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Everything posted by Zathyr

  1. I'm having the same issue. I was going to try making a second account and I can't log out either. Clearing cookies should do it. Actually just tried it now and it worked for me. I had 3 net-7.org cookies - one to save my password and two session ID cookies; I just removed all 3. Anyway, I went back and tested it a little more and I've been able to log in and out fine, so I have no idea what the problem was. Weird.
  2. I have that white t-shirt as well, only ... mine's not quite so white any more. >.> Nothing that some quality time with some bleach shouldn't fix, but still. I don't have any original CD or packaging since I got the game as a download. But in addition to the white t-shirt, I have a black one from the fan gathering at GenCon in Indianapolis. Also a hat, a mouse pad, and two posters. The posters were up at the gathering and as things were winding to a close I asked the devs there what they were going to do with them. They admitted the posters would probably just get ripped down and thrown out so they announced to everyone that, basically, they would be looking very intently in one direction and if we happened to help clean up a little then really what's the harm in that? So I ducked into the other room and grabbed my two favorite posters there. I felt a teeny bit greedy for grabbing two posters when most folks were getting one, but hey if I hadn't asked no one might've gotten any. That's my justification and I'm sticking to it! It's hard to get the posters without the glare, but: [IMG]http://i926.photobucket.com/albums/ad105/Zathyr/EnB%20Stuff/DSC00620.jpg[/IMG] 1979 -> 1985 -> 1990 -> 2000 -> "Today" [IMG]http://i926.photobucket.com/albums/ad105/Zathyr/EnB%20Stuff/DSC00631.jpg[/IMG] If you want a face to match up with the story, here's me: [IMG]http://i926.photobucket.com/albums/ad105/Zathyr/EnB%20Stuff/DSC00640.jpg[/IMG] Except I'm not that sideways. Hmm.. Oh well. If you're interested, I set up a little photobucket album with a few more pics of the posters and other things at http://s926.photobucket.com/albums/ad105/Zathyr/EnB%20Stuff/
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