuning to make it viable, but it offers an alternative that wouldn't require drop tables to be altered & addresses the deteriorating diplomatic issues currently plaguing our community.

    This new proposal would allow each guild to get their spot for a raid while maintaining the current level of drop frequency.

    It would be up to the discretion of the "Founder/Guild Leader" to decide which one of their members triggers the raid and organizes the event.


    The largest counter argument to this method presented to me so far was "What about the non guilded players that want to raid?"

    While this is far from a perfect solution, the fact remains 'Raids' are multi group events and as such cannot be completed by individual people. In addition, the needs of the majority will almost always take precedence.

    I welcome all feedback, but please be respectful and constructive.


  10.  I guess this game works differently for guild with gms, devs and player advocates in them. They are free to grief without reprisal.


    I resent the implication Sir. When I am acting as the Advocate I have equally and fairly represented everyone regardless of their affiliation. However due to my role as the Advocate I wear the tag 24/7 and comments like yours serve only to undermine the integrity of the office. I am also a member and officer of Builder's Inc. & at no time did I pursue the office with intentions of giving my guild any type of advantage. I did so in the hopes of making the game better for all of us.

    As a member of the guild, I follow the chain of command and orders handed down through that chain. I do not always agree with decisions made by the leadership but that doesn't give me the right to re-write the rules on a whim. I can either choose to follow them & perhaps make an impact of future decisions to change them or I can choose to leave. I have always been treated fairly and with a measure of respect within B.I. & intend to continue playing with my friends and guild-mates. Likewise I have been met with respect from the other guilds while serving as your Advocate.

    With that said... I would respectfully request that you leave any references of the Advocate office out of your discussions when pertaining to guild to guild matters.

    "We now return you to your regularly scheduled rip & tear flaming & trolling"

    Thanks for your attention.

    • Upvote 4
    • Downvote 2
  11. Regarding skills and item buffs. Is it possible to exceed L10 for lets say a professions weapon skill?

    (ie: Player has maxed out their respective racial weapon skill (beams for me)) and then acquires a item (ie:Chimaera 9) that enhances that weapon skill?  (with my weapon skill at L9 and the Chimaera 9 buffing it by 4.39 skill levels in regards to accuracy)

    Otherwise it begs the question why have such nice bonus's on an item that are for all intents and purposes useless?

  12. As promised, here is a review of the minutes of todays meeting with the Devs.
    1.) Possibility of having components flagged as superior (ie: Like ammo) in the interest of reducing vault space.
    Reply - This option is not viable due to several missions checking the builder tag. (ie: Agrippa)


    2.) Request to alphabetize the build lists per category & per level.
    Reply - This would not be possible for the (recent build list only) but will be reviewed for viability and if so implemented soon.

    Update - Addressed & due to be implemented at the earliest convenience.


    3.) Request for /target command to allow non-grouped members to target another player within their scan range. (Would allow for easier support functions in raid or other multi-group activities.) Also concerns regarding /assist not working at all.

    Reply - The /assist command is disallowed by default when a player logs in & therefore must be turned on to allow it. Players should use "/noassist to enable or disable the assist lock. The /target was confirmed as previously allowable and pending any unforeseeable problems should be implemented soon.

    Update - Addressed & due to be implemented ts the earliest convenience.


    4.) Request review of the Terran Scout Null Factor Field. (ie: Skill breaks when player leaves form and attempting to remove the effect by second application results in full reactor loss.)

    Reply - This being one of the more useful and effective support skills also carries certain limitations. The Null factor Field is removed when leaving formation.


    5.) Request skill usage and device swapping while in warp as was seen during EA/Westwood Live.

    Reference - https://forum.enb-emu...psimultaneously

    Reply - This is currently under review and being worked on ... <more to come>

    Update - Addressed & preliminary testing is promising. To be implemented very soon.


    6.) Timers on lower level bosses should be decreased to increase availability  for low to mid level players.

    Reply - Will be reviewed ... <more to come>


    7.) AA devices are dropping too frequently as compared to EA/Westwood Live. Also limiting them to asteroids seems to favor the explorer profession. Suggested AA's also be added to various boss mobs with drop rates that would equate to "uncommonly rare".

    Reply - Drop frequency will be examined and reviewed. Limited to asteroids is intended and will not change.

    Update - Drop rate of AA's has been toned down slightly.


    8.) Request that the chat spam messages involving builds/dismantles/analyze be centralized to one common channel. Also requesting the /random command used for random number generation be broadcast in the selected chat channel instead of defaulting to group or system messages.

    Reply - Will be examined and reviewed for viability

    Update - This has been addressed by Zackman and should see it's way into the game with accompanying notes very soon.


    9.) Request scaling of job/credit xp to follow an upward curve with the players level. (ie: Lower level jobs give more credits whereas higher level jobs would yield better xp gains.)

    Reply - Terminal jobs have been previously reviewed & discussed and the current system will remain as is.


    10.) Request all raid based content be updated to use a trigger driven system. (ie: Controller & GoBB raids be modified to work as Tada-O & Fishbowl) (possibly with timer per player activation restrictions)

    Reply - All raids will remain as is under the current structure as they are functioning properly. Barring rule violations Dev/GM 's will not interfere with player/player or guild/guild issues.


    These are the highlights of the topics discussed and the reply's are paraphrased as accurately as possible. Examples given are meant to be taken in the general sense as more of a concept of the idea instead of a specific request for outcomes. If anyone has any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave your comments in this thread.

    I would also like to send out very special thanks to all of the players that attended my in game chat sessions this week & also special thanks to the following guilds for taking time out of their busy schedules to chat with me via voice comms.... Epic Gamers, Voncorp Galactic Empire, Static & Builder's Inc.

    Keep the ideas coming and those creative juices flowing.


    Edited to include Updated info - Thanks 2 Zackman & Elrick

  13. Comments by Mattsacre, Klyde & Hobbs are spot on accurate with what I remember from my days on Andromeda. In summary, most of the non-aggressive skills were useable while in warp. The reference to "being quick on the button" was due to the dynamics of how the skill checks worked during EA live. While I do not possess the coding knowledge to accurately explain it, I can give you a rough idea of how it was done.

    Check - Does player have skill?

    Check - Does player have sufficient reactor?

    Check - Is players target within skill range?

    Check - Is players target valid? (incapacitated?)

    Activate - Skill spool up timer.

    Check - Is players target within skill range?

    Check - Is players target valid? (incapacitated?)

    Activate - Apply skill to current target.

    It was the games natural acquisition of the next nav as you cleared the current nav that could disrupt the skill application because your new target (a nav) was invalid for skill application resulting in wasted power.


    A skilled player could use proper tactics to apply his/her skills in a variety of methods. This could open up a whole new dynamic of battle tactics that, in my opinion, closer reflect tactics used in E.A. Live.


    One such example: A teammate was downed in a fight. Proper communication would allow a teammate to activate a jump start cycle while I (targeting myself) could spool up a Psi shield. If timed correctly (upon successful jump start) I could switch targets to the incapacitated player at the moment of their revival and apply the Psi to them instead of myself.

    Under current dynamics the distance check and valid target checks are only made at the beginning of the skills cycle with no final check at it's end. ie: I spool up a Psi shield on a target who has just activated his warp engine. My target leaves my immediate area in warp and is 50-60k away at the end of the spool (outside the minimal range limit) but the Psi is applied anyway.


    While this is only the most limited description of the possibilities, I hope it was adequate in giving you a generalized view of how things once worked.

    I would also like to add one final thought for consideration: While screenshots are handy as reference material, they should never be considered absolutes, nor should they take the place of good ole fashioned common sense. EA made a lot of mistakes and failed to fix a plethora of problems that our current staff have surpassed with flying colors. This is no longer E.A.'s Earth & Beyond... It is Net-7's Earth & Beyond Emulator. In many ways you (the staff) have succeeded where they failed.

  14. Thanks to all for the congrats and well wishes. Take a moment and visit The Players Voice... this will be the thread(s) that outline the topics being taken to the Sundays meetings with follow-ups highlighting the staff's responses. Please feel free to use your voice to help guide mine. Our community is what makes this game what it is today and your voices are needed to shape and guide it's future.

    Thanks again to everyone for their overwhelming support.

  15. I was present in today's meeting with our Dev's/Staff and would like to pass along some info to you guys.

    1.) Topic by Uban: The new 3 professions in the game need some serious loving in the way of custom gear tailored to their skill sets. ie: Along the lines of items drops by the Vindis Ghost Ship & items like the Quasar device currently in game for the Jenquai Seeker.

     Reply: This is already under consideration by the staff and plans are in the works to help out the new professions with future content, although no definitive timeline can be given at present.

    2.) Topic by Uban: Regarding the Progen Sentinel, ideas or plans for bringing in their missing items such as the Sparta Archos Threading machines.

     Reply: This is currently being worked on and barring any unforeseen problems should be in game soon.

    3.) Topic by ShadowWalker: Several players have expressed concerns about a means to tell a ammo's damage type by it's color. ie: Purple for Plasma, Yellow for Chemical etc etc.

     Reply: This has been an idea for quite some time now but has been placed on the back-burner due to other more pressing matters, such as server stability & content fixes, but has not been forgotten. The shear scope of this type of change will take some time due to the number of different ammo's within the game. This is quite literally a massive undertaking.


    These are the highlights of the topics discussed and the reply's are paraphrased as accurately as possible. Examples given are meant to be taken in the general sense as more of a concept of the idea instead of a specific request for items. If anyone has any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave your comments in this thread. I look forward to speaking with many of you either in game or on voice comms. Also, prior to next weeks meeting I will be posting a new thread, outlining the items I will be taking to the table during that meeting along with a follow up to include the Dev/Staff's replies.

  16. Thanks to everyone who voted, regardless of who it was for. This shows your overwhelming support for the project itself and those involved in it. Having perused the previous threads regarding the Advocate elections this was the largest turn out to date.

    Several people had asked me about an after election party requesting beer & pizza. Since this was such a monumental success with more support than I expected, I figured you guys deserved a bit more than bottled beer & frozen pizza. So with no further adue, lets give it up for Draft Beer, Burgers & Hot-wings served by the lovely Hooters girls.  :wub: :D :wub:


  17. While I am sure quite a few from Builder's Inc. voted in favor of me, I encouraged them all to vote for the person they felt was best qualified.. as I have also done in general chat & with the other guilds available through voice comms. I have worked very hard to make a name for myself as a top notch weapon builder as well as a go to person when people needed help regardless of the guild ticker they had. I would like to think my reputation among the masses had a lot to do with the number of votes I have acquired, along with my views and intentions regarding the Advocate position. To omit the votes of a group of people simply because of their association with the nominee would also skew the votes, because they are people too with an opinion that deserves to be heard. All player voices should carry the same weight regardless if they are in a guild or flying solo as the lone ranger.

    I would also like to take a moment to thank everyone who showed their support for me during this election, from the solo players to the people I've befriended in VGE, Static, Epic Gamers & Builder's Inc.

  18. I'm suprised this vote does not have an option to choose/select option with bars showing who is in the lead and who is trailing.

     Who will count the votes ??

    The actual voting doesn't start until Sunday Evermore. Stanig said he'll open the vote thread up then.

  19. Mimir, you misread what I said.

    "I would also like to establish a means, in game, to communicate with
    other players who do not use voice comms or are not members of the
    larger guilds (probably via a private in game channel) at preset times a
    couple of days a week (most likely at different times to insure that
    all time zones have some input)."


    I have no problems with having discussions in game... just not in channels like general,market where anyone and everyone is already there talking about other things. Conversations are too easily derailed or littered with non-constructive comments. If the Advocate (possibly me or anyone else for that matter) is to do their job to the best of their ability, they need a medium that is devoted to that end only. Which is why I mentioned the possibility of using an in game private channel.

    Yes, the Advocate should make appearances in the other channels informing the players that he/she is available with the relevant information needed to communicate with them. At this point nothing is set in stone or etched in blood... it was only some theory crafting on better ways to achieve the end result... Having the concerns, issues & suggestions of the player base heard and addressed.

  20. A sensible request Jester. "- perhaps they could post a little about themselves,  an introduction etc etc prior to the voting."


    As for me... I've been an avid player of games of all sorts for over 30 years & a die hard lover of Earth and Beyond since closed beta testing by Westwood. I'm a skilled player of the Jenquai races with a moderate understanding of the other 2 races as well as one of the top weapon builders on the server. I'm familiar with game dynamics & balance issues. I have no problems discussing problems or issues with others from an unbiased point of view. I tend to hold firm my opinions of any given situation until someone can present me with viable, alternative information that would warrant a change. I love to spend time helping other players in all walks of the game, from leveling to building weapons and other gear & assistance with missions or basic explanations of game dynamics. I am available on most days of the week on the Net-7 teamspeak server, as I am a very active member & officer of my guild. I have 0 tolerance for the "because I said so" explanations of anything & as was stated by Pakkrat, I give no BS and take no BS. I feel that I could bring a lot to the table as the Advocate. While my play style leans more towards Jenquai, I understand and appreciate that every race in this game brings something unique and valuable to the game & try not to favor one more than the other regarding balance. Some have commented on availability of the advocate in the standard player channels & I am strongly in opposition to that. Standard player channels are often littered with random conversation and only serve to derail the topic or points being made by those seeking to communicate with the Advocate. I believe the best way to insure that the issues of the players stay on topic and are handled in the most productive way, require a more direct method. To that end I have intentions on visiting the voice comms of the various larger guilds (I have access to V.G.E.'s ventrillo and good relations with several of their members)(I am a member of Builder's Inc.)(I would like to have contact with members of Triton & Static through their voice comms as well). I would also like to establish a means, in game, to communicate with other players who do not use voice comms or are not members of the larger guilds (probably via a private in game channel) at preset times a couple of days a week (most likely at different times to insure that all time zones have some input). In order to keep things out in the open to all players, I would like to post the player issues scheduled for discussion, during the Dev meetings on Sunday, in the Advocates forum section as well as the results of those topics after the meeting is concluded.

    I hope this has offered some insight to the type of player that I am and established my intentions regarding the upcoming position of the Advocate. Ultimately I would love to see the game thrive, prosper & continue to provide the level of fun and enjoyment so many of us have come to enjoy for many many more years.

  21. I wish you safe and happy travels in all your endeavors Darkk. I always admired your work and hate to see the project loose one of its most valuable assets, but life goes on as it must. You will be missed.


    Keep your head down, your guns hot & your finger on the trigger!!!

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