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Posts posted by Moon

  1. Why u think this is called stresstest? This is not supposed to be as comfortable as u would like it, that i can understand :)

    The universe is a harsh environment and sometimes u get a galactic earthquake. lol

    Guess we just have to change tactics.

    And don't think the devs wont react to this, just because they wont let us know.

    It is a stress test, dont need to remember me.

    i dont want to be the game as a blackhole, were all the players who like the game run to other games

    i would like us to play ENB with fun, i only told my experience nothing more.

    i give up.

    Go play in FB when you are level 150.

    we meet again.

  2. The fact that you're expecting end game content and a ton of players in a stress test that was scaled back to focus on early game content and testing, in a server with less than 300 players on an average day, is kind of... shallow on your part.

    Part of this whole stress test process is to test. Granted, it's fun and entertaining to do things and play, but overall, in reality, the reason you can play is to test things, try and break things, etc., not to do all the things you want to do. It's just a bit unreasonable to expect all the things you're expecting when the game is still very unfinished. It's a work in progress, and to treat it otherwise is not a developer's problem, it's your own. They will make changes for testing purposes, and if you're unhappy because of personal opinion on how the game should be run according to your standards rather than the direction they would like to take the game, then the basis for your complaints are unfounded and won't be taken seriously.

    Just my two cents.

    Oke, the test works, it is impossible to enter the fishbowl without a full level 150 party. and it is very very hard to make a lvl 150 party these days. it would take hours, iff not days..

    There are not 70.000 gamers who would like to kill in the fb.

    i have a level 150 pw, and i dont know what to kill, 7000 chavez is an option.. but i dont have the time to do that.

    i dont what to be unpolite, but arnt there much more important things to work on, and i really appriciate the efford the hard work to all the people who are making it possible to play ENB.

    i really salute to them, keep on going!

    maybe we can get a bit more info, iff the fb or paramis is changed, let us know, and why you test it this way? then we can anticipate on that.

    saying "your complains are unfounded and won't be taken seriously" is not very kind, please, see it from an other point of few, think about it.

    sry for my bad english, i did my best.


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