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Posts posted by lpalgarvio

  1. [b]How Large is the Universe?[/b]
    Black Holes: the Other Side of Infinity[/b]

    more at [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/SpaceRip"]SpaceRip[/url] :(
  2. [b]pilot episode[/b]

    [b]season 1, episode 1, part 1 - The Evidence[/b]

    [b]Episode list:[/b]

    check part 8 & 9 of episode 1.
    very interesting theories
  3. photos =P



    more pictures [url="http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2026308&id=1513950363"]here[/url] on facebook
    includes photos prior to assembly (working inside cardboard), during assembly and fully assembled
  4. took a while, busy with work hehe =P
    dumps taken from webmin, text/config files and commands.

    there is basically 3 RAID arrays, one of them being RAID 1 for boot, with 200MB (and 4 spare disks), another being RAID 6 with 10GB for backups, and another RAID 6 with about 1.8TB for data, stored in a LVM group (Linux Volume Management).

    the LVM group is called router and is made of 3 logical volumes: os with 40GB, swap with 6GB and close to 1.8TB for data.

    [b]the resulting partition layout is:[/b]
    /boot ........ 200MB ... ext3
    /backup ... 10GB ..... ext3
    / ................ 40GB ..... ext4
    /home ...... 1.8TB .... ext4
    swap ......... 6GB ...... swap

    the disks are typically between 25 and 32ºC.

    full specs bellow...

    [size="3"][b]Disk & Partitions:[/b][/size]
    [size="2"][b]SATA device A,[/b][/size] [size="2"]465.76 GB[/size] [size="2"]ATA WDC WD5000AADS-0[/size] [size="2"]3[/size]
    # partition table of /dev/sda
    unit: sectors

    /dev/sda1 : start= 63, size= 417627, Id=fd, bootable
    /dev/sda2 : start= 417690, size= 5237190, Id=fd
    /dev/sda3 : start= 5654880, size=971113185, Id=fd
    /dev/sda4 : start= 0, size= 0, Id= 0

    [size="2"][b]SATA device B,[/b][/size] [size="2"]465.76 GB[/size] [size="2"]ATA WDC WD5000AADS-0[/size] [size="2"]3
    [/size]# partition table of /dev/sdb
    unit: sectors

    /dev/sdb1 : start= 63, size= 417627, Id=fd, bootable
    /dev/sdb2 : start= 417690, size= 5237190, Id=fd
    /dev/sdb3 : start= 5654880, size=971113185, Id=fd
    /dev/sdb4 : start= 0, size= 0, Id= 0

    [size="2"][b]SATA device C,[/b][/size] [size="2"]465.76 GB[/size] [size="2"]ATA WDC WD5000AADS-0[/size] [size="2"]3
    [/size]# partition table of /dev/sdc
    unit: sectors

    /dev/sdc1 : start= 63, size= 417627, Id=fd, bootable
    /dev/sdc2 : start= 417690, size= 5237190, Id=fd
    /dev/sdc3 : start= 5654880, size=971113185, Id=fd
    /dev/sdc4 : start= 0, size= 0, Id= 0

    [size="2"][b]SATA device D,[/b][/size] [size="2"]465.76 GB[/size] [size="2"]ATA WDC WD5000AADS-0[/size] [size="2"]3
    [/size]# partition table of /dev/sdd
    unit: sectors

    /dev/sdd1 : start= 63, size= 417627, Id=fd, bootable
    /dev/sdd2 : start= 417690, size= 5237190, Id=fd
    /dev/sdd3 : start= 5654880, size=971113185, Id=fd
    /dev/sdd4 : start= 0, size= 0, Id= 0

    [size="2"][b]SATA device E,[/b][/size] [size="2"]465.76 GB[/size] [size="2"]ATA WDC WD5000AADS-0[/size] [size="2"]3
    [/size]# partition table of /dev/sde
    unit: sectors

    /dev/sde1 : start= 63, size= 417627, Id=fd, bootable
    /dev/sde2 : start= 417690, size= 5237190, Id=fd
    /dev/sde3 : start= 5654880, size=971113185, Id=fd
    /dev/sde4 : start= 0, size= 0, Id= 0

    [size="2"][b]SATA device F,[/b][/size] [size="2"]465.76 GB[/size] [size="2"]ATA WDC WD5000AADS-0[/size] [size="2"]3[/size]
    # partition table of /dev/sdf
    unit: sectors

    /dev/sdf1 : start= 63, size= 417627, Id=fd, bootable
    /dev/sdf2 : start= 417690, size= 5237190, Id=fd
    /dev/sdf3 : start= 5654880, size=971113185, Id=fd
    /dev/sdf4 : start= 0, size= 0, Id= 0

    [size="2"]1[/size] [size="2"]Linux RAID[/size] [size="2"][img]https://f2-213-228-141-39.netvisao.pt:10000/fdisk/images/gap.gif[/img][/size] [size="2"]203.95 MB[/size] [size="2"]1[/size] [size="2"]26[/size] [size="2"]/dev/md0[/size]
    [size="2"]2[/size] [size="2"]Linux RAID[/size] [size="2"]2.50 GB[/size] [size="2"]27[/size] [size="2"]352[/size] [size="2"]/dev/md1[/size]
    [size="2"]3[/size] [size="2"]Linux RAID[/size] [size="2"][img]https://f2-213-228-141-39.netvisao.pt:10000/fdisk/images/gap.gif[/img][img]https://f2-213-228-141-39.netvisao.pt:10000/fdisk/images/gap.gif[/img][/size] [size="2"]463.06 GB[/size] [size="2"]353[/size] [size="2"]60801[/size] [size="2"]/dev/md2[/size]
    [b]/dev/md0[/b] [color="#00aa00"]Yes[/color] Mirrored (RAID1) 203.81 MB /dev/sda1 | /dev/sdb1
    [b]/dev/md1[/b] [color="#00aa00"]Yes[/color] Dual Redundant (RAID6) 9.99 GB /dev/sda2 | /dev/sdb2 | /dev/sdc2 | /dev/sdd2 | /dev/sde2 | /dev/sdf2
    [b]/dev/md2[/b] [color="#00aa00"]Yes[/color] Dual Redundant (RAID6) 1.81 TB /dev/sda3 | /dev/sdb3 | /dev/sdc3 | /dev/sdd3 | /dev/sde3 | /dev/sdf3[/quote]


    [b]List of physical volumes:[/b]
    lvm> pvscan
    PV /dev/md2 VG router lvm2 [1.81 TB / 6.25 GB free]
    Total: 1 [1.81 TB] / in use: 1 [1.81 TB] / in no VG: 0 [0 ]
    [b] List of volume groups:[/b]
    lvm> vgscan
    Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...
    Found volume group "router" using metadata type lvm2
    [b]List of logical volumes:[/b]
    lvm> lvscan
    ACTIVE '/dev/router/os' [40.00 GB] inherit
    ACTIVE '/dev/router/home' [1.76 TB] inherit
    ACTIVE '/dev/router/swap' [6.00 GB] inherit
    [b]Physical volume information:[/b]
    lvm> pvdisplay
    --- Physical volume ---
    PV Name /dev/md2
    VG Name router
    PV Size 1.81 TB / not usable 1.00 MB
    Allocatable yes
    PE Size (KByte) 32768
    Total PE 59272
    Free PE 200
    Allocated PE 59072
    PV UUID eyyvJT-wUwD-CAVK-lSLT-jlfR-f5m4-45nhdm
    [b]Volume group information:[/b]
    lvm> vgdisplay
    --- Volume group ---
    VG Name router
    System ID
    Format lvm2
    Metadata Areas 1
    Metadata Sequence No 4
    VG Access read/write
    VG Status resizable
    MAX LV 0
    Cur LV 3
    Open LV 3
    Max PV 0
    Cur PV 1
    Act PV 1
    VG Size 1.81 TB
    PE Size 32.00 MB
    Total PE 59272
    Alloc PE / Size 59072 / 1.80 TB
    Free PE / Size 200 / 6.25 GB
    VG UUID SsMcHt-4y9q-kcrX-TCEf-iEkm-2ND7-i98npB
    [b]Logical volume information:[/b]
    lvm> lvdisplay
    --- Logical volume ---
    LV Name /dev/router/os
    VG Name router
    LV UUID pKf4xn-72pP-cQhy-ma6z-KAO1-v8AQ-BAqF1H
    LV Write Access read/write
    LV Status available
    # open 1
    LV Size 40.00 GB
    Current LE 1280
    Segments 1
    Allocation inherit
    Read ahead sectors auto
    - currently set to 256
    Block device 253:0

    --- Logical volume ---
    LV Name /dev/router/home
    VG Name router
    LV UUID RF8Lkf-JzWp-o6YE-ThqD-7F5c-bnqg-aixxwh
    LV Write Access read/write
    LV Status available
    # open 1
    LV Size 1.76 TB
    Current LE 57600
    Segments 1
    Allocation inherit
    Read ahead sectors auto
    - currently set to 256
    Block device 253:1

    --- Logical volume ---
    LV Name /dev/router/swap
    VG Name router
    LV UUID b2rLda-cQek-x9T3-TVkA-vdtg-AnC6-cjmbP1
    LV Write Access read/write
    LV Status available
    # open 2
    LV Size 6.00 GB
    Current LE 192
    Segments 1
    Allocation inherit
    Read ahead sectors auto
    - currently set to 256
    Block device 253:2
    [b]LVM config dump:[/b]
    # Generated by LVM2 version 2.02.39 (2008-06-27): Mon Nov 29 17:40:49 2010

    contents = "Text Format Volume Group"
    version = 1

    description = "Created *after* executing 'vgcfgbackup'"

    creation_host = "router" # Linux router 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Sat Jun 12 22:12:08 UTC 2010 x86_64
    creation_time = 1291052449 # Mon Nov 29 17:40:49 2010

    router {
    id = "SsMcHt-4y9q-kcrX-TCEf-iEkm-2ND7-i98npB"
    seqno = 4
    status = ["RESIZEABLE", "READ", "WRITE"]
    extent_size = 65536 # 32 Megabytes
    max_lv = 0
    max_pv = 0

    physical_volumes {

    pv0 {
    id = "eyyvJT-wUwD-CAVK-lSLT-jlfR-f5m4-45nhdm"
    device = "/dev/md2" # Hint only

    status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
    dev_size = 3884451840 # 1,80884 Terabytes
    pe_start = 384
    pe_count = 59272 # 1,80884 Terabytes

    logical_volumes {

    os {
    id = "pKf4xn-72pP-cQhy-ma6z-KAO1-v8AQ-BAqF1H"
    status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
    segment_count = 1

    segment1 {
    start_extent = 0
    extent_count = 1280 # 40 Gigabytes

    type = "striped"
    stripe_count = 1 # linear

    stripes = [
    "pv0", 0

    home {
    id = "RF8Lkf-JzWp-o6YE-ThqD-7F5c-bnqg-aixxwh"
    status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
    segment_count = 1

    segment1 {
    start_extent = 0
    extent_count = 57600 # 1,75781 Terabytes

    type = "striped"
    stripe_count = 1 # linear

    stripes = [
    "pv0", 1280

    swap {
    id = "b2rLda-cQek-x9T3-TVkA-vdtg-AnC6-cjmbP1"
    status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
    segment_count = 1

    segment1 {
    start_extent = 0
    extent_count = 192 # 6 Gigabytes

    type = "striped"
    stripe_count = 1 # linear

    stripes = [
    "pv0", 58880
  5. ditto. try resizing, moving the window. don't maximize.
    are you using a netbook? most netbooks use really small resolutions... they generally aren't fit for games.

    @cdel: my disks are all Western Digital, the Caviar Green SATA 500GB series, model WD5000AADS.
    didn't knew about that. i'll turn off stop spindle mode with a tool.

    in the server, i haven't had any issue at all since it was assembled, more than a year ago. but it uses Debian anyways.
  6. i also suggest communicating with the emu server through rpc, soap or other service methods.

    that way, the tool you want to code maybe be in php, asp or other web language, and the tool can be simply a site, without the need for any other tool or auxiliary programs.

    another way would be, instead of coding the emu server to accept these services, just have the web interface at net-7.org do it for you, getting the data accessible to external servers directly via the HTTP server, which likely is more reliable.

    this is a modern way of doing things.
    a lot of sites are deployed, for example in drupal, to accept these kind of services right out of the box, allowing other sites, for example also in drupal, to get data from them, provided they give authentication first (or not).

    the data can be anything - strings, xml, csv, sql. it's dependent on the service selected. many transfer it as xml.
  7. in enb live, a lot of things lvl 60+ were soloable.

    my TT for example, could handle a lot of high end mobs, like the clvl 63 vrix (but not the 65 or 66), this ofc with the very high end equipment. i could also deal alone with some high level bosses, but ofc, not all of them, even if they were alone.

    that is part of every game - to get so strong that you can fight almost anything alone.
    but that doesn't mean it's going to be [u]easy[/u] or [u]that you can handle a group of high level mobs[/u].

    i guess that is the most important thing - if we can't solo GROUPS of very high level mobs (50-60+, depending on class), all will be fine. don't forget, even with the most powerful equipment, it should not be easy...
  8. i explained wrong.
    not on the net7 launcher, on some other application that was built with .NET Framework. and was a while ago, like 2-3 years ago,

    windows updates kinda blows.
    just a few days ago i learned that win7 does not like my system when it is patched up (didn't tried SP1) - corrupts memory and crashes, and even makes the mainboard crash.
    only a cold start makes the machine usable again. until then, it refuses to start up and detect the disks - it seems it occurs when windows attempts to stop the spindle on the disks to save energy. not related to drivers, because with same version, but without patches, the system is sane.. and they are up to date (also no problems in linux).

    standards, standards. what are they for we they don't use them?
    it's like i always say - how can we trust a operating system that makes your hardware that is sane and safe, a complete unusable mess?i don't trust important data to it.
  9. ---
    Adobe Photoshop Document (PSD)
    Tagged Image File Format (TIFF/TIF)
    Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
    Experimental Computing Facility (used by Gimp) (XCF)
    DjVu (alternative to PDF) (DJVU/DVJ)
    Adobe Portable Document (PDF)
    Microsoft XML Paper Specification (XPS)
  10. try doing what's said [url="https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/4439-system-out-of-memory-exception/"]here[/url] and then reinstall the net 7 launcher, from a new download.

    if same happens, you likely have a problem with .NET Framework or your windows installation. you can try these approaches then:
    - removing and reinstalling new versions of the runtimes for Visual C++ 2005/2008.
    - removing the updates for .NET Framework. you can't uninstall .NET 3.5 SP1 because it's bundled with win7.
  11. probably not possible, because would require changing the client.

    a [b]/time[/b] (alias[b] /date[/b]) command to show the server date and time (with correct tag, like UTC -7:00) should be though

    i don't think displaying the local computer date/time (be it with UI or command) is possible because it's likely not coded in the client, and the devs can't change the client.
  12. yes that's true, OS X has it's roots on the BSD.
    Linux and BSD history is a very long and complicated one.
    there's a lot of working kernels, and some in development, mixing environments (check gentoo distro).
    with Hurd kernel, if it ever gets finished, it will get more complicated.

    if in desktops Windows still wins, the same does not happen in servers. it's the opposite.
    there is no windows server capable of rivaling in _anything_ with a linux server, not even anymore with Directory services (Samba 4 can act as Domain Controller for ActiveDirectory - don't like AD? there's alternatives, and better IMO).
    it's just the nature of the operating system and the software developed by the world community, and backed up my major corporations (IBM, Novel, Oracle/Sun, Cisco,etc), the professionals in the field, etc, and the customers get the point.

    about Macs - i don't like Macs and Apple, but that's just me

    in that past i've done price comparisons between a Mac rated 1800€ and a system made with parts to resemble the functionality of the Mac - the difference i found was 200€, with OS on both included (win+osx).
    i'm pretty sure 1/2 or 1/4 of that difference matters for extra quality and functionality, like multi-touch screen, but it's too high, and CLOSED. you can't modify any or much of it.

    since i like to assemble and customize my systems, from hardware to software, Mac isn't meant for me.
  13. [quote name='C Del' timestamp='1299823853' post='36248']
    Specs? Man, you must really value data integrity. Are you running a database server or just want to be extra-certain you don't lose your mp3's? :)

    from the notes taken at the time, found in email:
    [list][*][color="#000000"]case: Cooler Master CM-690 II Advanced (Mid-Tower/ATX) (RC-692) [b]~90€[/b]
    [/color][*][color="#000000"]psu: Corsair VX450W (450W/ATX12V/80plus/120mm) (CMPSU-450VX) [b]65,00€[/b][/color][*][color="#000000"]board: Gigabyte MA78G-DS3H (ATX/AM2+/780G/SB700) (GA-MA78G-DS3H) [/color][color="#000000"][b]87,90€[/b]
    [/color][*][color="#000000"]cpu: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 7750 (2.7GHz/1024+2048KB/95W) (AD775ZWCGHBOX) [b] [/b][b]56,25€[/b][/color][*][color="#000000"]ram: Kingston HyperX 4GB-Kit (DDR2/1066MHz/4GB/CL5/2.3V) (KHX8500D2K2/4G) [/color][color="#000000"] [b] 60,00[/b][b]€[/b][/color][*][color="#000000"]hdd: 6x Western Digital Caviar Green 500GB (SATA/5400~7200RPM/500GB/32MB) (WD5000AADS) [/color][color="#000000"][b]48,54€ x 6 = 291,24€[/b]
    [/color][*][color="#000000"]dvd-rw: LG Super Multi 22x DVD-RW LightScribe (PATA/22X/2MB) (GH22LP20RB) [b]22,88€[/b][/color][*][color="#000000"]network: 2x Intel Pro/1000 CT PCI-E DESKTOP ADAPTER (EXPI9301CTBLK) [b] [/b][b]30,60€ x 2 = 61,20€[/b][/color][*][color="#000000"]spdif: [/color][color="#000000"] Gigabyte S/PDIF Digital Audio Input Output Cable (CAI1SPINO-11R) [b] [/b][b]6,50€[/b][/color][*][color="#000000"]keyboard: MS Digital Media Keyboard 3000 [b]~30€[/b]
    [/color][*][color="#000000"]mouse: MS Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 [b]~30€[/b]
    [/color][*][color="#000000"]screen: old 15'' flat screen
    cpu and ram were cheap. it's optimized for redundancy/security and low power.
    runs Debian 5.0, 64-bit, only, no other operating system.
    gives about 2TB of usable data with those 6 disks in RAID6. will post RAID specs later.

    i use it for various things - intranet server, file storage (personal and work), backup from VPS @ work, master controller of webmin cluster, R&D and other stuff. will work as router/firewall and media streamer when i buy a new switch 1000mbps...

    might add, was really fun to assemble, configure and test chaos on it. RAID6 survives up to 2 disk failures on my setup.
  14. true, i did forget about signature. will need to think about it.

    i also didn't mentioned summon. but consider this, if the mob gets pulled 5k away, and his friends are 6+k away, then he can't call them in

    there could be rule sets for each case scenario, like you mentioned. i just gave out a general example, which might be or not balanced.
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