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Posts posted by Damuras

  1. excluded who? the rotation isnt even for the player base its for the devs. the server cant handle 50 people sitting in 1 area for hours on end. no one will get anything. this is the ONLY reason theres a rotation.


    a few weeks ago static was doing gobb, got to last boss and eg came in a tried to take it. thats the gripe static has with eg. it took awhile for the dust to settle but now we know well always have issues...magoo admitted to intentionally throw a wrench into the plans. "whats taking so long" is not static, its not intentional stalling on our part, its magoo.



    goober, the guy who campaigned against you is not even playing anymore. youre just hurting innocent people.

    The issue between Static and Epic Gamers on that GOBB raid have be delt with.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I will keep it short and sweet, I appreciate all the work the development teams do. I have enjoyed enb since it came out and now in the "live" emu. I still believe that all the features that the devs have implemented are better now than live, basicly because they love the game and want others to enjoy it too. Not sure why some people feel the need to be so critical of the N7 team when they are doing their best. Im sorry to hear that a member of the dev team quit, just means less hands helping out.

  3. As players come to the end game, just as in any MMO, you eventually max out. Well with the current game code, is there a way for the developers to expand? Such as intoducing Lv10 equipment and progressing the games evolution? Opening up more sectors for exploration to introduce this new found content, and maybe a new raid! Would be some food for thought as more players hit end game. I know this is an emulator and trying to replicate what EA did but that seems a bit narrow if you have the ability to expand.

  4. Ok so i have search, and used mutiple terms and still no set information... as far as I could find.


    What are the steps to getting a guild ship decal on to a ship? I have the image submitted and approved, I can see it in game at a ship editor, the /setdecal says i dont have a logo implemented, and /logo add <playername> crashes my game. So whats the trick???

  5. Quoted from the epicgamers.com forums, still applys here though.
    Hello all,

    I am
    not dead or gone from all, I pop in here and see whats going on now and
    then and make sure all is well with everyone. So for those who care I
    have been going though a lot of changes over the passed 12 months. I
    have found a new Love of my life, and will be proposing to her soon. She
    does not know this yet and luck-fully will not look on here haha. My
    kids are now 4 and 3, almost 5 and 4 now, my youngest just go this
    tonsils out, adenoids out, and tubes put in. I have also changed
    careers, opportunity came knocking and I took it! I am now a full time
    college student again going back for my computer science degree, but
    this time I also have 3 minors lol. So in 5 years time I will have my
    bachelors in Computer Science, associates in physics, mathematics, and
    chemistry. With all three I should be able to find a job some where
    close by, if not I dont mind moving. Other then that between kids,
    girlfriend, school, and part time job I have no life.... or free time. I
    do miss going in and spending hours in game and raiding and just
    helping everyone and I am more impressed and very glad to see that the
    guild is doing well in game and people are still using the forums and
    site I pay for =p, so at least its worth it! Humm... guess that sums it
    up for the most part. I hope you all are well and leading the way in
    game through helpful actions, determination, and respectful play. With
    out you all there would be no Epic Gamers so I appreciate you dedication
    and will always be grateful for that!

    If any of you need to get a
    hold of me for the site, suggestions, or even if there is a raid
    planned and would like me to stop in EMAIL ME!!! and tell everyone I say
    hello and best wishes!


    I might try and hop in enb over the next weekend to say hello and goof off, time does not allow me to get into much.
  6. Ok I have read and searched for a fix to this and nothing works, here is the issue.

    I can run two accounts to start but if i quit the one of the running accounts i can no longer pull up a second account. I get the error "EnB is already running" and I have waited it out, nothing; i have tried "Run as admin", nothing; I have made sure all extra net7 proxies are closed via the task manage as well, still no luck. The only why i have found that can fix the issue is to restart the computer, which is really not what i like to to when i run 2 servers off of it.

    anyway any idea would be great.
  7. This was working just fine till today, Ok here we go..

    I can play one instance of enb just fine, and using packet optimization. Once i pull up the 2nd instance, login, then select my character and press enter, the 1st one will fail to respond then the other instance will hang at loading screen waiting on server.

    sooooo what do you think could be the issue?
  8. So far today i have lost connection with the server each time I gate or wh and have to restart the game... it has not been this bad ever but at least happens about 1 of 8 gates i think... anyway hope this is going to be fixed soon.
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