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Posts posted by Kenu

  1. My team did change Ishuan, and I'm sorry it wasn't what you wanted, but we weren't going to wait for you to come back and actually contribute to the team again. You went missing for weeks and months at a time, coming back occasionally for one or two days only to throw a fit about us changing what you had in mind but never got around to completing. We had to work on Ishuan in order to continue our development which involved adding content because the sector was pretty barren and uninteresting. We also tweaked it for playability. We changed things as we saw fit and will further improve it in the future.

    The sector was not done, and it is still not done. We will always be looking for ways to improve our work. We did not step on your toes, we were just filling in the gaps while you were missing.

    If you had a problem with what we were doing and wanted it to change, you should have sent a PM to me and stayed in contact on the forums. It only takes a few minutes every day or two to be present. Developers must stay in contact with the rest of the team, that's just part of the job. Plus it's never a good idea to insult the work of volunteers in a place where everyone can see it.

  2. Mobs are not able to be resistant to anything yet, but basic uses for damage types are in.

    what I mean is:

    Plasma is good against shields and mediocre against hulls

    Chemical is good against hulls and mediocre against shields

    EMP is very good against shields but cannot damage hulls or organic mobs

    Energy, Explosive, and Impact are ok against both shields and hulls

    In the future certain mobs will be strong against or resistant to certain damage types. Like manes were resistant to energy.

  3. our ability to add skills is severely limited. We would not be able to add skills to each class quarterly. 9 new skills in an update

    would also be hard to balance

    I'm not sure of the possibility of having the other ideas. Story missions will happen.

    Spoiler section I am not very sure about. We will not follow the original story exactly so I would rather not have our story plans sitting out for all to see since they will not be exactly what players expect. If this happened it would probably be really general stuff that won't change. It might be better to have this information presented by net-7 reports similar to how it was in live.

  4. I think not allowing macros right now is important. We're stress testing the server and how much stress testing can you do if everyone is macroing the same trade route over and over?

    How will we find bugs with many players not actually playing nor paying attention to their screen?

    Another issue is establishing a precedent. Since right now our economy is not very set up and not all our work is polished, we might have considered not having a rule against macros, but in the future I am sure we would want to outlaw macros. If we allowed macros now it would be harder to make a rule against them in the future. By harder I mean there would be more outrage since people grew used to them.

  5. I was listening in and the people speaking were insisting they weren't racist, but it did sound pretty racist.

    It started out with good intentions about why people look down on other people but escalated into some mild mannered racism.

    I probably should have done something to settle it down but I was busy doing something else and then went afk.

    So let's not blow the situation out of proportion. In fact this is my first memorable time hearing anything racist on teamspeak.I hope those who participated in the discussion in any way see this topic so they can correct their behavior. I insist if I am ever put in a situation like this I will stop what I'm doing for the moment and try to end the discussion. Let us insist such a situation will never happen again.

  6. well our coders haven't really changed other than some of them going inactive, our content team has changed drastically. It was very small back in the day but now is a bit larger. Most of the changes were due to inactivity as well. A lot of times people just become busy and don't have time to volunteer.

    The content team was restructured to work in teams after many instances of stepping on toes made us realize we had to split up the work. That might be why it looks so different

    basically we have every major concept working except jobs, but we still have to code improvements to systems like mission completions, mob AI, and scripting for raids and such.

    storyline should not be discussed in public to avoid spoiling the story.

    It may look drastically different because we lost our forums when one of our servers crashed several weeks ago. These are our new ones.

    and yes I do remember you :D

  7. all hulks carry only debris at the moment I believe.

    They used to have debris and manticores nettles (lol), but the nettles could be mined from level 1 hulks and be sold for a decent price (far too good money for a level 1 JE).

    down the road we will have other things dropping, but for now you're stuck with debris

  8. We're going to see how Teamspeak 3 works because as of right now it's still in beta testing.

    You can expect most of the DEVs to be hanging out on the Teamspeak 3 server for now.

    If it doesn't do as well as we hope, we will probably move back to Teamspeak 2, but so far so good.

    Both are running at the moment.

  9. To access the three unreleased classes, Progen Privateer, Jenquai Seeker, and Terran Scout, you must do the following

    1. Download the Character and Starship Creator


    2. Make a shortcut to Character and Starship Creator on desktop (or wherever)

    3. Right click the shortcut and go to properties. Add this on the end of the target box after the "


    please note that there is a space before the hyphen

    4. Make sure your account in EnB has a blank character spot and remember where that character spot is. The slot the character you make in the creator is in must be open in your EnB account to import it. If your character in the creator was placed in the slot on the left, the slot on the left must be open on your account to import it. The first character you create in the Character and Starship Creator will always been in slot 1, the slot on the very right.

    5. Run Character and Starship Creator and select the new class using the large blue arrows near the bottom of the screen. Then create your new character.

    6. Run EnB and the character should be ready to play in your character selection screen.

  10. The EnbEmu has a teamspeak. Join it to chat with fellow enb players and developers.

    To use it, simply download the teamspeak client here

    and enter the server address.

    We are using Teamspeak 3

    Server Address: TS.Net-7.org:9987

    if that address doesn't work, try play.net-7.org:8760

    You should only need to direct client at 'ts.net-7.org' to connect now, TS has been repaired and is now fully functional behind the firewall.

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