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    45.00 USD 

Posts posted by Yanshi

  1. I agree that the leftover money from each month should be saved for rainy days and unexpected expenses. However I do feel that the devs are not getting any and that seems a little unfair. they make the game what is today after the dreadful sunset.

    I do hope that once the game reaches a live state (past betas and stress tests), then the game should be paid for by a monthly subscription plan by people that want to pay. Not just a donation, but something where that money would go to the devs.

    I do not mean a paid subscription only. there are a lot of teenagers playing this game and they do not have the means to pay. let them play the game for free. this is to be setup for someone that wishes to "donate" for that.

    BTW. I did like on the old forum where we had the ability to setup a monthly automatic donation. I do not see that on this new forum.

    I would like to see it implemented. I do want to donate monthly but sometimes i forget so some months may go by until i realise... Please setup the automatic donor so I can setup a recurring monthly donation.

    Thank you.

  2. OK, I'll bite . . . what *other* commonly recognized EST is there besides US EST?

    I've seen it used instead of GMT. As EST, European Standard Time. However that is highly incorrect.

    EST is standardly used for Eastern Standard Time, CST: Central Standar Time, MST: Mountain Standard Time and PST: Pacific Standard Time.

    Of course these also transform into EDT, CDT, MDT and PDT (Daylight Savings Time)

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