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Posts posted by Kenu

  1. I'd just like a reality check on this, too:

    Builders Inc. is also one of the more populous guilds on the server (though probably less of a hard-core raiding guild than Static or Voncorp) and we'd be pretty hard pressed to put together six full groups to do raid bosses of any stripe.

    On a good night, we could get two full groups of OL150+ toons, and maybe a third and fourth if we recruit some folks from outside the guild.

    But expecting us players to muster 36+ unique OL150+ toons for a single raid like in the days of Live™ is a little unrealistic at this point, with an average of 150-ish unique toons logged in at any given time.

    I don't think we expect you to get 6 groups together to beat a boss/raid. This change was more to sort out the issue of people soloing the bosses/raids. Has anyone tried the raids recently that can tell us how many groups it took?

  2. the content update hasn't happened quite yet. The info is posted more as a coming soon (though by soon we mean the next few days). The update will happen in a server restart so use the /uptime command to check if the server was restarted recently.

  3. right click then go to properties. then under shortcut there is the target box

    if you have a standard directory, paste this

    "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Earth & Beyond\Character and Starship Creator\Character and Starship Creator.exe" -noclassrestrictions

  4. this seems a bit off topic, but the manufacturing % rates do seem a bit off. I remember in live where things the same level as your build level ranged from about 175-200%. at least half the time the item you built was 200%. Items like the ID matrix and duct tape helped raise this chance to around 75%.

    Right now it seems like none of my items are coming out at 200% if they are at my build level.

  5. I don't have time to reply to this whole thread right now if it is still open maybe.

    One thing I am going to comment on because it severely bothers me. The finger pointing and stating by DEV's or members over here about what our intentions are. Saying that we only exist because we weren't allowed to play in the sandbox is not true and leaves a bad taste in anyone's mouth.

    Most of the team on our project wasn't even part of the team over here. I myself am very interested in getting the game back to the way it was in live and any new content being added the same way it was in live. I know that many of the other team members on our project feel the very exact way. This is not just a "ruse" as someone put it and is one of the reasons for the proposed joint installer and launcher to connect to both servers. To keep the community together (which is a large part of Earth and Beyond) and allow them without too many problems to wake up in the morning and say "Do I want to play this version or that version today?".

    I personally would appreciate being shown the same respect I and the current staff on our project show Net7. If you look at the source code we have released no where have we removed Net7's name and even in our new drafting of our terms of use, disclosure and credits we are drafting in credits to Net7. We are not trying to "take credit" for someone else's work. We are doing exactly what Open Source is designed to do. We are building a project off a slightly different ideal based on the original project.

    I will say that withholding any information needed to run a project the same way the original authors run it is not against open source licensing and it's not against the law. It is against the ideal and spirit that Open Source was based on.

    (Edited for typo error)

    you may have different intentions than the people who started your project. You and them are not one in the same, but from our point of view those people left because they were not getting along with the team or were getting removed from the team. The reason you exist now might be different from the reason you began, but to us the foundation of your project is of bad intentions for us. We don't mean to insult you, but you have to understand why would have problems working with your team.

  6. sorry to say, I don't think the two emulators will ever come together. The origin of the other emulator from our perspective was not to make a more traditional EnB. It was to make an EnB where the ex-devs were in control. A rival meant to defeat the emulator they could not be a part of.

    I for one think the only reason the other emulator claims to support the "classic" EnB is because they thought that would be the way for them to drag the most number of players away from us in order to run us out of town. One of the devs who started the other emulator was actually very involved in adding new "non-classic" EnB content while they were on our team. For him to leave the project because he wanted a more classic EnB just doesn't make sense to me.

    Let's think about the goal of this project: To recreate EnB.

    Well, what is EnB and how do we recreate it?

    First of all we have to redevelop the game, but we also have to recreate the community. EnB would not be EnB without its many players in a single game universe. This is why fracturing the community is a threat to us. The universe is a cold place that needs players to make it lively. These are the grounds that EnB was designed on. Splitting this community would damage what we all know as EnB. Spliting the players would also slow the development side of EnB. We need players to test the game and make bug reports for our developers to fix. We need donations from these players to keep both of our servers up to allow our developers to make changes on the dev server and test them before we upload them on to the play server. We need this same server to run our forums, our teamspeak, and our backups. Without you guys we can't do all that we've been doing. Keeping our community unified benefits EnB as a whole.

    *hopes he didn't start a flame war* :D

  7. this mission is already in game. It was warrior only, but after I read this thread I changed it to all classes and all races. It's a good introduction mission to the xipe totec system as it introduces the problems the shinwa are having. It now rewards credits as well as exp and faction.

  8. As I terran I used to love sitting and watching the nommos herds using befriend to make them green to me.




    <- avid nommos fan and Harmonious Environmental Action League member

    part of this sector was all the unique features it had. You could buy nommos hunting passes in the station and hunt to your hearts content. If you didn't buy the pass your computer would yell at you and earthcorps bruisers might have shot you. We need coding attention to do this and right now other more important things need coding attention, like mob AI and ruined hulks. Same goes for the HEAL ship. Right now we don't have the capability to have space NPCs that aren't involved in missions. That means no HEAL ship selling you plush toys for 500 credits and no veil trader. We could make a mission that sort of does that but it would probably end up really tacky, so we'll probably just wait until we can have standard space NPCs. I'm not sure if we have the shield working at the moment. I think in live the shield had a bunch of little nodes that you could shoot that eventually disappeared if you killed them. This is something that will also require coding since the nodes didn't shoot back and they didn't leave hulks with credits or loot. The lost nommos hunter mission probably involved guiding the lost ship back to safety which means we need a way for that ship to be spawned specifically for that player in the mission and we will also need a way to make it follow you and trigger completion once it gets to the designated area.

    The major ship you mentioned was a character in the storyline, most likely not in position yet. Even if he was in position, there's no way to make him talk to players as a normal space npc without giving him a mission. Theres also no way we could make him appear as his NPC avatar yet. He would appear as a randomly generated NPC. This means he could be a jenquai woman instead of a progen man or something else equally disturbing.

    Here's some possible additions to aganju:

    - we could add an option for orkael lazarra to sell nommos hunting passes even though these passes wouldn't do anything

    - we could add a mission similar to the lost nommos hunter mission but you might have to find him engine parts or something instead of guiding him back

    - we could add a mission given by the HEAL ship to bring them 500 credits with the reward being a nommos plush toy.

    - we could add khan or whoever the major character was back to aganju and give him a mission, though it might not fit in the storyline

    these changes are just workarounds so it might not even be worth investing time into since we'll end up changing it later.

    If there was enough demand for it we might cave. Things we can definitely work on is the locations of the ore fields in aganju, the spawn points of the nommos, earthcorps, and psionics, and also the locations of the decorative ice pieces. If you have any resources or evidence of these things please let us know. If not, opinions are always good.

  9. there are two artifacts

    Strange Object : the thing you found in your hull after the asteroid (explosion). This is a mission item obtained in the Prospect Iron Ore mission. After your training, Shin-tzu Li gives the object back to you so you can take it to Ayako Ravenlock on Paren Station in the Strange Object mission.

    AA Bahtu Na Ne : I believe it was this device that you got after you completed the mission line for the strange object. This device is not obtainable at this time because the mission line for it is not complete.

  10. Oh yes on the subject of MOBs and ore fields. Don't we all wish those freespacer prospecters respawned and mined faster?

    When you killed them they dropped the ores they prospected. But sadly they were not programmed to mine well and only targetted a roid very infrequently.

    I think this must be looked into!

    I remember watching those guys mine then get killed by body stealers. it was pretty fun to watch the cycle.

    and my contribution:

    there were ore fields at a bunch of Asteroid navs in Jupiter and Swooping Eagle. The swooping eagle fields in the southwest were guarded by level 25ish shinwa who used to drop beer. :)

    these fields aren't in yet though because they didn't become a part of the game until later.

    and merlin, if you want to add a field to a jenquai sector let me know that you're doing it. I want to be kept in the loop. If editing existing fields, please let me know before you do it. Best of luck!

  11. thank you for the input, but saying they aren't there is only part of the task. We need help remembering where they are so anything you remember about these faction NPCs would be useful.

    When it comes to Jenquai Development, there are sha'ha'dem and shinwa in jupiter. sharim will be added when NPCs are able to warp and go through gates (though recall NPCs didn't actually go through the gates, they just went in them and disappeared I think). There are jenquai listeners in ABB as well as shinwa patrol cruisers. There were some shinwa in the asteroid fields that came mid-live in swooping eagle, but since those fields aren't in yet those shinwa shouldn't be in yet either.

    now here's what I remember:

    the infiniticorp, getco haulers and earthcorps near earth station are missing, though they also used to warp around the area as well. I would like to see at least the earthcorps in game.

    I think there were some low level centuriata next to the gate to endriago in primus.

    there were traders throughout the SOL system warping around but we can't really put those in yet.

    Does anyone else remember these missing faction NPCs? We need help remembering where they were.

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