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Patron Saint of the Emulator
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Posts posted by Holyman

  1. Yup... Like Alurra just said.  :)


    My powers of recall aren't what they once were...


    Maybe it is the CL51 Enforcers... I *DO* recall that I was killing anything and everything that was there, just in case the "Commanders" were trying to hide themselves in the crowd.


    And it was during this "thinning out" process that I glanced up and saw the "x out of 12 Commanders killed for [Waking Nightmare]" incrementing.


    CL51 Enforcers sounds about right. But if in doubt: kill 'em all!!!



  2. I completed this encounter successfully a couple of weeks ago... And I've been trying to remember what the critical bit of information was that helped me to finish it off...


    Think I just have:


    The 12 Chavez Commanders that you have to kill aren't called/labelled "Chavez Commanders".


    They are called "...Enforcers", IIRC - but still CL52.


    I was generally vaping any and all Chavez around the HQ whilst searching for ones called "...Commander", and just happened to notice the "You have killed x out of 12 Chavez Commanders" incrementing as I was doing so.


    So that, I reckon, might be the assistance you are looking for Shynjyn:


    The "Chavez Commanders" you are looking for are rather unhelpfully not called "...Commanders" but (I think) "...Enforcers".


    Drop 12 of them and you should be able to proceed with the mission. Watch out for the big boss at the end of it though, he doesn't roll-over and die as easily as you might anticipate.

  3. Warrior classes: *PLENTY* of stuff for them to do...


    Trader classes: Builders of all items at most levels are *ALWAYS* in demand...


    Explorer classes..: Weeell... Once they've explored the Galaxy, it's pretty much just a life of penury mining ores to feed the voracious appetites of ammo and component builders. 


    Not an "Explorer" class so much as a "Miner" class.


    However... If some or all ore fields spawned in random locations following a server restart... *THEN* there would be a requirement for genuine Explorers to actually explore.


    How those individual Explorers would then feel about publicising the results of their personal efforts would be up to them.


    Any kind of ore-field/node-mapping system or service would utterly negate the concept of an Explorer Class, reducing them to a mere proletariat of miners, existing solely to feed the petit-bourgeoisie Trader Class, all in service to the Warrior Aristocracy.


    Explorers of the Galaxy have the right to retain the surplus value created by their own labour and skills. A mandated revelation of key resource points would be just another example of the exploitation of the mass Working Class by self-serving Capitalists!!

    • Upvote 4
  4. Holyman : Each stack size is individually linked to each ammo type. Huge undertaking. No.



    Ah, well, I was just spit-balling really... Not a specific request.


    Not sure if you could generate a report on most used ammo types, and only consider doing those..? Not much point going blind changing all the stack sizes on the 90% of ammo types that nobody uses... I'm sure you've got better things to do.


    I'm primarily a Zet and Archos ammo user, and the recent doubling of Zet ammo stack sizes is *HUGELY* appreciated. Just pushing my luck I guess, trying to make a case for increasing Archos stack sizes...


    Also: Claw.



  5. My 2 cents:


    Upping the DPS on PL's doesn't seem to be necessary to me either, for the reasons Steveinium eloquently stated.


    But... I was wondering about a rationale for increased ammo stack sizes... Across the board... MLs and PLs at all levels.


    The fact is that this E&B-Reborn (that everyone has worked so hard on  :wub: ) is an evolution of the original game, in as far as the Development Team have the facility to drive its evolution.


    As I understand it, certain elements/aspects of the Game cannot be altered, because they are hard-coded into the client software. In the context of this discussion thread, I think that particularly applies to cargo hold size.


    In the original Game, the size of cargo holds for ammo-wielding warriors limited the amount of time they could spend hogging a particular nav, even if they were accompanied by a mule or two. At some point, they would have to leave the nav and RTB in order to restock ammo.


    And on servers with up to 2000 players queuing for particular Nav-spots, that was good, proper and all as it should be.


    But the dynamic within the "Emulator"/E&B-Reborn is different, because there are fewer players rattling around the Galaxy. There is much less contention for particular nav points, and where there is contention... It is much less, uh, contentious! (i.e. we're all much more civilised and polite in the Emu than was ever the case in Live..!  :) ). Far more often than not, when I run out of ammo whilst farming a particular spot, I can go back to a base, restock on ammo, and return to find the same NP still unoccupied.


    Therefore... Perhaps there isn't quite the same requirement to restrict ammo-carrying slots in the holds of warriors, because it is okay to hold onto a particular nav point a little longer than it would have been polite to do so in the original Game.


    But... Because it is isn't possible to increase the number of cargo slots (AFAIK)... Increasing ammo stack sizes across the board may be a way of achieving the same ends.


    For PM ammo, this would also reduce the amount of time spent mining for ores... Which can be a bit of a grind... And combined with the recent (wonderful!) addition of the /craft command to create multiple stacks, would reduce even further one of the grinding aspects of the Game.


    In summary then:


    I do think the original limits on the amount of ammunition that could be carried were based on the requirement to manage Nav Point contention in Live. Since that is (more or less) an entirely non-contentious in the Emulator, would a general 10-20% (or more) increase in ammo-stack sizes really risk unbalancing the Game?


    Just a thought.

  6. So… Regarding Credit Sinks and “Making the Game Economy Work”:


    “Money” (or “Credit(s)”) is a “Medium of Exchange” and/or a way of storing value.


    From an Economics point of view, that quality – “value” – is the most critical; and it stands in contrast to another qualified term: “worth”.


    How much something is “worth” is denominated in a notional currency; but the “value” of something is determined by the degree of benefit it provides to someone who desires that benefit.


    If we look at residential property prices over time, we can see the distinction between the two terms.


    How much a house is “worth” generally increases over time; that is: how much the property costs to purchase in the relevant currency increases. E.g. a house that was worth $100,000 in 1990, was worth $200,000 in the year 2000, and $300,000 in 2010.


    However, the “value” of the house is determined by how much benefit it provides the purchaser, if the purchaser is interested in that benefit.


    To an auto-worker in Michigan, a house in Detroit will provide more benefit to them personally, than a flat over-looking Central Park in Manhattan. This because they need to commute to work every day, because their friends and family also live in Detroit, and because the auto-worker is more socially adapted to the Detroit Culture than they are likely to fit comfortably into the Upper West Side Community.


    So although the apartment on Central Park West may be worth 100 or 1000 times more than the auto-worker’s house in Detroit; that Detroit house is more valuable to the auto-worker. The only benefit the auto-worker would get from the Manhattan apartment would come when they liquidate the asset by exchanging it for however much it is worth in Dollars at the point it is sold. They could then exchange a small portion of those realised Dollars for an improved house in Detroit (and possibly re-skilling training, because the Auto-Factories are closed… But that’s another topic..!).


    On the other hand, a Wall Street Foreign Exchange Trader could easily afford to purchase 100 houses in Detroit, from a single year’s bonus payment. But unless they were looking to get into the Low-Cost/High-Volume Residential Leasing Business, 100 residential properties in Detroit would be of little or no value to the Trader.




    The flat on the Upper West Side of Manhattan is “worth” much more than the house in Detroit; but it represents a different “value” to different individuals.


    The standard “Truism” we all hear is that “Property always increases in price, over time: it’s the best investment.”


    This is true in terms of “worth”, but not in terms of “value”.


    The long-term trends in property prices in developed Western Economies are all pretty much identical. And they all indicate how, over time, the average property price is (over the long-term) always between 3 and 4 times average income. It is this long-term average that mortgage-providers generally use to assess and approve mortgage applications.


    So where a house in England was bought in 1930 for £450 and in 1990 it was worth £45,000; this correlates to the average income in England in 1930 being £150 a year, and in 1990, it was £15,000. That particular specimen house then, in 1990, is worth £44,550 more than it was worth in 1930; but its value remains constant at 3 times the annual salary of the kind of person who would benefit from living in that house.


    Of course… Property prices are subject to all sorts of short-term fluctuations, the most recent boom as the result of credit being widely and easily available. Average incomes did not rise, but the average amount of mortgage funds approved per applicant did increase. The result being that at the peak of the boom in 2007, average house prices were 10 or 11 times average incomes. Critically, whilst how much a particular property was “worth” increased dramatically, the “value” of that property to an individual who might like to live in that property did not change. As mortgage credit became much more restricted following the 2008 Banking Crisis, average property prices in ratio to average incomes began to deflate.


    All of which is by way of demonstrating the distinction between an item’s “worth” and an item’s “value”; and also by way of showing that “money” or “credit(s)”, in and of itself, has no purpose other than as a Medium of Exchange, or a way of (temporarily) storing value.


    And all of *THAT* is by way of illustrating how “Credits” in Earth and Beyond, in and of themselves, have no value, are not supposed to have any value, and never will have any value.


    (Tradeable) Raid-only loot items have value in Earth and Beyond.


    Rare drop items have value in Earth and Beyond.


    Uncommonly mined AA artefacts have value in Earth and Beyond.


    Colourful parrot feathers have value in Earth and Beyond.


    And it is these (and other) items that have displaced Credits as Mediums of Exchange, and/or a way of storing value.


    These items all have an intrinsic value in that they provide a tangible benefit to the class of character that is able to use any single item. Credits have no such intrinsic value.


    There may be an Exchange Rate that converts these items into Credits, but that Exchange Rate is so prone to inflation as to now be off-the-scale.


    It might be possible to arbitrarily devalue the Credits currency, say by a factor of 10 or 100, but this would not alter the fundamental dynamics of the In-Game Economy.


    Let’s say for example that a looted Hellbore currently sells for 2 billion credits. If the resale value of the loot that can be gathered from an hour’s drone-farming in BBW was reduced by a factor of 10, so would the notional Credit/Item exchange rate for the looted Hellbore. The Hellbore would now sell for 200 million credits; but there would be as many players with 200 million credits available to spend as there are currently players with 2 billion credits to hand over in exchange for the HB.


    In summary (at last!!):


    In-Game Credits are never going to be able to form the bases of a stable Economy, because as with the fiat currencies issued by National Central Banks in the Real World, the monetary unit itself possesses no intrinsic value.


    Whether you have a billion, a million, a thousand or a hundred spare credits to spend on items you desire to possess, is largely irrelevant, and determined solely by the ease with which those credits are acquired.


    Since credit acquisition within Earth and Beyond is determined by the resale value of “vendor-fodder” (i.e. loot items that have no value to other players), any effort to address currency inflation would have to target the prices paid by vendors in exchange for that “vendor-fodder”.


    But here is the fundamental point:


    There are only *TWO* types of items in the Earth and Beyond Economy:


    1)      Items that are of either temporary (whilst levelling up) or zero value to players;


    2)      “End-Game” items that are of on-going and permanent value to players.


    And it is the Market Mechanism that facilitates the exchange of the second type of items that is the *ACTUAL* In-Game Economy of Earth and Beyond.


    A Market Mechanism that is controlled by the Player Community as a whole, rather than by the mechanics (or “Rules”) of the Game, will always deliver a more stable Economy.



    • Upvote 1
  7. Check your firewall settings.


    Start by disabling everything, and see if that does the trick.


    If it does, then you know it is a firewall issue, and you can start turning stuff back on in stages until it stops gating again.


    If completely disabling all firewall functions doesn't alter the issue, then you know it isn't firewall-related and you can turn the firewall back on and try and think of something else..!

  8. Oooh... Should also add with regards to the Skirmish Shield:


    It is officially the most difficult item in the Agrippa line to build, because it requires a Raid-loot only comp to build.


    Admittedly not the rarest of Raid-loot, but Raid-loot nevertheless.


    Which makes the fact that it is the least useful of the top-line Agrippa items doubly disappointing.


    Now if the Skirmish Shield came with a (significant) Scan Boost... That might make it more likely to be used in place of the CFB.


    Just sayin'.

  9. I doubt that many PW or PP even use the Skirmish Shield.  I only use the CFB because it has much better buffs IMHO.  I am looking for a solution for the under representation of the PS and what I put forward is just an idea.  The Skirmish shield had a much better impact debuffer before it was nerfed.  M



    Having worked my way through the Agrippa Saga, my PP and PW now sport shiny Ambush Omega reactors, Tactical Advantage Betas, and my PP uses a Flechette Omega to keep her sig low.


    My PS uses a Tactical Advantage Omega, for the Jumpstart buff... And, uh, that's it.


    Skirmish shield is not of any use to any of my Progen... Because the CFB is that much better.


    Shame really, after all the effort.


    Skirmish just needs to be (slightly?) better than the CFB, in order for it to displace it as the Progen Shield of Choice.


    Maybe with a cool graphic of Byakhee's head that projects around the ship, a la the Skull Shield.



  10.   I've run 6 accounts on wireless to create my own guild, though one kept popping out. Took LOTS of determination to create my own personal guild.


    Somewhat embarrassed to admit this but...


    When I wanted to set-up my own personal guild, I did *NOT* know about Multi-boxing.


    My own two PC's (one for gaming, one for work) weren't a problem, as I share screens, mouse and keyboard between them. My 7-year old son has his computer on a desk next to mine, so that made three.


    Had a laptop that I was using to run my JE-taxi = 4


    Dug another half-decent laptop out of my "Storage" pile... That made 5.


    Then installed the client on my partner's PC at the top of the house (two floors up!), to make up the six.


    Lots of running up and down stairs later: I was able to create my own guild.


    ...And about 18 hours later, discovered Multi-Boxing...





    • Upvote 2
  11. Sounds entirely plausible Terrell.


    Have been revisiting the V'rix in Tarsis with my Terrans (who were in much need of positive RD Faction..!) and paying more attention to the RD Faction gain.


    Whereas I get +7 Sharim and Sha'ha'dem Faction gain for each V'rix killed: it's a whopping +15 RD Faction!


    Process with the V'rix formation is:


    Fire 1 missile at each of the six V'rix from both my Terrans; then finish them off with Shield Nova from my PW when the V'rix move in close: everyone gets the Faction Gain.


    That results in a +90 RD Faction gain per toon, every 3-4 minutes and is a much neater/more manageable process than torching Chavez in Ragnarok (no loot mind, but sucking Chavez loot up slows my Faction Gain Rate).


    My PW has pretty much inverted his RD Faction in three days (7 or 8 hours of Shield Burn!), from -7589 to +7856.


    Kind of glad I tanked my Sharim Faction now, or I would never have discovered this handy RD Faction Booster..!



  12. I run six clients every day (sorry...  :unsure: ) and don't ever get the "...already running." problem...






    I downloaded the client.exe file referenced in Geepee's post at the top of the second page of that thread. (Geepee modified the code to change a jump instruction from a conditional jump to an unconditional jump.)


    It's been working like a charm for the last year or so. 



  13. So... Postscript then:


    If I'd realised how easy it is to bump up (nearly) all factions by killing the CL31/34 V'rix formations in Tarsis, there would have been a *LOT* less whining and bellyaching from me in this thread!


    Nailed it all in a 4-6 hour "Working From Home" session yesterday, which included regular interruptions from the 18-month old Holyboy 3.0.


    As well as getting my Sha'ha'dem faction up to the point where I could dock at JF and trade in all those Jenpie Spacesuits that Alurra kindly donated. There were plenty enough suits to then get my Sharim faction up to the point where I could dock at the station in Ishuan.


    And as a further bonus, my RD faction on all three Progen 'toons concerned is now well into the green... Which will spare me from having to camp Ragnarok.


    Summary then (since this is, after all, meant to be a Dev Team feedback, rather than a Pity-Poor-Holyman thread...):


    1) Do still most definitely think that the Collegia Faction reward for the successive stages of Agrippa needs to be increased, by 25-30% or so. That would have saved a *WHOLE* lot of bother..! But that suggestion has already been acknowledged by the Team and added to the List of Things To Do.


    2) Some consideration might also be given to the need for Progen to dock at a station that it is not highly unlikely they won't be able to dock at... In order to get their L135 Hull Upgrade. Hull Upgrades are such a critical path component - a more or less compulsory mission - that the requirement to dock at a station where the likelihood of (very...) bad faction is high, does threaten to break immersion. Could Oliphant's agent be moved to a Shinwa station..?


    3) Some consideration about the siting of the suit-turn-in's: I had a brief glimmer of hope when I read (on the Wiki) that I could turn in suits for Sha'ha'dem Faction at Kailassa... I rushed there hoping that it might be a Shinwa station... Only to have my hopes dashed. Seems to me that one of the most likely reasons for wanting to turn in suits (after the Trade XP), would be to gain access to a station that is blocked due to bad faction. Having some sort of "Round Robin" with the siting of the turn-in NPC's might encourage a greater collection/trade economy for the suits.


    4) Finally... (!) Faction Map on the portal indicates that killing V'rix earns Bogeril Faction: best as I can tell from my session yesterday, it doesn't; as Bogey faction remained unchanged. (Also noted that RD Faction went up much faster than I was anticipating... But I wasn't really monitoring that... Just seemed to earn more +faction for every V'rix killed than I was earning Sha'ha'dem/Sharim faction... Could be that I was just imagining that though, with my focus firmly on the Jenpie factions).


    Thanks for all the counsel, encouragement and sympathy in this thread. Very pleased to have put this matter behind me..!



    • Upvote 1
  14. PS has also managed to earn the enmity of the Sha'ha'dem whilst mowing down Sharim... Currently at -6k faction for the former, and -8k for the latter.


    Shinwa Warriors love him to bits though: +5k!!


    Why-oh-why couldn't Master Sevti or the L135 Progen HU guy be in a Shinwa-faction station..!??

  15. I'm currently following Sphinxi's advice and setting about the Privateer Bounty Hunters in Endriago.


    I've got *TONS* of Collegia Faction on my PP and PW, so no need to worry about draining that...


    PS only had the minimum required to complete Agrippa (which started all this trouble in the first place...  :mad:  ), but the Bounty Hunters seem to be dropping space-suits every other kill, so I should be able to keep that in the green if I manage things carefully... Can also make sure I don't drop out of the running for Collegia Faction jobs for my PS as well... So not expecting any dramas...


    Just a long, hard slog... Before I can get my L135 HU by speaking to the guy inside that Sharim station in Ishuan...



  16. I think I can help out here.


    If everyone tells me where all these ore/hulk-fields are that always have AA's in them after a server restart... I'll make sure to monitor them after every server reset.


    If it turns out that I keep getting lots and lots of AA's from them, I'll compile a report and start thinking about the best way of presenting my findings to the Dev Team (when I get a moment).


    Would also be helpful if everyone can stay away from the suspect ore/hulk-fields after server resets as well; just so that the data in my findings doesn't get skewed.


    Estimate that it will probably take me about 12-18 months of research to complete my report; but I'm sure it will be worth the wait.


    Really very happy to help out here.



    • Upvote 1
  17. Day 17: Things weren't going quite as well as we hoped.


    Doing L135 jobs to regain Sharim Trader faction is out of the question...


    ...Because I can't dock at VT or Ishuan to pick up the cargo.


    I'm just going to have to give up on ever getting these Progen their L135 Hull Upgrades, aren't I..?!



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