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Posts posted by Spode

  1. [s]and lvl 9 reactors[/s] Forget that, PS has lvl 8 I think. PP would happily (well most any way) swap to Gravity link over Menace, but I am quite sure that would make them kind of overpowered. To make that balanced then Gravlink would have to be nerfed or tuned somehow and we all hate nerfbats don't we :)
  2. Welcome! The more, the merrier :)

    I also found the game by mistake while looking for other stuff half a year ago. I was very surprised and even more so when I logged into the game to find how far they have come with the game. Not to speak about flashback seeing and hearing Megan at login screen :)
  3. About "cherrypicking" from hulks, now I have no idea to what extent this is being done but I suspect it is fairly common. This might be a feature of the game that is intended and of course in that case it shouldn't be changed.

    I have no idea how hard this would be to implement but a solution to this problem could be to have the more desirable loot to spawn in the hulk after you have emptied it, meaning either it would go poof, spawn something else inside or maybe buff/debuff you (as in live).
  4. Strange indeed and as you can use the forums you should be able to connect to the server also, but could you try to ping:


    I would be very surprised if you didn't, but as you can't even reach it when with all securitymeasures off it sound svery strange.

    Also have you tried to connect without using the router at all (you said you had turned off the router's firewall not connecting without router) just to figure out if it is the router causing this or not.
  5. Triple dip is still doable and gives nice exp.

    Hehe you are right, a warrior with that spread will ahev a headache, but omg the headache he/she must have had to reach that without leeching exp in group. During that heavy headache the player must have realised that a more even spread of levels might be a smart idea.

    I like the idea about a class in group giving exp to whole group jobbing and taht would make more sence than my original idea.

    I wonder how many do trade jobs, the few times I have tried them it feels it takes much longer time to gain exp, the exp/hour feels much lower. I might be wrong on that as I haven't checked and calculated it. Maybe this could do with some tweaking also.
  6. Just thought of one thing, I haven't thought it through in any way and I am jsut throwing it out here to get ripped a part :)

    What if the diffrent jobs would favour a certain class?

    Combat= higher exp for warriors
    Trade = higher exp for traders
    Explore = higher exp for explorers

    That way each class could gain better exp in the field they are best at and this could possibly lead to more grouping outside jobs if you don't want to run jobs you are not good at?
  7. Woaaah, hold your horses Matt, my posted was never directed at you :D Give me a few to see what you are yapping about.

    EDIT 1: Your first post. Ok I see why you thought I was flaming you. However your logic is flawed with the non warrior classes and jobs. Same exp for all classes doing the 75 jobs even though they could do the 105.

    Second point, you are using a trader as an example, both TT and PP could do the lvl 105 combat jobs while sleeping at the levels you describe, can't say anything about the jenpie version as I haven't played it (if it can't do it maybe some tweaking is needed to bring them in line between each other). That brings us to the third point, some of the combat mobs are indeed too easy.

    Fourth point, The non-combat class in your example can kind of blame themselves for getting into a position were they are so unbalanced that they can't do the described combat job (or if using your example need to rethink how they are playing as it would be very easy to complete). Using your example one would think that you want them to redesign the game to suite a player that got unbalanced rather than maybe learning how to go around the problem instead. There are loads of ways to level your characters combat exp, not just from grinding combat jobs.

    EDIT 2: Your second post. All jobs offer same exp for all classes. Some classes are stronger in their own fields than others. This means that warriors are better at combat jobs and explorers at explore jobs. Traders should be best at tradejobs due to their speed advantage along with negotiation to get more exp. I see no reason what so ever to change that so a class would have an easier time completing a job just cause it is not the field they are strong in, can you explain why you want a trader that is best at combat?

    I have no idea why terminals were put into the game in live, it seems like you do? I didn't know we had old staff from EA/Westwood playing this game, you should help the designers with their problems more closely then.

    As a last point I can inform you that my first character on this server was a 150JE, my second was a PP. My higest level warrior is a pw at lvl 103. So before accusing other players get your facts straight. I had NO problem whatsoever to level either of them to 150 even though both of them were extremly unbalanced with very low combat. This makes me think that you have no idea how to play your non warrior classes.

    To think that I sent you a PM to aologise for an other post I made just in case you thought I was offensive and get this from you instead. A work well done indeed.

    No, ideally there would be no jobs what so ever in the game. Only missions from NPC and grinding.

    PS. having XX classes maxed does NOT necessarily mean that one knows everything or even how to play their own classes to their best advantage.
  8. *Sarcasm on*

    At the same time why not change the system so that warrior type characters can mine to get explore exp, get more buildskills and negotiate to get better trade exp as the other classes are in favour.

    *Sarcasm off*

    In other words, do what your class is strong at and let exp spill over (all classes have to do this), or group up with others to gain exp in the field you are missing it.
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