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Posts posted by Cerberus738

  1. I just had something similar happen in New Edinburgh. went and got my level 100 hull upgrade. was talking to the shipyard to get my upgrade and the Chavez hanging around started attacking. finished talking, got my upgrade and then attacked and killed a chavez. there were 3 attacking and when i killed the 1, all 3 disappeared. i decided to warp back to somerled station but when i pressed warp all of sudden i was teleported to 0, 0, 0 and started warping from there.
  2. So what about leaving 'Earth & Beyond' off of it completely?
    Just have the website address and some space/earth background. Nothing that links directly to the game. Just to the website. Thats gotta be pretty safe. People will see the address and say ' oh! I wonder what that is!'
    Just a thought. I know it's pretty bland but safe I guess.
  3. Change the models, change the ui. Rewrite the client. I'm sure ea would have a hay day with anything resembling their game. May as well start from scratch on a new game. It's my understanding that ea isn't to bothered as long as the server isn't making any money. can't charge people to play. Advertising the game itself is probably pretty risky. But non-profit organizations are allowed to do fund raisers. Hold a bake sale? ;p
  4. There are plenty of channels that never get used. I have them all open and new player and market are the only ones I see people talking on, not that I'm on a whole heck of a lot. adding more channels won't do anything. You need to convince people to switch off of new player. Maybe they don't know the other channels exist?
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