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Posts posted by lpalgarvio

  1. [quote name='Jarod' timestamp='1302219741' post='38548']
    Well, when you said that JE's could use it I kinda figured, you know, that you knew what you were talking about? :P

    my whole day and night time isn't meant for EnB only.

    i have work, other projects, etc.
    and lately i haven't had any free time at all.
    that's why it reads Inactive on the left.

    i have 3 terrans and that's where i put the time i have available to play on EnB, not on creating and maintaining more noob characters.
    i assumed it was in-game because i've seen somewhere people talking about it.
  2. how about some constructive ideas, and less arguing?

    i'm pretty sure a compromise in any topic is possible.
    people just have to have patience and be open to ideas, instead of being close minded.

    personally, i liked LIVE a lot, but i don't dislike EMU.
    there was things in LIVE i did not like, and there's some things in EMU i don't like.

    but that doesn't mean i hate it, either or them, or that things can't be improved.

    for instance, i came to like the round-robin looting system in EMU. it's better than all-up-for-grabs present in LIVE.
    for that matter, what would i change?
    - fix the bugs while looting in a group.
    - add a slash command for group leader to disable round-robin for certain scenarios.

    see, this is a compromise. i accepted both ideologies and "designed" a way to implement both, with one being the default (the most sane).

    what else i don't like in EMU?
    - too easy
    - buggy
    - lacking content

    all 3 are fixable.
  3. add these ones?

  4. curious to see how many my TT has gathered so far =P

    components: not counting
    ammo: 135
    beams: 66
    projectiles: 42
    missiles: 43
    weapons combined: 286
    devices: 173
    reactors: 0
    shields: 51
    engines: 48

    total without components: 558

    hehe, not bad, about half of the top players, with lvl7 build (mostly mapped lvl1-5 stuff)
  5. +1 for this idea :)

    one curiosity,
    in stargate and in other fictions, you always had to pinpoint the coordinates while warping, even if you decided to stop warp one the way. free warp, AFAIK, was not possible.

    in enb we can free warp, so if we can free warp, why not change directions while warping?

    further suggestion:
    - make turn rate/maneuverability very very very slow while free warping (like 1/4 or 1/5 of regular maneuv)
    - impose limits on maneuv while free warping (minimum 25, maximum 75? maybe a fixed value?).
    - do not allow direction changing while doing regular warp
  6. [quote name='Mneme' timestamp='1300857617' post='37059']
    Your "theory" certainly doesn't fit that description. It isn't even an hypothesis, which is a proposal meant to be tested and verified/falsified. It's not exactly speculation, because speculation requires that one be attempting to find the actual truth of the matter rather than just making a claim and saying "it's worth discussing because I said it was". "Rubbish" is a good word and I'll stick with that. If that makes me a fundamentalist, fine. I'm also a fundamentalist regarding the fact that evolution isn't a lie invented by Satan, that various physical laws are in fact laws and not bendable by magicky-woo and wishful thinking, and that the sun is actually a star and not Apollo and his chariot or whichever god a particular cult chose to talk about this week.

    The lack of logic and science in education in this country that allows anyone to believe any rubbish "theory" that any crackpot comes out with is amazing and appalling--such as the above, or the idea that we didn't actually go to the moon (one I've been trying to get this teenager to get over even though it's hopeless). I could find a rock in some ruins somewhere painted blue and say the culture was influenced by the Pleaideans (since Alcyone and Maia and etc. are blue stars) and probably make enough of a case to convince at least a few gullibles. That doesn't make the "theory" valid or worthy of anything but scorn, nor would I expect anyone to be obligated to do an in-depth inquiry before labelling it as rubbish.

    Awareness of pareidolia is one of the key ingredients to any meaningful inquiry into this subject or many others.
    whatever mneme, dude. i think you are acting a bit close minded.

    the fact is that people all around the world are trying to explain something, to make it a official theory. or has it been done already? btw, its not science here, it's history, archeology, anthropology, arts and science, with science taking a lesser role.

    the rest i didn't read because i regarded as waste of time, and waste of time is rubbish to me. moving on...

    [quote name='Eviticus' timestamp='1300857897' post='37060']
    The default position that in my opinion is the only rational one to have is to disbelieve something unless it has been proven. To take the opposite view, to believe something until it has been disproven, leads one to be open to beliefs on all matters of non-existent things. There is no way to disprove the claim "pink fairies exist, they just cannot be detected by those who do not truly believe they exist due to their special powers".
    that's fair evi, but i'm a bit open to new ideas when unexplained (or less understood) things come to happen. i'm hoping the people who read here are as well.
    does not means i believe in fairies either, just means i'm open to ideas and at some point will pick up or not a theory.

    regarding these theories, i see some interesting facts, but there's a lot of things i don't believe, like pyramids powering space ships. does not add up.

    history channel is not all about history. sometimes they screen paranormal episodes, theories (scientific ones, for example about space and matter) and other stuff. many things aren't proven or fully understood, we are still learning about sub-atomic particles... but they screen it nonetheless, like these we came to stumble upon.

    for the most part what i am enjoying of these episodes and theories is the new things i learn about and see, fake or not, the new inspirations and thoughts it makes me have, and the link to enb and stargate - clearly the makers were inspired by this.
  7. fundamentalism?
    the such that explicitly says for example, aliens do not exist, or, god does not exist, or, aliens exist, etc, and then rejecting anything else, instead of being in doubt, open to ideas, unsure, uncertain, etc.

    like this:
    [quote name='Mneme' timestamp='1300832069' post='37040']

    Rubbish like this should not be encouraged. [u][i][b]Science and history are interesting enough; there's no need for making crap up knowing the public is too stupid to analyze it and realize it's crap[/b][/i][/u]. The History Channel should be ashamed.

    Also anyone making money off the 2012 doomsday trash should be charged with fraud plus whatever else one is charged with when yelling "fire" in a closed room. Religious leaders included.

    [quote name='Mneme' timestamp='1300839347' post='37051']
    Oh, certainly, and in fact I use "ancient astronauts" (in a manner of speaking) in my own fiction. [u][i][b] It's a fun subject. But it's fiction, not trying to pass it all off as a valid archeological theory[/b][/i][/u]. The guy mentioned earlier has made his fortune off this stuff and has not only tried to do exactly that, but has sold enough books that the media also sometimes try to pass it off as legitimate so they can also cash in.

    funny pictures don't make it less visible.

    ancient aliens is not fiction. it's a theory.
    theory != fiction
    theories come from formulas, clarified thoughts and proof attempts.
    fiction comes from imagination and creativity. or being crazy or from smoking pot.

    there's plenty of theories around, like plausible location of atlantis, existence of atlantis, how the pyramids were built, and so on...

    what is fiction are the every day games, movies and tv shows we see around, which mostly don't revolve around facts or theories, or if they revolve they change it too much.

    if i had a dog and someone claimed it flew, that would be fiction (or lunacy).
    if i questioned if dinosaurs became extinct because of asteroid collisions, that's a theory.

    enb for example is bit based on ancient aliens theory, but it's evolved a lot past that, into the future and imagination, turning enb into fantasy and fiction, with only a small part made of theory, and a even smaller part made of actual history (glory's orbit monuments depictions of history for example).

    see my point?
    i'm trying to pass that it's just a theory, probably never going to be proven or unproven fully, and it takes us to imagine and ponder on things, which is actually healthy.

    it's a very gray area, but we can draw a line between fiction and theories if we have patience.
    don't call or make these people sound lunatics (or me for that matter, since i'm posting) just because they invented weird or improbable theories.
  8. it's okay if you or 99% of the people post here saying the theories are conjectures or unproven, but i ask, try avoiding saying it's fraud or fake or something that extreme, when you post.

    cause i'm not either saying religion and gods do not exist or that humans are imagination of gods or something that extreme.

    also, IMO, the theories are about artifacts, ideas, "proof", etc, and not about who made them. i don't care if it's that german guy i forgot the name or larry probst or carl sagan or whatever who invented them.

    it's fun to debate if we let go of fundamentalism :)
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