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Posts posted by Andromidis

  1. On 1/26/2018 at 4:00 PM, Tienbau said:

    We did do a limited PvP game way back which was 'opposed mining'. Each player had an energy cannon that only became active when close to a beacon and when a game was in progress.  One team had the cannons and tried to stop another team from mining. The mining team would have escorts that tried to take out the guys with energy cannons using their own energy cannons. It was kindof fun for a bit but someone discovered an exploit and in an attempt to patch this the code got broken and then it was pulled out. It should still be there in the repo just needs a bit of digging.

    So there is hope! Please oh please bring back PVP! And I will return as well!

  2. Hello everyone, Andromidis here.  I have played in sunset and had my own Guild called Imperial Army on pegasus server.   As leader I would make up group events to make things fun and interesting.  One of the events was to battle 4 vs 4 in the arena.  Which was awesome!  So much fun, flying around shooting your teammates, sneaking in goals.  The closest thing to war there was in ENB.   I really really really miss the arena... PVP.   There is such low player percentage now, I feel that PVP may or may not bring players back as long as its optional whats there to lose?  only fun to gain.   Majoridy of the most popular games in the past decade all have PVP and only have PVP.   There is no replacement for that.   Please consider bringing back the arena or some form of PVP please!  


    I used to broadcast in sunset asking for duels.   It was great fun.

  3. 1) Judgements passed... check.
    2) Assumptions made... check
    3) Told how I should be playing a game... check
    4 Told to get an extra job + gf (I like the 2nd gf part but one is a handful as is)...check.

    What you call power level I call skill. After playing my first toon to its entirety and reading all the quests, doing all those small station missions etc I didn't see the need to redo every single thing again and again. I did all I could find or knew about. I will never understand why people tell others how they should be playing a game. A game is played for enjoyment. And what I've done and experienced so far I've enjoyed very much. Why can't you play your way and I play mine. Why must I follow some cookie cutter method of playing for it to be accepted? Most assumptions made between the both of you shaddex and get off me were incorrect and off topic.

    I'm not going to tell people not to post its their right and a free country. But to come here to tell me I did it wrong, or I should be doing this or I need "a life" etc etc its so off topic and I don't see the point.

    Im asking for important critical missions I might of missed with good item rewards or rich content or rewards that was the question that is the topic. Someone PMd me and said there was a good fortune quest in margesi. THAT was on topic and helpful. Telling me there is tons of missions in game and I skipped it all by being a power leveler and I should start from scratch and make a new toon and play the game their way, the right way etc isn't helpful... hope I made the difference clear.

    But any who back on topic...... thanks to those who helped so far and if anyone knows of any others is be happy to hear :)

    Hello just read your post, i have a question for you.  Do you think PVP would help keep you interested in the game?

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  4. optional PVP is a great great idea that i hope to see in the future, hopefully near future. 


    As long as people have the option to fight or not fight it should be perfectly fine!


    You cannot compare hunting tengu to fighting a person.  You thikn about many of the hugely popular well known games out there most if not all have PVP.  Streetfighter, Mortal Kombat, Halo huge successful titles thats been around for years are player vs player fighting.


    It is the most fun option you can possibly re-impliment into this game.


    I was told by someone that pvp was in the works and someone esle told me that there will be pvp in the future. I play with the hope of that day coming to past!



    Just an idea, perhaps the winner of the battle wether its 1vs1 or teams, the death count and kill count is kept and first team or individual to say 5 kills each wins some small exp. 


    Please please bring back PVP!


    In the words of starcraft zealot:

    I long for combat!

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