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Posts posted by Riz

  1. [quote name='Kyp' timestamp='1325964260' post='51116']
    Yeah, about that. I don't have any trouble on Chrome? Can you provide a screenshot? The only issue I still have aside from the hovercard effect for your mini-profile is that attachments saved internally won't load.[/quote]

    Nothing really to screenshot. When I am on the forums main index, and click the sign in link, nothing happens. No hovercard, or anything. However if I have clicked a link to view any thread, and click the sign in link there, I get the hovercard to log in.
  2. [quote name='Mattsacre' timestamp='1325789271' post='50965']
    Actually......make a mission of it in GO...In the day there was a mission were you launched a memorial bouy in GO. You launched one for the NPC to remain static like the ones for challenger etc. Then you could launch one that was temporary (don't know the decay rate but think it was wiped on a restart) of your own (TOC rules applied..I.E. np foul or harrassing things etc.)

    How about a mission to launch a bouy "for the fallen" that includes one for WW. Have some dialog from NPC about what WW was etc. for those that weren't part of this great game in the day, educate them a bit on what innovators they were etc., let the WW bouy persist and bring back the temporary player driven bouys back in game.

    It was a way back then for players to express some way in game their personal loss in RL, like a loved one, or a pet, or a girl/boy friend etc.

    I remember that (somewhat), and it would be a nice thing to see happen.
  3. [quote name='Noxmire' timestamp='1323217360' post='49283']
    I'm gonna have to disagree with you there, Crichton. A big part of the way EnB was is due to the the nature of the people that joined initially and set the 'tone' for the community. That tone was hyper-competitive and prone to people scratching and clawing their way to the top, regardless of who they have to climb over to do it.

    When Sunset happened, we all had a nice big break from the game, which let us reflect on our own behavior and the behavior of others. And it seems the bulk of us decided, "God, we were [i]jerks[/i] back then!" and decided that, when the E&B Emu project went public, that this would [i]not[/i] be the case.

    Right now, the couple hundred or so players that exist are the core of the new community. We will be setting the tone and attitude that the community will possess for as long as we don't endure another Sunset-like 'reset'. Sure, things WILL change as populations rise and competition for resources and levelling opportunities becomes more heated. However, we've established a foundation of cooperation and comeraderie here that can and will survive the population boom, [i]if we make sure to nurture it.[/i]

    If make sure new folks realize that being a heartless, amoral, inconsiderate jerk isn't welcome around here, and encourage proper etiquette and gratitude whenever we can, I see E&B's community being one of the most mature and uplifting of any game I've ever been a part of. It's already well on its way now.

    I dunno about that, on Gali we had a few jerks, but they were few and very far between.
  4. Here is an odd one for you. Sometimes when I dock at a station, I get put into what I jokingly call a limbo sector. The sights in this sector are impressive (see image)


    I see my ship, and my ship, oh yeah, and my ship. BTW, notice the sector name on that map. It thinks I am in Xipe, but I had just finished docking at Prasad.
  5. [quote name='Alessan' timestamp='1322701715' post='49043']
    please keep them off. They are so annoying when someone sits and keeps shooting you.
    Unless you can turn them off if that person is on your ignore list.

    This option would be acceptable, but turning them off is not. Some of us worked hard to get em, and turning them off would be the same as turning off an item that a raid drops simply because someone else doesn't like it.
  6. [quote name='Sneakypw' timestamp='1321238884' post='48481']
    I think the rd faction should take some time to get into the green. My pw did it in 4 hrs and my tt did it in 3 hrs.

    Dang, I must be missing something, I have been working on it off and on for a couple months now.
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