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About sanduku

  • Birthday 01/07/1966

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  1. Ok both my son's are able to play online. I hope the developers here don't mind, I just sent them my finished directory with set up instructions in brief. That way they didn't have to download 3 files and go through all that fuss with updating and patching. My oldest is here at home for labor day and we are having a good time with the grill. My youngest is stuck in Ohio (gas money) and says he will be playing here regular. About my 2 boys. They both attend college one here in Michigan and the other in Ohio. I am certain they will find ample time to play this game since they don't seem to care much for their GPA. I don't know how often I will get online but I will do my best to spread the word about the game.
  2. Thanks that worked. -----EDIT------ Very impressive for 2002 - 2004, I shot the 3 programs to both my sons and gave them detailed instructions on how to set it up. In fact, they have played Star Trek online and the youngest (who is 18) told me on the phone some aspects he doesn't like in Star Trek Online; [list] [*]Starships can't loop, barrel roll, or go straight up or down. [*]Starships move slowly through sector space he can do the dishes before he gets anywhere. [*]Ships are more customized in Earth and Beyond. [*]Ships have visible turrets not imaginary ones. [/list] He said, if you ignore the decade of difference, Earth and Beyond looks better to him than Star Trek that came out about 2 years ago. I haven't heard back from my oldest he is a weekend animal an I won't hear anything from him until Monday night.
  3. I am on an XP SP3 machine with dual boot, I only run as admin never guest or limited. Does it have to be on the C: drive? I don't have a C: drive as I am running it on a network LAN off K: drive and the OS drive is D: I could spoof a C: drive if I must but I think you need to set clear paths in your install procedure. I found the "clientpath=" inside the Net-7\bin\LauncherConfig.cfg file and changed it to reflect the appropriate drive and folder. But this had no effect. I dug through the registry and found no paths. Gpatch is in the inside the client directory but the client is named e&b.exe not client.exe and not release.client.exe. Should I rename them?
  4. Well I followed all the steps. 1. Downloaded Client, Patch, and Net 7 Launcher. 2. Installed Client 3. Installed Patch 4. Installed Launcher 5. Ran the Launcher and keep getting Error 4 couldn't find patch. Try again later. I will look over the steps again maybe I missed something.
  5. A game published in 2002, I don't even expect it to be Star Trek Online, but this install is taking longer than I expected for only 1 or 2 GB. I will let you know what I think about it later. I guess I can work on my profile here in the meantime. Sanduku
  6. Hello, I saw this reading a forum over at "City of Heroes" who announced they are closing their doors in a few months. So I wanted to check this out. The poster said you guys have been actively playing a mmo that shut down years ago. They suggested emulation and sited yours as an example. A few things right off the top of my head. Why don't you have a torrent of these files the download is too slow by http? I have high speed internet and it is creeping at 45 minutes for a 1.1 GB file. Making a torrent would save you the bandwidth cost. At this point I have 20 minutes to wait for just the client and have no clue what else I need from the download page. I am looking forward to seeing this game in action. It seems that the life cycle of the mmo is peaked and now most are either free to play, limited trial, or emulated. With the new release this month of GW2 and SWTOR going F2P I imagine there will be repercussions felt by the few remaining pay to play mmos, but not in this community. Thanks for being here, Sanduku
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