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Former Advocates [Fmr. ADV]
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Posts posted by Graybusch

  1. I was not aware of any such "orders", but player and guilds can certainly and will certainly vote their feelings. I had to stop in after read in the last post just to respond. I hope you misspoke when you said you weren't going to influence the DEV's, the player advocate is the voice to try and influence the DEV's in a direction they feel will enhance their game play. Sometimes you have to "address the elephant in the room" when the players have spoken but the DEV's are not sure it is the best option. The advocate has GOT to be that voice the players need to get this influences to the DEV's or atleast get the answers as to why thier concerns have not been addressed.

    I am not trying to bag on your response, but I don't want the advocate position to be a "DEV's rubber stamped" and be too afraid to "rock the boat" when the player base needs it done for them.

    Ok, off to dinner with the new Mrs. Nuggster- she earned it today!!!!!
    • Upvote 1
  2. Howdy from Colonial Williamsburg! I am currently getting my tux out of its bag anready for the big day! And while I am honored to be nominated and considered for the position, any campaigning has got to take a back seat to my wedding... I simply cannot justify putting anything before that. With that said I have a few minutes so here goes with my best answers to your question:

    1 - I do NOT believe in "change for the sake of change", the proven methods that Shadow has installed will certainly benefit whoever takes over next, he has done an outstanding job laying an amazing foundation! I may find that my way of " doing things" requires some additions to help me keep up with the level of service he has given the players, so if I need to add something I most certainly will do my best...... I guess bottom line is I won't change ANYTHING for "me".... ANY changes would only be if they would benefit the players....period

    2 - I am VERY open to suggestions on changes however, this position serves the player, and in my 20+ years of MMO playtime I have seen that input from players is vital to improved gaming experiences. I want to see the player inputs continue to make their way to the developers and help ALL players continue to have fun playing a game that we all love!

    3 - No,I am not a "big-3" member, I have struggled at times being a "public" guy and I have to admit almost made that attempted jump a time or two for more raid time, but I sat back and decided I love the interactios I have now with ALL the players. Much like Shadow has stated, when doing advocate duties the terms "big-3" and "public" go out the window anyway!!!! This position is "Player Advocate" and like shadow has done, I want to keep that aspect the same!

    OK... Enough of my soap box... Time to go take the plunge!!!! All you pilots fly safe and say a prayer for my Mrs., I truly don't know if she knows what she I'd getting herself into today!!!!
    • Upvote 1
  3. Are you Nuggster? It may help to let us know that... and....I swore I was not going to get into the Advocate thing this go around but... you will need two more posts to be able to vote for yourself :)


    Just saying... 

    You are VERY right! The old forum name definitely made that part confusing for anyone who didn't know me both in and out of game. I have made the appropriate adjustment to my forum name, thanks for catching that!!!!

  4.    Very good points, I have this happen if I use my JD and plasma is not the "ideal" damage type. While I have a turbo Energy setup there are some mobs that simply do NOT make that setup ideal and the EMP is a must, and at this point I have to decide if I want the plasma turbo or energy turbo in the last slot. Looking at it currently there are no "raid-drop" EMP beams above vendor quality besides Chang Lung's Breath anyway, and truthfully the DPS from vendor beams makes the breath not a "EMP game-changing addition" to a beamer's setup. While I would LOVE to see something added now we may just not have seen a spot where it might actually drop.


       This may be a case where it simply hasn't made it into the game yet, and I'm good with that part, but if there were simply no plans I would love to see the players not "gimped" just because they use beams. Like Shadow stated, missiles/PL's have turbo for ALL damage types, seems fair we either have a spot in the story line that brings the beamers up to that or a plan to try and get them close? Great idea Savic and GREAT point Shadow on the comparison!

  5. Well, I certainly have to say I have been shocked and honored to see my name mentioned in this forum!!! I know I haven't always been the most active guy on the forums, but if there is enough of the server that feels I would benefit the players in the this position I would certainly attempt it, although Shadow has left some VERY big shoes to at least attempt to fill! I will gladly wait and see what decision is made and will welcome the challenge of the position or assist the next player advocate if it is not me =). The players WILL have an adequate voice I'm sure and I only want to see them benefit from whoever fills this position!! Go EnB!

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