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Posts posted by Spode

  1. Very nice, that will spice up the mining a bit.

    Is it possible (maybe not worthwhile codingwise?) in a distant future to have somkind of accelerator gates or possbily some kind of teleport portal or even wormhole that could be activated by the miningclasses with some ore/device/skill/whatever that would take you to a seperate area. This area would have difficult guardians but would have some really nice asteroids in them. This so some firepower and healers must be brought in to be able to mine the field. Look at it as somekind of "mining-raid" where some extra firepower is needed.

    Maybe some nice drops from the guardians for the explorer/mining class that would use some special refined/regular ores that can only be aquired in these areas to make it interesting.

    Not sure how this would be tied to the storyline, one option is of course V´rix, would be fun to see something else though.

    Rip it apart!
  2. true, if kept both static and random there is something for all.

    But I don't see why it would be impractical and why fields can't spawn where there are not static objects from before? Most fields today are not in void areas.

    What about small fields with nice ores/hulks in them that despawn and respawn somewhere else if not touched?

    What about killing the "meteors" and get a roid field there from the debris. Might be a bad idea as there are only a few of them ingame = camped areas?

    Just throwing out ideas to change the minging into something not so static and easy.
  3. Greetings,

    I posted this in an other thread but what asked to post it here also as some seemed to like the idea:

    Why not make actual use of the "explorer" classes, so they actually can be halfproud of their names.

    1. Remove static fields, except for certain places that should have them like Arduinne gas planet (name?)

    2. Add asteroidspawning at any possible coordinate, either as fields or singels. This means you would have to work for the ores and would equal out the situation a bit. This way all miners could have a better chance of finding some ores rather than some getting most.

    3. Increase higher level oreamount.

    4. Give PS some kind of warping skill or similar to equal things out (JE and TS already have theirs) as exploring would actually be one of the key things. Maybe not a must, but would be nice :(

    5. Bring back some of the oldschool miningprojects.

    6. Last but not least, BRING BACK POPROID MOBS (This seems to be under work already so I assume it can be neglected)

    Let the flamewars start :)
  4. Why not make actual use of the "explorer" classes, so they actually can be halfproud of their names.

    1. Remove static fields., excepr for certain places that should have them like Arduinne gas planet (name?)
    2. Add asteroidspawning at any possible coordinate, either as fields or singels
    3. Give PS some kind of warping skill or similar to equal things out (JE and TS already have theirs).
    4. Bring back some of the oldschool miningprojects.
    5. last but not least, BRING BACK POPROID MOBS
  5. As the DEVs didn't answer this themselves I assume they are busy implementing the changes to secure that each players privacy stays untouched. This either by making certain things optional or by removing them completly, such as:

    1. Builders showing on net-7
    2. Notification of players logging in
    3. Showing an ID-number instead of players name ingame.
    4. Changing the graphics and possible sounds on weapons/buffs/appearance so it is impossible to determine what gear is used by a player.
    5. Forcing a recieving player to either agree or disagree to a incoming /t (this to avoid possible harassement of other players for advice, builds, etc)

    Now this list could surely be continued, however as I am sure that only point 1 and possibly point 2 will ever be changed it feels unnecessary or maybe I will be surprised.

    Maybe the privacy issue was just an excuse to be able to remove something that they didn't want others to see, feel free to use any consipracytheory here.

    What do I know about this; NOTHING, I am just posting this to get it off my mind to be able to decide if I should play the game any more or not. Too many things pointing in the wrong direction lately is sadly pushing me away, I keep hoping for changes to keep MY interest in the game, but not much of that lately.

    Anyway, this is the end of my rant and I actually feel a bit better already :(
    • Upvote 1
  6. I myself will never make that list, I started playing only in February so for me that has no value nor have I tried to make it on that list. However I know several others that does, none of them have bought any of the goods as far as I know and if they have what's the big deal.

    Who wouldn't buy a print they desperately wanted if they have the money. You must be kind of arrogant saying that one has to loot something to be a "real builder" as you put it. A trader/builder by profession can get what they need in many ways. Why do you think there are marketchannels and auctionhouses in mmorpgs? To show off the epeen what you have looted or a way of selling stuff to the one that needs them may it be manuf or looted. Do you know what a playerdriven economy is? I suggest you head over to EVE and play there for a few years to learn how a "REAL" player driven economy is run and what it takes to actually become a trader OR a manufacturer as that is actually two totally different things.

    Further how do you intend to stop the buiyng your way to the top, do you think that will be stopped by not having a top list of builders by category (where you still can not see who builds what).

    Top lists can be generated without builders being seen on net-7 so your point being what? If it is privacy then ok I can see from where you are coming, however you could still not see what they build so I don't really see how this is breaking privacy specially if the traders have the opportunity to agree on the fact that their prints can be public as you suggest.

    I agree that if builders don't want to have their prints in public it should be removed. Have each player accept if they want it to be public and make the toplist based on that. That wouldn't change a thing now would it? some players would drop of the list but a topbuilder list would still be available, ppl still buying loot to print, same players still building for free, same difficult situation for new builders and so on...What I am trying to say i sthat the situation wouldn't change in any way if you removed the list.

    EDIT: Rewrote a major part of post as I did read Cobra's original post wrong. I thought he said he agreed on having builders public by default if mob&loot list was available. As I stated earlier sometimes when frustrated, ppl do mistakes, I really need to buy a some glasses :)
  7. [quote name='rolo' timestamp='1313498803' post='44768']
    LOTRO is an example of where you cannot level up without gaining something from another class. The Trader classes such as woodworkers, metalsmiths and weaponsmiths cannot go past thier 3rd tier witout completing a quest that requires them to make an item whose components they have to get from another class. The one thing that makes this work in LOTRO is the auction house.

    Ok I am not that much into LOTRO, but isn't that the advancement of the profession itself not the class?

    Allthough you do get some nifty stuff you can use from crafting with tierupgrades and thus it could in one way be used to compare to getting more slots on the ship. However I would rather compare it to not being able to reach max level in for example building shields in that case or not being able to build everything before doing some additional missions.

    If I have got the LOTRO stuff wrong I am sorry, as I said I am not that much into it.
  8. Further this is not a list of whom builds what (that is in my point of view a different topic and discussion), merely a categorylist of how many prints the "best" suppliers have managed to analyze.

    I know that after this list was published the first time a lot of builders have made it their goal to try and get as many prints as possible analyzed.

    For some it is surely the competition to beat an other builder while for others it is just for personal satisfaction to try and be as complete as possible.

    Please remember that most of the players on the list have played the game for a LONG time and there might not be that much to do for them, so this has surely brought new goals and inspiration for some of the "oldtimers". Some of them are pure traders/builders, meaning this is what they do best, this is what makes it a gamewinner for them.

    Remember that mmorpg games are played by different type of players, a sucessful game satisfies most of these types. Also, in case some didn't know, in most of these games a lot of players rarely visits forums and when they do it is to look up something specific, not to read through everything that is written there (that is for us forumjunkies). The voices heard on the forums are usually just from a smaller part of the players.

    Now in the case of EnB I have no idea how many players visits the forums, but I do believe the percentage is higher than in most live games and thus (hopefully) the DEVs get the feedback they need via the forum and the Advocate.

    and finally if not clear, I think it is ok to post top builders list once a month. The discussion if a builders should be visible on Net-7.org is an other topic not bound to this one.
  9. [quote name='Lot' timestamp='1310650313' post='43240']
    Isn't it pretty easy though, if you choose, pay no attention to the chat channels when the topics become either distasteful or tedious? The GMs are volunteers and there hasn't been and there's unlikely to ever be 24x7 coverage in the emulator so just gotta try to deal with it sensibly. You can set channels off temporarily, hide the chat window altogether (top right button), or simply immerse yourself in game play and stop paying attention. Or even log off.

    So you are saying that ti is ok for a few players to use this channel in other ways than it was meant to and as they see fit?

    Meaning that the players that actually need to use the channel in the way it is meant to, can not do so, or are having problems getting help because of the above along with your suggestion to have ppl turn the channel off?

    Not so strange the channels looks like they do from time to time if players think like this.

    Also as mentioned earlier in this thread, Market is from time to time very very off-topic.
  10. Per request of Kyp and Riia I am posting this here:

    Shark Fin L5 device, activated buff called Increase speed (at 200%, +50speed for 1596 secs).
    Eagle Wing L5 device, Activated buff called Turbo (at 200%, increases speed by 106% for 10 secs).

    Both are activated speed buffs, but with different names.

    Activating Eagle Wing Turbo speed removes the activated Increase speed from Shark Fin.

    If I keep my accelerate button pressed ("w" in my case) my ship will keep on going at the Turbo speed (from Eagle wing) for as long as I keep the button pressed (= I can keep the speed 4ever as long as I don't release the button)
  11. I am not arguing with the fact that it has been avaiable at some point, this I know is true also.

    I am questioning this:

    [quote]Anyways on another note, as far as your donated money, that is for the server/server development of the Earth and beyond emulator project, which in the end entitles the public the SVN/Database dump, and to the project its self.[/quote]

    I still fail to see why one is entitled to the code if one donates money to the project, if I understood correctly everyone was entitled to the code earlier regardless of donating money or not.

    I am sure that if it was intended to be this way it would have been clearly stated that donating money entitles you to the code. Further it would mean that giving 5USD to project = free access to code to be used however one sees fit and to be used to for example lan with friends at home. I do not see how that will push the project forward and help it reach a final state. I would see the logic if there was a set reason for this, for example helping gain more money to keep project running. Meaning if a player wants to play on an own server it means less time on the stress test server, meaning less testing being done, this could maybe be justified if the donations were high enough and that way help the project running (as funding has been tight lately).

    Would be fun to have the opportunity to do this though, play when online server is down or when ISP is not working :D
  12. [quote name='SludgeEnt' timestamp='1309361431' post='42750']
    There used to be a SVN/Database dump once every month or so, until the non current release was stolen from one of the servers, they stopped releasing the dump because one person decided to clam the source code as there own, as far as being entitled to the code, the public is fully entitled since they pay and donate for the development software / server for the development.

    The only content that the public is not entitled to is the full database, because that end of the project is content development owned, and it is up to them to release the missions / sectors that were remade, all i ask is a more current dump of the SVN so people that want to run a server local can do so with a less buggy more current version of the server. As was available once before.

    Can you please direct me to where it is stated that you are entitled to the code if you donate money to keep the project going? Now I might very well be wrong here and in that case I do apologize in that case, but I have not seen this written anywhere.
  13. Hmm interesting point of view. I for myself donate money so that they can keep the game going and develop it and maybe some day reach a finished state.

    I can see what you are saying but I don't see the logic that just because one donates some money that they entitled to the whole package to use for their own free will nor have I seen anyone mention this is an open source project either. Maybe if the donations on a 3, 6 or 12 month period was high enough that could entitle a donator to this sevice? This would need to be a continous thing though, aka to recieve updates and such you would have to keep the donations above the set "limit". Maybe that could boost some income for the project also?

    However problem remains if ppl wants to play on their own server they are not testing the game online as this stress test is really about...
  14. Well a healer should do less damage than a warrior so the JD/TE/PW doing more makes sence and I do not see why it needs to be compared to a DPS class. The progen race, as stated ealier, is a "in your face fighting" race, good/ok overtime damage, good/ok at taking a beating. That being said, I think (my opinion) that the progen healer should do more damage than the other healers and that is the case today. Of course it can't be the best class in all fields thus it is not as good in building skills or in the medic department.

    So as I see it is kind of split this way:

    TT: This is the only "pure" builder/healer class, the others are hybrids.
    PP: This the "halfwarrior" class with ok healing and damage.
    JS: This is the best "buffer/debuffer" class of the three, ok healing.

    From my point of view it kind of feels that each of them have their own role but to make it complete some tweaking needs to be done to bring "unique" skills in line.

    As always it is difficult to compare classes, as they all shine in their own field/situation. For small groups or solo play I think the PP is best, TT for raids or building, but where does JS fit in best? (maybe all situation due to its buffing capabilities/healing capabilities?)
  15. I agree with a lot of things, but I still feel that giving the PP the ability to debuff impact with GL, having SI, 5 weapons and the ability to heal him-/herself will be a tad overpowered vs. other classes. PP is already today a oneman killing machine with the ability to heal as well as any other healing class, giving the class one more ability to do even more damage than earlier will kind of push it over the edge.

    Then again, I also feel like many others that it would make more sence to have GL as a raceskill, but then other things needs to be balanced. On the other hand I guess PP will be balanced along with other classes to fit into their role and also to balance the overall gameplay vs. classes.

    When it comes to devices for classes, new ones can always be added and old ones tweaked, thus I do not see why that should in any way effect the skilloptions a class should have.
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