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Posts posted by SludgeEntertainment

  1. I would like to do a thanks to everyone that is working on the Earth and beyond emulator, and everyone who worked on the Earth and beyond emulator. who here with me on these forums thinks that these guys deserve a thank for making this game possible again, and all the hard work they put into the project.
    [b][size="5"]Thanks Everyone!!![/size][/b]
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  2. [quote name='t-bot' timestamp='1308911718' post='42448']
    Thanks for all the work you guys invest in this game and thanks to all the people who are donating to the game.

    I agree with t-bot, thanks for all the work you guys put into remaking this game master piece. without you guys we would be stuck playing non space games :)
  3. [quote name='Tienbau' timestamp='1309396885' post='42779']
    yep we'll be doing something for both of those, hopefully the events will get better each year as the server gets more advanced.

    I agree with Tienbau, as the server gets more developed i am sure the events will get more developed, i heard in one of the posts that [url="https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/user/20-satanicexhile-hd-gr/"]satanicexhile[/url] is looking for graphic developers, maybe they could working in some new models such as xmas trees, candy cains.. stuff like that :)

    heres the thread below

  4. [quote name='Tienbau' timestamp='1309407236' post='42781']
    hey - we've gone a bit off topic.

    Tyran was saying something about a limited release, I'm not completely sure what he was talking about.

    There was talk a long time ago of just having the Sol sector opened at the start of the game and progressing from there, we explore the new sectors as they are 'discovered', although they were all opened by default in the ensuing chaos of releases, meaning the teams can focus on getting the Sol sector looking awesome. It was quite a good idea but really the other sectors would probably have been a little neglected I guess.

    Yes we could release the source code or at least a server build (which I think you get by default in the patch) but without the database it doesn't do anything. Unfortunately if we release the database you can bet it would be busted open in a 'lookie lookie what I found!111!!11 mwahaha!!11!' data mining site within a day or two at most, spoiling the game for everyone.

    We do intend on releasing a smaller cut down DB for people to run on lans or whatever but it's just finding the time to release a cut-down DB. We are getting there though, thanks to the evolving Net-7 database system where devs have a choice to blank their content to the Net-7 interface, so it would be possible to automatically generate a database of all the non-sensitive stuff for releases.

    Excellent this is the type of stuff i am looking foreword to see, and i am sure the rest of the public would like a cut down version of a lan server, as far as the cutting you guys could sometime time maybe in the long future, make mission, mobs, character generators, for adding future content into the public server / cut data dump, i was never intending they release the full database to the public, when i made these posts. I agree it would spoil all the fun in the game, but what i had in the back of my head was a public svn dump, with a cut db, that people in the future could build into, hence forever continuing earth and beyond.

    I beleave that this project was started to bring earth and beyond back into its original state, or as close as it can get with the all data that was able to be acquired by the development staff. And the entire staff had every intention to add on some new things of there own to the pot, Not changing the game play, but to better it.. i have seen alot of emulators and still by far this one is the best, and always will be because it still brought back Earth and beyond... even though its not finished, the emulator is very playable, just like the original game...

    I also beleave that the earth and beyond staff deserves a big community thanks from the public for bringing back one of the best space mmorpgs of its time.

    Thank you.
  5. [quote name='Ramses' timestamp='1309361893' post='42752']
    Can you please direct me to where it is stated that you are entitled to the code if you donate money to keep the project going? Now I might very well be wrong here and in that case I do apologize in that case, but I have not seen this written anywhere.

    I wish i could but that was lost with the old forums database when they had a server crash a couple years ago, anyways i am sure there are others that remember, about the SVN/Database dumps, as far as the last available database dump, its still on the website [url="http://net-7.org/database/"]http://net-7.org/database/[/url] that is the most current SQL dump available.

    But like i said, there are others on here that will remember about the monthly SVN/Database dump, before all that stuff happened with the source code, and ENB Classic aka the group that tried to claim Earth and Beyond Emulator as there own project.

    Anyways on another note, as far as your donated money, that is for the server/server development of the Earth and beyond emulator project, which in the end entitles the public the SVN/Database dump, and to the project its self.
  6. [quote name='Ramses' timestamp='1309361023' post='42749']
    Hmm interesting point of view. I for myself donate money so that they can keep the game going and develop it and maybe some day reach a finished state.

    I can see what you are saying but I don't see the logic that just because one donates some money that they entitled to the whole package to use for their own free will (I haven't seen anyone mention this is an open source thing). Maybe if the donations on a 3, 6 or 12 month period was high enough that could entitle a donator to this sevice? This would need to be a continous thing though, aka to recieve updates and such you would have to keep the donations above the set "limit". Maybe that could boost some income for the project also?

    However problem remains if ppl wants to play on their own server they are not testing the game online as this stress test is really about...

    There used to be a SVN/Database dump once every month or so, until the non current release was stolen from one of the servers, they stopped releasing the dump because one person decided to clam the source code as there own, as far as being entitled to the code, the public is fully entitled since they pay and donate for the development software / server for the development.

    The only content that the public is not entitled to is the full database, because that end of the project is content development owned, and it is up to them to release the missions / sectors that were remade, all i ask is a more current dump of the SVN so people that want to run a server local can do so with a less buggy more current version of the server. As was available once before.
  7. I know what i would like to see, another server dump and post on to an SVN of the server source code with a basic database dump so i can recompile my own server, and play on my lan network with my friends. since the donates are paying for the servers and development software i think its only right they receive a emulator server software to host for there own will.

    But then again previously stated by Earth and beyond emulator staff, the SVN server source code wont be released until the server is in a live / finished state, to be honest i don't think its up to the emulator staff to decide since the donates pay for everything, its not your source code, its the public's to my understanding, in another response a developer said that, the public get what they want, they get to play Earth and beyond again, i can agree with that, but what does that have to do with the SVN emulator server source code, and a database dump.

    I think that the public deserves to have there own modifiable Earth and Beyond Emulator server / mysql database, every end of the year at least, that way people that don't want to play in a rack hosted environment, can play on there local network with the current release of the server.

    FYI, i understand that the server source code was stolen before by an EX Lead Game Master who's name i will not mention, but this was quite some time ago, i think it is time to put that in the past, and move on. And start doing normal SVN / Database dumps, once again i think that its only fair to the public, and those who put there time into the Earth and Beyond Emulator, as development staff.

    Anything is better then this [url="https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/4741-a-financial-report-to-all-11656-registered-players/page__view__findpost__p__41513"]old source code[/url] that was given to me by an current Earth and Beyond Emulator developer.
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